Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

[Pixelmon 9.0.10] Beezy's Berry Leaves

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Level 27 : Expert Pig
Beezy's Growable Berry Leaves
Datapack made for Forge Pixelmon 9.0.10 on 1.16.5

This pack makes all Berry leaves that the player places capable of growing berries, for those of you annoyed with the shape of the new berry trees of 1.16.5 Pixelmon.

They must be connected or within a few blocks of a log block or the leaves will vanish!
This is because all leaves are treated as if they are still connected to a tree, so if there's no log block, they break.

Drag and drop the ZIP into the /datapacks folder of the world, do not unzip.

Find the twin datapack that applies for Apricorn Leaves here.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16

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