Minecraft Data Packs / Cosmetic

Axel's Tables and Chairs V5.2 [1.20+] (Old Versions available)

  • check_circle Advancements
  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Loot Tables
  • check_circle Predicates
  • check_circle Recipes
  • 313,931 views, 18 today
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Required Resource Pack
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Gent
Join my Axel's Datapacks Discord:
  - Report Bugs
- Suggest Features
  - Chat with me!
                            (Old Versions Available Below)

Tables And Chairs V5.2

Server Resource pack link
: https://github.com/Chuckchuk/Chuck-RP/releases/latest/download/Axels-RP.zip?raw=true

(Compliments my other datapack Clocks and Chimes)




Axel's Tables and Chairs V5.2  [1.20+] (Old Versions available) Minecraft Data Pack

Furniture Hammer:

Furniture Hammer
Furniture Hammer Recipe

(Place all the following materials in a Sawmill to create Tables and Chairs Like So):

Types of Materials
  - Oak Planks
  - Spruce Planks
  - Birch Planks
  - Jungle Planks
  - Acacia Planks
  - Dark Oak Planks
  - Mangrove
  - Cherry    [​Requires Experimental 1.20 pack]
  - Bamboo   [​Requires Experimental 1.20 Pack]
  - Crimson Planks
  - Warped Planks
  - Obsidian
  - Block of Quartz
  - Polished Blackstone
Stone Bricks:
  - Stone Brick
  - Deepslate Brick
  - Polished Blackstone Brick
  - Endstone Brick

Throne Only:
  - Iron Block
  - Gold Block
  - Diamond Block
  - Netherite Block

Carved Variants:
Carved Variants
  Each Type of Table and Chair has some sort of lovingly made variant, called Carved Tables, or Carved Chairs
Every Variant is unique [​Except for the "Stone Brick" Variants which share a Carved variant].
They were each made individually taking into account their block and related blocks.

  For Example:
  - Crimson trapdoors have horizontal divisions, so I used that in the design of all the Crimson Carved variants.

  - Dark Oak feels close to mahogany, so I went for more of a detailed dark wood furniture look.
  - Warped Variants were inspired by the Warped Door which has an overgrowth on it. Warped Roots are used to replicate that feeling of overgrowth, and it even meshes well with other tables even when you change the table model/orientation.

Place the Tables and Chairs by simply right clicking them onto the floor.

To Break Tables:
  - Hit the top of the table until it breaks (Break easier with Axes)
    - [​AKA, break the trapdoor block inside the table model.]
  - The items will drop from it, including the table cloth, and the table itself.
To Break Chairs/Benches:
  - Hit the chair 2 consecutive times within a short interval to break them.
    - [​Just like how you would break an Armor Stand]
  - The cushions will drop from the chairs in Survival, as well as the chairs themselves.

Furniture Hammer Actions
Furniture Hammer:
Furniture Hammer
Shift Right Clicking:
  - Tables:
    - Removes Table Cloth
    - Removes Items
  - Chairs:
    - Removes Cushion
Right click Tables with a Furniture Hammer in hand to cycle through the different shapes that each table has to offer!
  - 4 Leg Tables:
    - Cycle 0: 4 Legs
    - Cycle 1: 2 Legs (closest to you)
    - Cycle 2: 1 Leg (In the Diagonal you are facing)
    - Cycle 3: 0 Legs
  - 1 Leg Tables:
    - Cycle 0: 1 Middle Leg
    - Cycle 1: Leg moves closer to you
    - Cycle 2: Leg moves to the edge and is split in half
    - Cycle 3: No leg
  - Carved Tables:
    - DEPENDS! They each have pretty unique cycles, try them out and see what you can get!
Robella's Map used in this gif

You can place items on tables by right clicking the tables holding:

 - Carpet places a mantel over the table
  - (Shift Right Clicking places the carpet on top of the table)
 - Light sources such as torches, lanterns, or end_rods to be placed on the table
  - (Can be placed inside Candelabras)

 - Ingots/diamonds to create candelabras of that type

 - Item Frames for an Invisible Item Frame
  - (Shift Right Click to create a Visible Item Frame)
  - Hold an item frame near a table to show particles over Invisible Item Frames

- Ink and Quill
  - Place an Ink_Sac on a table for an inkwell
  - Place a feather on a table with an inkwell to create ink and quill
  - Each Rotate depending on the direction you're facing
- Paper
- Paper will place a Sheet of Paper on the center of the table. (Facing Towards you)

Robella's Map used in this gif

  - Right Click a chair with carpets to place cushions on them!
  - Shift Right Click a cushioned chair with a furniture hammer to remove the cushion.

Punching a chair while Shifting will move the chair in the direction you're facing, but will stop at walls and will come back out when already pushed into a table.


  - Right Click a bench with a carpet to place a cushion on it.
  - Shift Right Click a cushioned chair with a furniture hammer to remove the cushion.
  - Right Click with a Furniture Hammer to Cycle it!
OP Features


 In V4.2.0 There are now "Mob Trophies" that can be placed on tables
  - Only way to currently obtain these trophies is with the commands:
    - /loot give @s loot mob_trophy:silverfish
    - /loot give @s loot mob_trophy:creeper
    - /loot give @s loot mob_trophy:enderman
  - Place them on a table by right clicking them on a table, and then you can put ANY colored glass block on to make a glass case

Texture Pack Compatible:
This datapack is compatible with any other resourcepack! Just make sure that the "Chuck's Resource Pack" is at the top priority on the resourcepack list.

Updating from V4 to V5:   
If you find outdate Tables and chairs, run the command /function tac:update or /reload and it should update tables/chairs within a large radius around you. I'm not sure if it updates well from V3 to V5 though.

  - To install:
    - Download the Datapack, and place it into your world's "datapacks" folder
    - Download the Resourcepack:
     - Singleplayer:
      - Place it into your resourcepack folder
      - (In game go to [ Options > Resource Packs > Open Pack Folder])
     - For servers:
      - Use this link as the server-resourcepack-link:
       < github.com/Chuckchuk/Chuck-RP/releases/latest/download/Axels-RP.zip >

      - (It will always automatically update too)

Some Known Problems:
  1. Datapacks Don't seem to work well with the "Fabric" mod. Though some people have it working! So I'm not sure
  2. Some other datapacks are poorly made and give you all advancements/recipes, those datapacks will make it so you keep on getting furniture hammers and sawmills.
  3. Some big texturepacks (like dokucraft) do something weird with their "Shulkerbox" texture, so the seat cushions will sometimes still apear to be 16x16 vanilla textures.

Notes to the fans:
  I came back to Minecraft specifically to update this pack and make use of the new Display/Interaction entities. I'm really proud of how much cleaner this version is! It's way better for both FPS and especially TPS lag, so that means near 0 server lag, even with hundreds or thousands of spread entities spread around your world!! (ALSO NO MORE PIGS!)

Using the new interaction entities I was able to add some new functionalities! This update took me 2 dedicated weeks of work to release, but it was worth it! These new entities have got me quite excited to possibly make other packs in the future (like a grandfather clock and chandelier pack). And I also am thinking of updating this pack to include Benches/Couches! I'm sorry that the carpet issue has been around for about a year, but this fixes that and so much more. I'm so thankful to everyone who enjoys this pack, it means a lot to me.

 Some Future update thoughts:
  - 1.17 Copper Tables/Chairs
  - Benches Added in V5.1!
  - Couches
  - Custom Banners on Thrones as an Item. (likely not possible due to lag banners cause)

Join the Minecraft Datapacks Discord:
  - If you're interested in learning or sharing about Datapacks.

Old Versions:

For Minecraft Version 1.19.4:


Even Older Versions:

Tables and Chairs V4.5 (for Minecraft 1.19.3 and Prior)

Join the Datapacks Discord:

Update V4.3.4

(Look at Update Notes for More Detailed Info In Versions)

  - To install:
    - Download the Datapack, and place it into your world's "datapacks" folder
    - Download the Resourcepack:
     - Singleplayer:
      - Place it into your resourcepack folder
      - (In game go to [ Options > Resource Packs > Open Pack Folder])
     - For servers:
      - Use this link as the server-resourcepack-link:
       < github.com/Chuckchuk/Chuck-RP/releases/latest/download/Chuck-RP.zip?raw=true >

      - (It will always automatically update too)



Furniture Hammer:

Place all the following materials in a Sawmill to create Tables and Chairs Like So:

  - Oak Planks
  - Spruce Planks
  - Birch Planks
  - Jungle Planks
  - Acacia Planks
  - Dark Oak Planks
  - Crimson Planks
  - Warped Planks
  - Obsidian
  - Block of Quartz
  - Polished Blackstone

Throne Only:
  - Iron Block
  - Gold Block
  - Diamond Block
  - Netherite Block


Place the Tables and Chairs by simply right clicking them onto the floor.

You can place items on the tables by right clicking them with:

 - Carpet places a mantel over the table
  - (Shift Right Clicking places the carpet itself now)
 - Light sources such as torches, lanterns, or end_rods to be placed on the table
  - (Can be placed inside Candelabras)

 - Ingots/diamonds to create candelabras of that type
 - Item Frames for an Invisible Item Frame
  - (Shift Right Click to create a Visible Item Frame)
  - Hold an item frame near a table to show particles over Invisible Item Frames
- Ink and Quill
  - Place an Ink_Sac on a table for an inkwell
  - Place a feather on a table with an inkwell to create ink and quill
  - Each Rotate depending on the direction you're facing

You can place carpet under chairs and thrones to place a cushion on them
 - (Shift Right Clicking carpet under a chair will now keep the carpet instead of placing a cushion)


Players with Op privileges can Move chairs in half-block increments by using this command next to a chair:
  /function tac:chair/move/forward
  /function tac:chair/move/backwards
  /function tac:chair/move/left
  /function tac:chair/move/right
This will allow you to make chairs that look like they're tucked under the table, or chairs that are centered on even-sized tables

Punching a chair while Shifting will move the chair in the direction you're facing, but will stop at walls and will come back out when already pushed into a table.


 In V4.2.0 There are now "Mob Trophies" that can be placed on tables
  - Only way to currently obtain these trophies is with the commands:
    - /loot give @s loot mob_trophy:silverfish
    - /loot give @s loot mob_trophy:creeper
    - /loot give @s loot mob_trophy:enderman
  - Place them on a table by right clicking them on a table, and then you can put ANY colored glass block on to make a glass case


To Break Tables:

  - Hit the top of the table until it breaks (Break easier with Axes)
  - The items will drop from it, including the table cloth, and the table itself.
To Break Chairs:
  - Hit the chair 2 (or more) times to break them.
  - Use a Furniture Hammer to break multiple at once (More on this below)
  - The cushions will drop from the chairs, as well as the chairs themselves.

Furniture Hammer:
Right click tables with a furniture hammer in hand to cycle through the different shapes that each table has to offer!
  - 4 Leg Tables:
    - Cycle 0: 4 Legs
    - Cycle 1: 2 Legs (closest to you)
    - Cycle 2: 1 Leg (In the Diagonal you are facing)
    - Cycle 3: 0 Legs
  - 1 Leg Tables (Basic):
    - Cycle 0: 1 Middle Leg
    - Cycle 1: Leg moves closer to you
    - Cycle 2: Leg moves to the edge and is split in half (For walls or to be used with another of the same type in the opposite direction)
    - Cycle 3: No leg
  - 1 Leg Tables (Carved):
    - DEPENDS! They each have pretty unique cycles, try them out and see what you can get!

Hit Chairs with a Furniture Hammer to use a sweep attack that will take out up to 5 chairs at once.

Texture Pack Compatible:
This datapack is compatible with any other resourcepack! Just make sure that the "Chuck's Resource Pack" is at the top priority on the resourcepack list.

Updating from V3 to V4:   
To update the tables and chairs simply break the V3 chairs/tables and replace them.
Make sure to disable V3.0 first

If you want to keep both types, you can simply leave both resourcepacks on at the same time and keep the old tables/chairs in tact
 - The only exception is the "jungle tables/chairs" from V3 that would break visually

Having optifine installed will now hide the pig saddles from the chairs, without impacting any other textures whatsoever.

If you do not have optifine installed you will see pig saddles beneath the chairs (and are also visible in chair variants that have holes on them) But everything else works perfectly well without optifine!

Some Known Problems:
  1. Datapacks Don't seem to work well with the "Fabric" mod. Though some people have it working! So I'm not sure
  2. Haven't checked in a while, but on servers there might be some datapack issues with multiverse mods
  3. Some other datapacks are poorly made and give you all advancements/recipes, those datapacks will make it so you keep on getting furniture hammers and sawmills.
  4. Some big texturepacks (like dokucraft) do something weird with their "Shulkerbox" texture, so the seat cushions will sometimes still apear to be 16x16 vanilla textures.

  - Apparently there's a funny glitch that can have your seats moving, I'm going to keep it in for the time being though.

Notes to the fans:
  I really hope you all enjoy this new version! The old version is available below still if you prefer the older more intricate models.
  This update took me about three months to create, as it was from the ground up and tried to make SURE it was clean all the way through, plus all the many many models I had to create, and re-create. The new world I created to playtest the stuff alone has 5.12 days of playtime on it, I have really wanted to make an update for everyone who enjoys this pack, and I especially wanted to thank all those loyal to this pack for the last 2 years. To you all, I hope you enjoy this new update to the fullest! I may be adding small little things in the future, and pushing bug fixes for the next few months, but I think this will be the last large update for this pack.
  Some Future update thoughts:
    - 1.17 Copper Tables/Chairs
    - 1.17 Candle Placement on Tables
    - More items for the tables (plates, quills, paper, books, etc)
      + Added item_frames in 4.1.0
      + Added mob trophies in 4.2.0
    - A way to move the chairs without commands
      + Added in 4.3.0
Interactive Tables and Chairs V3.2.0 and Earlier [1.14]
GET VERSION 3.3.0 HERE: [​For 1.14]
V3.3.0 <-----HERE

Create and Place Tables and Chairs into your Minecraft world with this datapack! Very simple to install, and uses innovative techniques to make it as fluid and natural as currently possible with datapacks! You can also Place any type of wool color onto your tables or chairs.

SERVER RESOURCEPACK LINK: www.dropbox.com/s/peyjbs4031293pb/Chuck%20RP%20V5.4.zip?dl=1

Version 2.0.1 (1.13 compatible)
Download HERE.

The Version is compatible with versions 1.13 only

OMGMinecraft's Showcase
Wattles Showcase

Join the MCDatapacks Discord: Discord Link
- We Also Take Datapack Comissions


[L] = Slab
[S] = Stair
[F] = Fence
[B] = Block (Gold or Quartz or Obsidian) (Obsidian is V3.0 + only)
[P] = Pillar
[e] = empty/air

Crafting Tables:

Tables: (Any Wood Type)

Marble Table: (Quartz)

-V3.0 --------------------------------------
Obsidian Table:

Crafting Chairs:

Chairs: (Any Wood Type)

Fancy Chairs: (Any Wood Type)

Thrones: (Quartz and Gold and Obsidian)

-V3.0 --------------------------------------
Chairs: (Marble and Obsidian)

Furniture Hammer:

The Furniture Hammer allows you to change the shape of tables by right clicking on them when you have the furniture hammer in your hand. The table will change shape depending on what type of table it is, and what direction you are facing.

[S] = Stick
[II] = Iron Ingot

Crafting the Furniture Hammer:



To place your tables and chairs, simply right click them onto any ground or surface.

Placing Wool on Tables:     Shift-Right click on a table with a carpet to place a carpet
Placing Torch on Tables:    Right click a table with a Torch to create a standing torch.
Placing a Candelabra:      Right click a table with an iron or gold ingot.
Change Table Shape:      Right click a table with a Furniture Hammer to change shape.

Placing Wool on Chairs:     Right click a carpet on the surface underneath the chair.


To remove Tables or Chairs, just break them with your fist.

To remove a table:       Break the table with your fist or Axe (or Pickaxe if it's a Marble Table)

To remove a chair:       Punch the chair 2-3 times in a row. A Furniture Hammer can be used as well.

The Configuration allows for two types of sitting:
  /function tables_chairs:config/sit/custom     
   - Sit by Shifting on a chair
   - Get off by Shifting

  /function tables_chairs:config/sit/pigseat    
   - Sit by right clicking a chair
   - Get out by Shifting

To Download, simply unzip the file you downloaded. Place the Resourcepack into your resourcepack folder, and the Datapack into the datapack folder of your world file.

It's as easy as that!

**Copy that link and put it into your server resourcepack section, in the "server.properties" file**

- The resourcepack also works with my Interactive Bookshelves Pack.

    (Just make sure you're using the most recent Resourcepack)

- If you're on a server, you might want to enforce a server resourcepack, or tell everyone to manually install the resourcepack.
CreditChuckchuk, TheWii, Domain2Genus, TheSaltyPug, RedstoneGamez
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

17 Update Logs

Patch V5.2.1 : by chuckchuk 06/21/2023 9:14:18 pmJun 21st, 2023

Update V5.2.0
 • Updated to Minecraft Version 1.20
 • Made a HUGE performance boost by adding some type identifiers.

Patch V5.2.1
 • Fixed minor bug where sawmill wouldn't drop when breaking it.

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02/12/2024 7:11 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster uwu
Hi Guys - Just to let you know, the latest version of this pack will be on Modrinth.

Please click here for the main page (updated to 1.20.2 and 1.20.4)

Resource Pack too, which is still required.
01/27/2024 9:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
it's not working on my server! the tables are ok, but when i place a chair it stays there as the entity "Chair.interaction" and i can't do anything with it, not even breaking. They also don't use any of the wood in the sawmill, which is weird

i had it on my server in another world when it was in 1.19.2 and it was working fine, i don't know why its not working now (i have the latest version and resource pack)
02/12/2024 7:13 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster uwu
Hi! please make sure you download this from the modrinth page now to ensure that you're up to date: modrinth.com/resourcepack/axels-datapack-resourcepack
09/26/2023 12:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
excuse me, the chairs won't interact, and can't be broken if i hit them with anything
09/09/2023 1:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can i ise it on mu public Minecraft server?
08/29/2023 3:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
It does not work! it worked for a bit and now when i pick up the Sawmil it gives me a barrel and the sawmill remains there but you can walk trough it!
08/08/2023 2:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
i have "carryon" mod installed, and accidentally pick up the bench at my house, the mod only take the bench block, but the bench visual are still at my house, literally i was carrying like an invisible bench, when i put this "invisible bench" to another place it can be placed and i can break it too, but the visual of the bench are still at my house, i can't do anytihing to it, i try to delete reinstall the datapacks even deleting carryon mod, the visual are still there, /reload won't help.. how do i fix it?
08/03/2023 12:24 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
i don't know why, but every 2 seconds or so i will get a new sawmill and hammer in my inventory. is anyone else having this issue?
08/03/2023 6:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
uninstall "All recipes unlocked" or any other data pack that ticks every second.
07/23/2023 5:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hello! I have a bug. I have previously used the 1.19 version of teh chairs and tables, and everything was working fine. But when I switch to the 1.20 version of the Tables and Chairs, the Sawmills do not function properly and cannot break. Any help would be appreciated.
