Minecraft Data Packs / Challenge

Itemstorage- and timerextension for LEO's All The Items Challenge

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Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
This is a datapack adding 3 features to "All The Items Challenge" created by LEO (www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/all-the-items-challenge/):
1. Timer: The datapack has a built-in timer, you can toggle with "/function timer:toggle". I highly recommend using this command when joining as well as leaving. Otherwise, massive malfunctions are possible (especially on servers).

2. Wall-itemstorage: Every single item gathered will be titled with the time needed to collect and stored at a big itemwall at
~ 0 250 0

3. Chest-itemstorage: Same as 2., but you can find items easier and if you want you can take some and place it in your base as relict. Danger: Place it only in itemframes, otherwise the name will be deleted. You can use "/function cheststore:port".
!!!Important: Don't use "/function cheststore:port" until you have gathered the 28th item. Otherwise, you're going to die fast (Will be fixed in a future update)!!!

Load this and LEO's datapack during world generation! Loading it later could destroy your building around 0 0. When you want to use it after starting the challenge, put it in the .datapacks folder of your world, then join as normal. From now on it will store your items.

If you have any question or suggestions, you can join LEO's discord or write a comment, we will answer them as soon as we can (Link on his datapack-page).

I hope you have a lot of fun with this pack

!Note! The datapack requires a newer version of original pack by LEO. Updated version will be published NET todays evening
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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