Minecraft Data Packs / Magic

Juju’s Cosmic Sword

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Level 16 : Journeyman Crafter
Have you ever wanted to use the warden sonic boom? If so Juju's Cosmic Sword is there!

You get the sword by being the first to pick up the dragon egg, but in this state the sword is incomplete. To unleash is full potential, you will need souls...

By killing a warden or a player, you increase the level of the sword by one.
  • Lvl 0: Just a very good sword
  • Lvl 1: Give you permanently the resistance II and strenght I effects when you hold it in any of your hands
  • Lvl 2: When you right click, you do a sonic boom. It deals 5 hearts of damage no mather the armor and has a 1min30 cooldown.

*the listed effects stacks

This pack is an older project made for an SMP and is better use in multiplayer.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

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