Minecraft Data Packs / Farming and Food

Lots More Food [Datapack Edition]

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Level 77 : Legendary Programmer
Have you ever thought what if Minecraft had more food? Well, you came to the right place! This mod adds 200+ foods to grow, craft, and eat!

Lots More Food [Datapack Edition] Minecraft Data Pack
Click on the above image, select your plan (at least 4GB), use code `legopitstop` to get 25% off your first month, and enjoy playing with your friends!

Required Dependencies

Other Editions

Lot's More Food comes in multiple editions, so no matter the Minecraft edition or mod loader, you can always use Lot's More Food.

How to Get The Food:


For creative you can use the creative inventory or use `/give @p morefood:ITEM`


You can craft all the items by using the Minecraft Crafting Table. Currently, plants do not generate in the world. Worldgen will be added in a future update.


Can I include this in my mod pack?

If it's a free mod pack feel free to include this mod in it. If it's a pay-to-use modpack please get in touch with me and we can work something out.
How do you craft the food?
Use the regular crafting table to craft all the items.

Can I install this on my server?

If you want to use this on your server ask Legopitstop via Discord for permission.

What do I do if I find an issue?

If you found an issue the best thing you can do is submit a bug report (above).

How to get the fruits/veggies?

Right now plants will not be generated around the world.

Do you have a list of all the foods this adds?

Yes, you can find a full list of all the items this adds via the Offical Lot's More Food Mod Wiki

Do you plan on porting this to older versions? I.e; 1.12

I don't plan on porting this to older, outdated versions, It's best to stick with using the latest version of Minecraft- -
CreditLegopitstop and Sir_craftypants
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14
toMinecraft 1.16

25 Update Logs

Update #25 : by legopitstop 08/12/2020 4:01:13 pmAug 12th, 2020

+ lang.json has been moved to morefood asset folder.
+ Alcohol bottles now have a percentage Lore.
+ Added alcohol lore option to config.
+ Recipe folders have been moved around.
+ Added 0% alcohol bottles.
+ Bottled beer to glass recipes work, check recipe doc
+ changed up resourcepack texture & model locations
+ knifes use parent model in template folder, same for the spoon
+ Updated pack format to 6 for 1.16.2
+ New chicken nuggets (cooked & raw) Place one cooked/raw chicken in the middle of the custom crafting table.

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10/06/2023 4:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Update it to 1.20 now
12/11/2021 5:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
it work omg thank you!
08/24/2021 5:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
So is the server plugin available yet?
12/11/2021 6:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
you dont need plugin, im now playing at aternos serwer with this datapack
08/22/2021 4:21 pm
Level 42 : Master Miner
Hello, i just downloaded the datapack, and i tried to give my self the crafting table, its worked but when i tried to place it down it did well, nothing

Note: im using minecraft 1.17
08/23/2021 1:19 am
Level 77 : Legendary Programmer
Lot's More Food datapack has not been updated for 1.17 so issues are expected.
Petro Ariente
03/22/2022 6:36 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
But when this data pack will be uptaded?
03/24/2022 1:12 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Programmer
We plan on releasing it sometime this spring/summer. Feel free to join our LMF Discord server to get notified on when the update goes live! legopitstop.weebly.com/discord.html
08/23/2021 4:10 am
Level 42 : Master Miner
Oh ok
06/07/2021 11:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
This is a great data pack. Works like a charm, and has a lot of great items. Thanks for making this!
