Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

Heart of the Earth

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Level 16 : Journeyman Cake Cake
for 1.21.1 only

This datapack introduces a new bossfight with the Heart of the Earth

How to find it:

First you have to search for a new structure, an inactive portal to a new dimension.
To activate it you have to place an emerald block in the center of the underground
part of the structure. If it's done the portal will teleport you directly to the boss arena.

The boss fight:

The boss itself is invulnerable, but it will spawn 8 pillars. First you have to destroy these.
You can only damage the pillar that emits green particles. When all of them have been
destroyed the boss will preform a special attack. It will smash the ground and then collapse.
Only after that you can deal some damage to the core of the boss

While you fight the pillars the boss will try to smash or shoot you and it also
can spawn reinforcement.


On death, the Heart of the Earth will drop two items.

Heart of the Earth:
When you right click with it it will summon itself.
An active heart of the earth grants regeneration to all
players in its range.

Mossy Stone Sword:
Deals significantly more damage near
an active heart of the earth
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

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Bro Omg
12/01/2024 4:56 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
this looks interesting i think
