Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

RME's Campfire Leather

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Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
Cook Rotten Flesh into Leather in a more balanced way than a simple 1:1 conversion!

RME's Campfire Leather Minecraft Data Pack


Although Rotten Flesh to Leather conversion packs are quite common, I felt like with the amount of Rotten Flesh you generally get in survival a simple 1 to 1 conversion is quite unbalanced. I like that it gives Rotten Flesh more of a use, but it makes Leather too easy to get in my opinion. Hence this pack.

How does it work?

By default this datapack allows you to cook Rotten Flesh on a Soul Campfire just like regular raw meat and get Leather in return! With the default settings a regular campfire won't accept the rotten flesh as I wanted a bit more balancing than just a raw chance, as it forces the player to at least venture into the Nether to get some soul sand.

You can change whether a campfire cooks rotten flesh or not by using /function #rme:campfire_leather/toggle_campfire and /function #rme:campfire_leather/toggle_soul_campfire respectively. Adjust it to your needs!

The Rotten Flesh has a 20% chance of being converted to Leather, if it doesn't it just burns up. Because of this Rotten Flesh has more uses, especially early to mid game, and you can also easily dispose of your Rotten Flesh while getting some leather in return!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19
toMinecraft 1.21

7 Update Logs

v1.1.6 : by RubenRME 09/29/2024 4:43:28 amSep 29th, 2024

With this release I'm pulling all version numbers to be equal no matter the Minecraft version. The pack now supports Minecraft v1.19.x. Additionally this release brings multiple bug fixes.


  • Added support for Minecraft 1.19.x
  • Fixed a bug where you would never get leather if interacting with a campfire while standing in a translucent block
  • Fixed a bug where leather would still be spawned even if the campfire was destroyed or put out while cooking

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07/01/2024 11:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
this is actually really smart W datapack
07/28/2024 2:51 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
01/12/2024 1:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tested in 1.20.4 vanilla MC
it seems not working in 1.20.4

I can put in rotten flesh to campfire and soul campfire. but flesh never turn to leather, just burn and disappear after some cooking time.

test case 01. default setting : 40 rotten flesh to campfire, 40 rotten flesh to soul campfire, 0 leather result.(I expected only soul campfire accept rotten flesh, but normal campfire still accept.)

test case 02. after "/function #rme:campfire_leather/toggle_campfire" command : 40 rotten flesh to campfire, 40 rotten flesh to soul campfire, 0 leather result.

test case 03. after "/function #rme:campfire_leather/reset" command : 40 rotten flesh to campfire, 40 rotten flesh to soul campfire, 0 leather result.
I cooked total 240 rotten flesh, 120 rotten flesh were cooked by soul campfire, and getting 0 leather. so I decide this bug report.
01/15/2024 2:58 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
Can reproduce as you say, thank you for reporting. Completely seems to fail, and I'm unsure what caused it. It'll take a bit to fix this sadly, but I'll do it asap.
01/16/2024 4:59 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
Turncoat happy to say I fixed the bug, released v1.1.2!
01/17/2024 6:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wow fast work. thx!
