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Level 39 : Artisan System

Download only available at Modrinth!

Introducing a game-changing datapack for vanilla Minecraft building, designed to elevate your building experience with vertical slabs. Explore the seamless functionality in both singleplayer and multiplayer modes.

How does it work?

  1. Crafting the Tool: Craft the Vertical Slabs Converter tool by placing a book above a stick on the crafting grid.

  2. Converting slabs: Right-click on any slab of your choice to seamlessly convert it into a vertical slab.

  3. Rotation slabs: For precise customization, perform additional right-clicks to change the rotation of the vertical slab according to your design preferences.

  4. Removing slabs: Left-click on a vertical slab to remove it.

Important Notes:
  • Vertical slabs have the hitbox of a full-sized block.
  • You must hold the Vertical Slabs Converter item in your main hand to convert, edit, and remove vertical slabs.
  • You cannot build against the verticle slabs.
  • Rotation is clockwise.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20
toMinecraft 1.21

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04/20/2024 1:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Does it work for 1.20.4
04/21/2024 8:48 am
Level 39 : Artisan System
Yes, it should work.
12/31/2023 9:47 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Unfortunately, even though I removed this datapack when I didn't like it, the weaknesses I placed remained and cannot be destroyed. you can walk through them. How to fix it?
01/04/2024 12:14 pm
Level 39 : Artisan System
That is a shame :/.

To remove them you would need to use a command
`/kill @e[​type=block_display, sort=nearest, limit=1]`
