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Silvathor's Avatar Silvathor
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Button Pusher
Hey ! Hello everyone ! I'm the Silva and this, it's the ReplayCube v2 ! (and sorry I'm french)

- English :

First, my Cubist friends, you will have to give you the tag “cin” to access the different features with this command : /tag @s add cin
And you receive the ReplayBook.
With this one, you can do a lot of things! In a first time, simply press recording. Do mouvement and repress recording to stop record:

Once done, you can on the 3rd page, display the path ! You can also display the viewing direction of the recording !

It’s already a good start ! But if you record a movement and don't use it, I don't really useful ! Imagine, you want played scene with a zombie. Why a zombie ? Well, they are good cosplayers. We just have to display the path, and put the zombie in the green area, open the book and press on the 3rd page on "play"

I advise you to activate the advanced tools of the book on the 3rd page (It's useful)

Now imagine, the path is bad ! No problem, just click on delete on the first page ! Delecte all (path, camera, all !), or selected path ! I forgot ! Of course having one mob, it's good, but having several is better. You can selected different path to record different movement and so, play at the same time, different mob. To change the path go to the 2nd page and select one you want, there are 4 shortcut keys in the book but with the command indicate on [​other] you can have 4,294,967,296 different paths at the same time ! * whispers :* But except NASA, Nobody have powerful pc enough to run 4,294,967,296 path at the same time !

You have also some tools :
- Stop a scene
- Reverse mod
- Loop mod
- Speed

Oh and there is a camera to make traveling ! You can do 4 things : Record the movement ; delete this movement ; run the camera traveling and you also have the "center" button ! "Center" allows to center view of the camera on a specific point. And, the option to see the recorded path also works with the camera !

You can also set a redstone signal. To set a signal you must do : /trigger red set time
Your time in tick, 20 ticks = 1 second. You can also delete the nearest signal or delete all ! And if you actif option to see path, you also see the redstone signal. To make a signal then goes out a little later, you have to set a second signal under the first with a longer duration like in this gif :

Replay Cube Minecraft Data Pack

Whith that, you can do a lot of things ! And I'm really curious to see what you do with ! So I invite you, when you post on YouTube something created with, put the link of your video in comment and put #ReplayCube ! (If your are nice, you can also say you make it with this datapack and put the link) Well, I say good cube and ... see you next time !

- French :

Hey ! Bien le bonjour ami cube ! Je suis le Silva et ceci, c’est le ReplayCube v2 ! Mon tout nouveau datapack !

Vous vous demandez peut-être à quoi il sert … et bien pour la faire courte il permet de faire refaire vos mouvements par une entité !

- Ok ? Et à quoi ça peut bien nous servir sérieux ?!

- Et bien à plein de chose ! Du map making ! Du tournage de machinima ou tout type de court métrage minecraft ! Naaan en vrai plein de chose !

- Mouai suis pas convaincu… va falloir nous montrer plus !

- Ok.. Ben tien c’est cadeau : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m85QHzMrk0

- Ah ouai carrément ! Le gars il a la flemme d'écrire donc il nous balance une vidéo ! Pff

- Oui bah si t'es pas contant c'est pareil :p

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/silvathor

Discord, to report bugs : https://discord.com/invite/GT2drck

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14
toMinecraft 1.16

2 Update Logs

V2.1 : by Silvathor 02/18/2020 5:27:41 amFeb 18th, 2020

- Optimized (yes again)

- French description finished
- English description in rewriting

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10/31/2021 7:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hexomania31's Avatar
Je me posais la question : est-il possible de faire tirer une flèche par une entité avec ce datapack ?
11/01/2021 1:03 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Button Pusher
Silvathor's Avatar
Pas directement. Mais tu peux summon une flèche en parallèle
08/05/2021 9:14 am
Level 1 : New System
The Mythical Axolotl
The Mythical Axolotl's Avatar
me too i'm french and thx for the data pack
06/23/2021 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Branchwych's Avatar
10/05/2020 12:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fathzero's Avatar
Hi, how u add looks like player skin on that video? i so interesting with that.
10/07/2020 8:39 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Button Pusher
Silvathor's Avatar
Retexture an amor an put in on a skeletton
07/16/2020 2:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
usof5356's Avatar
Comment les créatures du film peuvent-elles être attaquées?
07/16/2020 9:20 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Button Pusher
Silvathor's Avatar
Pour donner l'illusion de dégat ? Un effet de instant damage suffit
06/07/2020 5:13 pm
Level 22 : Expert Zombie
Marsiah87's Avatar
how do i get the book
06/09/2020 6:12 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Button Pusher
Silvathor's Avatar
It's in the text => "/tag @s add cin"
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