Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Warping Wonders

  • check_circle Functions
  • 9,535 views, 139 today
  • 586 downloads, 11 today
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  • 7
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat Pixel Puncher

📖 Description

Warping Wonders allows for a more immersive player teleportation utilizing already existing items. Using a compass which is linked to a lodestone players can teleport back to the lodestone. A clock teleports players back to their spawnpoint (bed, respawn anchor) and the recovery compass can bring players back to their last death location. The latter two always get consumed when using them. In addition to that Portal Horns can be crafted which function as a TPA replacement. The latest addition to the data pack is a Waypoint Hub system which lets players set up a public network of points of interest where they can teleport to. All teleport actions function across all dimensions. Ridden Entites (Camel, Strider, Donkey, Mule, Horse, Llama and Horses) as well as leashed Entities (including Boats) will be teleported alongside players.

🛠️ How to, Instructions & Commands

The datapack usually just needs to be installed. There is nothing else you have to do. It just works out of the box.

But if you are playing on a PaperMC Server (or a PaperMC Fork like Purpur) make sure to set allow-non-player-entities-on-scoreboards in your paper config files to true in order for everything to work properly.

More detailed infos can be found by visiting our wiki page: Click me!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

13 Update Logs

Update #13 : by niceRon 02/15/2025 12:41:30 pmtoday

New version available on modrinth:

  • Changed textures of Compass to be more in line with the Recovery Compass
  • Added 8 more craftable Compass Variants (craftable with Resin Bricks, Gold Ingots, Copper Ingots, Amethyst Shards, Emeralds, Diamonds, Lapis or Quartz instead of Iron Ingots)
  • Added advancement to unlock new Recipes

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06/29/2024 4:16 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
I am so happy that I checked the datapacks today, I feel like this is exactly what ive been looking for in my survival worlds, and it makes clocks actually useful
06/29/2024 5:03 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
Hey, Im fairly sure the newest update on modrinth is broken. None of the warp options worked, but when I downloaded the older version they did.
06/29/2024 6:37 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat Pixel Puncher
hey there. first of all thanks for liking it so much. secondly the newer version adds a settings menu. If you used an older version prior try setting the toggling the features within /function wawo:settings.

If you need more help or got any ideas for improvements than feel free to hop onto our discord. Answers here might take longer otherwise
06/14/2024 3:44 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
it would be cool if you could encode a goat horn, so that differernt horns could teleport to different players.. if they have multiple horns fo multiple players at any given time

is that thing?
06/14/2024 4:19 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat Pixel Puncher
Could you elaborate a bit further? I dont quite get the idea yet
06/14/2024 12:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hii, could you post the 1.20.4 please? im waiting for purpur and optifine dor updating my server U_U
06/14/2024 4:19 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat Pixel Puncher
Im sorry but I don't have the time to backport this currently
