Minecraft Data Packs / Cosmetic

Lively Lily Pads (1.19.4+)

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Level 23 : Expert System
This Datapack allows you to place various items on top of player placed lily pads. Unfortunately doesn't work on naturally generated lily pads.*

This includes a few different lights that will actually illuminate the environment with the help of light blocks!

You can also place a few other decorative things.

Allows you to place the following items on top of lily pads
  • Coral Fans
  • Dead Coral Fans
  • Spore Blossoms
  • Torches
  • Soul Torches
  • Redstone Torches
  • Lanterns
  • Soul Lanterns
  • All types of candles in all 4 candle amounts**

I've also added compatibilty for Vanilla Tweaks 3D Lily Pads model. Right clicking with an empty hand on lily pad interaction entity with decor will raise or lower it. This alternates between the vanilla lily pad height and the VT 3D lily pad height.

*Due to limitations, it doesn't work with naturally generated lily pads. This is because placing a lily pad will summon an interaction entity, which is used for the packs functionality.

**Candles need to be lit with a Flint and Steel or Fire Charge to produce light, just like normal

May not look quite right with all resource packs, but there's really not much I can do about that.

Let me know if you find any issues :)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19
toMinecraft 1.21

5 Update Logs

V2.3 : by runcows 02/04/2025 5:01:54 pmFeb 4th

Added Support for MC 1.21.4  (3 weeks ago, forgot to post an update here)

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10/11/2024 8:47 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman System
Hi there, this is not working for me on my server. It is enabled and seems to be working fine but when i try placing any of the listed item like torches on a lilly pad that i've placed nothing happens. I hope im doing something wrong and its a simple fix.
10/21/2024 7:05 am
Level 23 : Expert System
Hi, sorry for the delayed reply, are you placing them on player placed lily pads or naturally generated ones? Unfortunately, it doesn't work with naturally generated lily pads :(
07/02/2024 10:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
very good!!!
12/10/2023 12:25 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Just FYI for everyone and anyone, this doesn't work on waterblocked slabs.. Maybe someone could change this?? :)

Also you're getting an error:
[​12:17:06] [​ServerMain/ERROR]: Parsing error loading custom advancement rc_lilypads:place_lily_pad: Failed to parse 'location' field
12/10/2023 5:47 pm
Level 23 : Expert System
It's working for me on waterlogged slabs. To make debugging this easier, what version are you on?

Based on the error, I'd guess you're on 1.20, 1.20.1, or 1.20.2

It was because I had 2 separate advancement files for compatibity, I just split the datapck into 1.20+ and 1.19.4. The 1.19.4 version has it's own page on my account because i couldn't upload both to this one. If you want to redownload that should fix the error. Sorry about that

Hope this helps
12/12/2023 12:02 pm
Level 1 : New Network
No I'm running 1.20.2, I'll re-download the file and let you know from the players..

A player figured it out as soon as soon as I update the file. He stated that before we added the data-pack the game must have thought they were natural lily pads and we couldn't place them. As soon as he broke them and replaced them, he was able to place the lamp on them.

Also no more error showing up on the log. Thanks!
12/09/2023 11:31 pm
Level 23 : Expert System
Accidentally posted the wrong version, which didn't quite work on 1.20-1.20.2. Updated just now. Should now work fine in all full releases between 1.19.4 and 1.20.4
