Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

"Forever" Babies - 1.19+ Release | Now With Added Frogs!

  • check_circle Advancements
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  • 28,678 views, 9 today
  • 4,254 downloads, 0 today
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Have you ever wished that you could keep that pet dog, pig, cat or any other mob as a baby forever?

Well, thanks to the "Forever" Babies datapack now you can!

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- How to use

To use the pack rename a name_tag baby (all lowercase) and use it on the mob you want to make into a baby version of itself, this will convert that mob into a child and it will remain that way "forever" (mobs with an age tag will remain babies for 3.1 real world years unless fed)

If you wish to make a baby mob into an adult again then you can by taking a name_tag and renaming it adult (all lowercase), use it on a baby mob to turn it back into an adult, simple!

When you use either a baby name_tag or an adult name_tag on a mob that can be converted it will drop new name_tag at its feet so you can make more at only the cost of experience when you name the name_tag again, so it's pretty darn cheap to make a whole world of babies!

List Of Mobs With Baby Forms
- mooshroom
- cow
- sheep
- pig
- chicken
- rabbit
- wolf
- ocelot
- cat
- llama
- trader_llama
- polar_bear
- horse
- donkey
- mule
- skeleton_horse
- zombie_horse
- panda
- fox
- bee
- turtle
- hoglin
- zoglin
- strider
- zombie
- husk
- villager
- zombie_villager
- piglin
- zombified_piglin
- drowned
- goat
- axolotl
- frog
- tadpole

- Advancements
There are 2 visible advancements and 1 hidden advancement in this data pack.
The hidden Advancement for this pack is called "Too Many!!", this will be unlocked when you have created enough baby mobs in your world at which point you will receive a trophy!

> How to unlock the hidden Advancement if you're too curious, or don't look and leave it as a surprise!
To unlock the Hidden Advancement you need to turn 20 mobs into cute baby versions of themselves, at which point you'll get the rewards.

- Disable Advancements Command
If you wish to remove the advancements that my packs add, just simply run the command and they will be disabled for all players:
/function 8bm:advancements_off

If you want to turn them back on in the future use the following command
/function 8bm:advancements_on

- Uninstall Command
You can uninstall 1 of 2 ways
1: During install (or world reload) if you're in Creative you will get a "pack installed" message, if you click [​INFO] there is an uninstall button at the bottom
2: type /function 8bm:uninstall.forever_babies and press enter

- Reset "Advancement Triggers"
If for some reason a mob won't convert into an adult or a baby when you click it with the name_tag or something else stops working as you feel it's meant to, you can try resetting the "triggers" that are used to do the action in the pack by type /function 8bm:reset this will reset the triggers for players currently in the world and should NOT affect any of your advancements


1.17.0 - 1.18.2 NOTE:
1.19.X versions of this DataPack will not work in older version of Minecraft, however you can still download the 1.17 - 1.18.2 Version of the pack from this link: Forever Babies Version 1.4.0 - DropBox


1.17.X versions of this DataPack will not work correctly in older versions of Minecraft, however you can still download the 1.16.5 version of the pack from this link: Forever Babies Version 1.3.7 - DropBox
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.19

8 Update Logs

Version 1.6.1 : by The8BitMonkey 11/30/2022 4:52:57 pmNov 30th, 2022

- Rewrote the install code due to a recursive advancement bug

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06/16/2024 4:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you update it to 1.21 I really love this datapack plz
06/05/2024 12:51 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Just put it in my 1.20.4 world and it doesn't work unfortunately. Any chance on updating to 1.20+ or 1.21 which, I think comes out in a few days?
04/26/2024 10:19 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
04/26/2024 10:19 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
03/21/2024 1:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
This data pack doesn't seem to work in 1.20.4. When a name tag named "baby" is used on a mob it does nothing anymore. I never had this issue until 1.20.4, will the pack be updated to fix this?
02/19/2024 12:33 pm
She/Her • Level 44 : Master Nerd Artist
I'm curious if this will be updated in the future or if you have stopped developing it? I had to edit the pack myself to work for 1.20 so my server players could continue using it.
03/06/2024 10:55 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
What have you changed to get it to work in 1.20+?
03/06/2024 1:45 pm
She/Her • Level 44 : Master Nerd Artist
You have to update the pack.mcmeta file to the correct pack format # & add the Sniffer & Camel into the files for baby types or it won't work for them.
03/08/2024 10:42 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Could you send me a picture of your file pls, I don't know what I should change there xD
https://we.tl/t-CHVykNdwCj that's how my file looks rn
07/08/2023 1:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
1.20 update ?
