Minecraft Data Packs / Challenge

Zombie Madness - Stay Alive

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Pleasenotme's Avatar Pleasenotme
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
Ever wanted to be in a zombie apocalypse? Well you can probably guess that you can with this data pack.

Simply install the data pack and go in survival world.

At the start, the zombie spawnrate is unchanged. But as you kill more zombies, more, many many more, begin to spawn on the surface!

At the start, you'll probably be wishing there were more zombies. But you'll barely notice as their tide overtakes you.

Once you kill 121 zombies, it enters ultra-apocalypse mode. This is basically living hell. It's also pretty laggy.

Once you die, your zombie-killing level resets.

This data pack is multiplayer compatible! Also, you don't need a resource pack!

You can play a multiplayer who-gets-the-highest-score competition! To display the zombie killing level, do /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar lvlZ

This data pack is copyright property of the creator Pleasenotme, and you may not distribute or upload this data pack anywhere without permission. You may make Youtube videos or streams, as long as you give clear credit and provide a link to this page. By downloading this data pack, you agree to these terms, which are binding upon you as far as the law allows.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17

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07/08/2021 4:23 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Loremaster
Sire_Griffon's Avatar
Good idea, in addition with post apocalyptic maps you can have so much fun, acting like a survivor
07/08/2021 9:53 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
Pleasenotme's Avatar
Thank you!
07/08/2021 12:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Darknight1001's Avatar
does it need a command to launch the datapack
07/08/2021 12:52 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
Pleasenotme's Avatar
First do /reload after you put it in the datapacks folder.

The effects are not immediately visible. If you want to check if its working, do /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar lvlZ and then kill zombies. The number in the sidebar should increase.
