Minecraft Data Packs / Extensive

SpaceCraft Datapack

  • check_circle Advancements
  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Recipes
  • check_circle Structures
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Required Resource Pack
Level 44 : Master System
Heyy Everyone, so this is my datapack spacecraft (a massive overhaul from the holes and stars datapack)

Warning: play with Optifine for good gameplay, you dont have to but it gets laggy

so lets start with the way this works. so you have to go to atleast y 422 to reach space and in space theres galaxies and solar systems and other planets every planet is different in some way. and on every planet theres different ores that are all useful. and extraterrastral life too (watch the video to get a better understanding of the stuff).

Detonite: used for bombs and just thing of great destruction

Lithium: used for water activated bombs

Sapphire: gives pretty much all armor enchantments on the armor you enchant it with (basically a enchanted book mixed with lapis)

Uranium: a toxic element used for making bombs and uranium swords

Vibranium: used for making kinetically charged gear

Planets/ other dimensions
Gas Giants: no ores just big balls of toxic gas
Ice Giants: Giant frozen ball of ice still no ores
Rocky planets: volcanic ore rich planets that contains uranium, lithium, and detonite along with good vanilla ores
Red Planets: sandy mountainous planets with swirling dust devils and few valuable ores (none of which are from this datapack)
Alien Planets: homes for strange life like the Aesngsavang and Pearaptor
Asteroid Belts: belts with valuable ores like vibranium

Mobs & mechanics
Meteorite mechanic: every so often a meteorite will spawn and shoot down and leave a fiery crater (every dimension except space
Aesngsavang: a light eating neutral entity that will only attack monsters
Pearaptor: a peacock utahraptor
Dust Devil: a dusty tornado
Detonite creeper: a creeper that explodes instantly and makes huge fiery craters (dont go in a 5 block radius of it)

Space Objects
Stars: turns into red giant
Massive Stars: Turns into red supergiant
Red giant: turns into planetary nebula
Red Supergiant:turns into supernova
Planetary Nebula: turns into either star, massive star, or white dwarf
Supernova: turns into either neutron star, black hole or planetary nebula
White Dwarf: the end of the stars life cycle, a little white star
Neutron Star: turns into a black hole
Black hole: i think we all know what a black hole is, the end of the stars life cycle

have fun <3
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

1 Update Logs

Complete overhaul /The Big Bang : by VoidCrawler9 12/27/2023 10:16:30 pmDec 27th, 2023

  • added advancements
  • added a white dwarf
  • added 7 new dimensions
  • overhauled the previous look of the objects
  • added 5 ores
  • added 6 new planets
  • retextured the whole main screen
  • added galaxies
  • added 3 new mobs
  • added 1 enhanced armor set
  • added 1 sword
  • added 1 shield
  • and more

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12/28/2023 8:31 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
hey do you still use your xbox account
I messaged you on it and i havent recieved a response and i was just wondering
12/28/2023 9:47 pm
Level 44 : Master System
no i dont use my xbox account message but if you want you can message me on discord at "voidcrawler9"
11/07/2023 8:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
will they work on minecraft realms?
11/07/2023 8:15 am
Level 44 : Master System
I assume so as long as you can use functions but if hold off on downloading this rn I’m gonna release a big update that will make this more space like
11/07/2023 8:18 am
Level 44 : Master System
But you still can it’s not like it doesn’t work
Rajono Svogeris
03/07/2023 6:35 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
03/07/2023 10:30 am
Level 44 : Master System
Fl0wer 0f C0ncepts
02/22/2023 9:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
is this pack an addon
02/23/2023 5:22 pm
Level 44 : Master System
No it’s a datapack for Minecraft Java
