Minecraft Data Packs / Block

The Floating Platforms From the Smash Bros. Minecraft World Stage.

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Required Resource Pack
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Birb
Bit of a niche one,

The Minecraft dlc for smash bros consists entirely of textures taken straight from minecraft, from steve's attacks to the stage itself... with the only exception being the platforms you can pass through, which is a completely unique texture and always felt slightly out of place.

You can craft it by using a stonecutter on stripped oak or stripped birch logs, because the top uses a similar texture and steve uses an axe to break it. Or you could just /give yourself a structure void.

You can walk through the platforms and it's only solid once you're on top of the platform. You can sneak to fall through the platform. Like pressing down in smash.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.21

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