Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

Nerf of Fortune on Diamond Ore [1.19]

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    GentlemanRevvnar's Avatar GentlemanRevvnar
    Level 67 : High Grandmaster Blacksmith
    Tiny datapack that nerfs the drop of diamond ore's loot table. I mean - do diamonds have any value when you literally have tens of stacks of them? Suitable datapack for servers.

    Corresponding drops to fortune level:

    Without Fortune - Always one diamond
    Fortune I - One diamond and +10% chance for dropping a second diamond
    Fortune II - One diamond and +20% chance for dropping a second diamond
    Fortune III and above - One diamond and +30% chance for dropping a second diamond

    So overall, no more than two diamonds will ever drop from a single ore.
    Silk Touch and TNT mining still work just as in Vanilla.

    To install datapack simply download the .zip and put it into the "datapacks" folder of your world. Do NOT unpack.

    1.16.X version:

    1.17.X and 1.18.X version:

    1.19 version:

    CreditLoot table generator that allowed me to create this loot table: https://misode.github.io/loot-table/
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
    toMinecraft 1.19

    3 Update Logs

    Update #3 : by GentlemanRevvnar 06/16/2022 1:39:40 pmJun 16th, 2022

    Updated mcmeta to 1.19

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    09/06/2022 9:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Patchu01's Avatar
    Could you add an option for the data pack that increases chance for dropping a second diamond to 40% with Fortune IV and 50% with Fortune V? This would make it work well with the popular "Goblin Traders" mod from MrCrayfish.
    06/29/2022 6:52 pm
    Level 37 : Artisan Miner
    Mines4more's Avatar
    I definitely agree with you with this datapack. Once you obtain Fortune III in survival mode, diamonds just feel so much less valuable and finding them is not as exciting as it is the first time.
