Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Uranium Datapack

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    Required Resource Pack
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Artist
    Uranium Datapack Minecraft Data Pack

    This datapack adds uranium, which can only be obtained by mining basalt with a netherite pickaxe in the basalt deltas biome.

    To handle this, it is recommended to
    make a suit before getting it, an anti-radiation suit, which is obtained
    by making vegetable plastic with sugar canes or algae in the plastic
    machine. This will give you a piece of plastic and with 9 pieces of
    plastic you can obtain the plastic fabric that is used to craft the
    anti-radiation armor.

    With uranium you can make a quarry. But be careful, if it overheats it begins to emit radiation, contaminating its surroundings.

    You can also make a radiation gun that can damage even someone in creative due to the amount of radiation it emits.

    You can make nuclear tnt, which when it
    explodes, a large part of the biome where it was detonated will become a
    nuclear biome where it is impossible to survive without the
    anti-radiation suit. In this biome, only skeletons and iron golems
    survive. Apart from that, in this radioactive biome, skeleton horses,
    skeletons and whiter skeletons are generated.

    If you put the uranium in a chest, make sure that it is isolated from your house since it can emit radiation.

    Any item that is contaminated, if you do not have the suit, can increase your radiation.

    When you have a considerable level of radiation in your body, you begin to feel nausea and poisoning.

    If you continue to radiate, you will begin to glow green and the maximum amount of hearts will drop to 10.

    You can craft a potion that considerably lowers radiation and a radiation detector.
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

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    12/07/2024 4:36 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Caveman Taco
    Really Cool!!
    The Nexus Navigator
    12/03/2024 10:38 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
    Just double checking, does it work on 1.21?
    12/05/2024 12:41 am
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Artist
    reinstall the data pack. I had a folder mistake. You will not be able to craft with the version you have.
    12/03/2024 12:51 pm
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Artist
    It only works for 1.21
    The Nexus Navigator
    12/04/2024 10:36 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
    Excellent, and lastly how do I get the yellow stuff, which I'm assuming is plastic?
    12/04/2024 11:33 am
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Artist
    you have to make the plastic generating machine. and fill it with sugar cane or seaweed and it will give you 1 piece of plastic when it is full. 9 pieces of plastic is a plastic that is the material used for the suits
    12/03/2024 12:40 am
    Level 71 : Legendary Architect
    Oooo really interesting! Cool stuff! (That mushroom cloud looks particularly nuts)
