Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Black Holes || 1.13 Data Pack

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Level 53 : Grandmaster Dog
This data pack allows you to summon and destroy black holes that will gradually pull in any living entity (e.g. pigs, cows) before finally killing them when they make contact with the hole.

Holes are slightly smaller than a player head and have a radius of 50 blocks. As a mob/player moves closer to a black hole the pull will increase and after the first few blocks they'll be lifted off the ground and fly into the black hole, dying in seconds.

For help with the data pack, type "/function bh:help" from in-game.

Here is a copy of the README file. I guess you don't have to read it now.
Black Holes v1.0
By Fanawtik
Hi. This adds black holes. I hope you knew that already.
Do not try this at home.

A black hole has a radius of 50 blocks.
They won't immediately "suck" things in but as mobs move closer the pull will be stronger.
Eventually they'll be completely lifted off the ground.

Oh yeah, and the black holes only affect mobs/players.
Non-"sentient" entities like boats are fine.
Black holes will also kill any of those entities on contact.
That includes Ender Dragons and it looks ridiculous.
I recommend trying it out.
They won't affect players in spectator or creative mode.

Black holes last indefinitely.
For a black hole to disappear, somebody will need to go delete it.

For a general rundown of everything you can do, enter "/function bh:help" into the chat.

Feel free to run any function from Black Holes through chat or command blocks.
Just don't expect anything in the bh:engine directory to do anything.
That stuff is looped and makes sure the black holes do their work.
Sleeping on the job is not tolerated here.

What you get is all you get but if you're not satisfied, all the "code" is at your fingertips.
Want naturally-spawning black holes? You can do that.
Want those same black holes to despawn after a few minutes? You can do that, too.
(Keyword is "you.")

I do not take any responsibility for you or your friends elongating into "spaghetti."
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Jewelman 08/24/2018 4:16:23 pmAug 24th, 2018

"Better presentation"

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03/10/2021 2:18 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
does it get bigger and does it get blocks does the black hole likes can vanish block in side
02/08/2019 11:37 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Explorer
Great 99.99%/100.00%
10/21/2018 11:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
08/24/2018 9:45 am
Level 44 : Master Professor
Cool 10/10
