Minecraft Data Packs / Item

Wandering Tools 1.21.4

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    • 659 downloads, 1 today
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    Required Resource Pack
    Level 37 : Artisan Theorist Explorer
    This pack adds:

    Paxel: combo tool (I got the idea from the Vault Hunters Mod Pack)

    Magnet: (I got the idea from the Vault Hunters Mod Pack as well) right click to use, range can be increased by charging it with lightning

    XP Vessel: store skulk blocks & withdraw XP
    - To store skulk: stand on skulk, hold skulk in offhand and use tool
    - To withdraw xp: don't stand on skulk, don't hold skulk in offhand and do use tool

    Tells user the health, armor value, attack damage, and if CanPickUpLoot is on for the mob you are looking at.
    I also made it so most mobs with the strength effect are able to pick up loot for a short time.

    Handle Extension: Greater block reach

    Range Finder: See how many blocks away something is

    Magnifying Glass: See the components on an item

    Barometer: Find your Y-level (I got the idea from Cubfan135's ”The List”)
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20
    toMinecraft 1.21

    4 Update Logs

    Update #4 : by Johnvh 01/20/2025 9:02:35 pmJan 20th

    - Updated to 1.21.4
    - added wooden, stone, iron, and golden paxels

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    02/09/2025 2:20 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    hey John, the resource pack doesnt seem to be working
    11/21/2024 9:04 pm
    He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect Artist
    for 1.21.1?
