Welcome to the Hero Artists Headquarters!
You might be here for two reasons:
1. You received the "Hero Seal", asked for it's meaning and was redirected to this page.
2. You just found this post and are interested in the basic information about Hero Artists.
1. What is "Hero Artists"?
Hero Artists are people on PMC, that supported others with banners, covers, logos, requested skins and more and deserver a "Thanks You!" publicly and officialy for their outstanding support and imrpovement of the community.
2. Who is a "Hero Artist"?
The list below lists all people, who are Heroes.
All Hero Artists also get a seal, which acts like a trophy, they can put on their profile.
3. How do I become a "Hero Artist"?
Simply by helping the community(1.).
It is important to be able to prove what exactly you did for the community and whom you helped.
Besides that, remember that WE find YOU, asking for a seal and listing might even decrease your chances of receiving one.
The so called "Knights" are the people, who try to find competent artists, that support others. If you are an active member you will most likely receive a seal soon.
4. What benefits do I get as a "Hero Artist"?
a) You get a nice trophy for your profile picture.
b) Your name is linked in the Hero list, which gets you more views.
c) If you are outstanding as a hero, you might even deserve prices like money, Optifine-Capes, Steam Keys, Minecraft keys and much more...

This is the basic title/seal, that people receive.
Owners of this title receive all benefits, listed above.

The Knight-Title is additional and is given to all people, who are looking for competent and helpful artists in the community.
Becoming a Knight is quite easy.
All you have to do is find one member, that deservers the "Hero" title.
If the member is accepted as a Hero and receives his seal, you will also receive your "Knight" title.
Post a reply in the following form, to report a possible Hero:
PMC Username of the Hero:
What did the Hero do for the community?:
Why should he/she receive the title?:
<Captain> Headaxe
-Creation of about 40 avatars for free on a forums post (post deleted)
-Support of various people with covers and thumbnails for projects
<Hero> Killsinoo
-Rendering of various pieces of art on request for PMC members on a blog post
<Hero> TheDuckMiner
-Support of HUGE amounts of people with requested art on a forums post
<Hero> Viz Xatir
-Creation of a long and highest-quality post, which gives others the possibility of upgrading their screenshots extremely
<Hero> THuND3R
-Extensive amount of renders and edits for peoples submissions - meaning cover images
<Hero> Aequotis
-Improvement of people's screenshots in cooperation with Viz Xatir
<Knight> TheJustCookie
-found a new Hero (THuND3R)
<Knight> _CreeperGirl
-found a new Hero (Aequotis)
Use the following forums signature to support us:

Create an account or sign in to comment.

PMC Username of the Hero: Matt_Wildness
What did the Hero do for the community?: He makes skin renders by request, and has made lots for the community.
Why should he/she receive the title?: He makes awesome skin renders with extruded layers for anyone who simply asks him. He made Kefka 2 renders, and many more for other members of PMC. He is currently overloaded with these requests, and I believe he deserves the title.
Link to his forum thread for requests
What did the Hero do for the community?: He makes skin renders by request, and has made lots for the community.
Why should he/she receive the title?: He makes awesome skin renders with extruded layers for anyone who simply asks him. He made Kefka 2 renders, and many more for other members of PMC. He is currently overloaded with these requests, and I believe he deserves the title.
Link to his forum thread for requests

this is meant as an application for this Sam dude to be accepted as a Hero
PMC Username of the Hero: Sam
What did the Hero do for the community?:
Various artwork for many members of the website. I will link some of the things Sam has done to help the community below (if its advertising or something I can remove the links, lemme know).
First his FREE graphic shop aimed at helping the community out.
With over 35 Server Banners, Youtube Banners, and 3D Renders done for people (all of them satisfied with the results)
Full breakdown:
Next this Sam guy has done various renders and artwork for fellow PMC User's submissions. A few of these people are:
Pixel Block
and many more but I couldnt find all of them (will update soon if need be).
Sam has also done various artwork for peoples twitch streams, including Jesuitical's own stream and Jesuitical's new PMC Podcast show.
Why should he/she receive the title?:
This Sam dude should receive this title as he has an extensive portfolio of artwork that has been dedicated to members of the community. His art appears to be aimed at assisting and aiding the members of community by helping them further showcase their projects and ideas. He is also super chill/handsome and is always willing to handout advice to other people if they seek it.
PMC Username of the Hero: Sam
What did the Hero do for the community?:
Various artwork for many members of the website. I will link some of the things Sam has done to help the community below (if its advertising or something I can remove the links, lemme know).
First his FREE graphic shop aimed at helping the community out.
With over 35 Server Banners, Youtube Banners, and 3D Renders done for people (all of them satisfied with the results)
Full breakdown:
Click to reveal
AlanAlanAla - Server Banner
Instant_ReplEH - 3D Skin
FirecatHD - 3D Skin
MrCreeper987 - Youtube Banner
XZW72 - Youtube Banner
Ez1o1500 - Banner
Jomaster II - Youtube Banner
Phoenix_13 - Server Banner
Shockmetal - Forum Signature
jordankennedy11 - Youtube Banner
zxSM1FFYzx - Server Banner
Heyyoomatilda - 3D Skin
LTDragonz11 - 3D Skin
alejandroxis3 - Youtube Banner
MadScientist133 - 3D Skin
SDJlegion - Youtube Thumbnail
Spiralaxius - Youtube Banner
Sh4d0w1128 - Youtube Banner
Lord_Bloodoath - Server Banner
TheFrenchfryninja - 3D Skin
Maddie - 3D Skin
TheCraftMine5 - Youtube Banner + Profile Picture
Heyyoomatilda - Youtube Banner
MrCreeper987 - Youtube Banner
SUPER7OAS7 - Youtube Banner
rapplez - Server Banner
Kaotic Estox - 3D Skin
EnderTheYoutuber - Youtube Banner
Cannon666 - Server Banner
ZeTrollzx - 3D Skin
xAstraah - 3D Skin
Marshmallow662 - 3D Skin
LegoSpidermanFan - 3D Skin
LegoSpidermanFan - 3D Skin
LegoSpidermanFan - 3D Skin
TheLittleBiskit - 3D Skin
TheLittleBiskit - 3D Skin
Instant_ReplEH - 3D Skin
FirecatHD - 3D Skin
MrCreeper987 - Youtube Banner
XZW72 - Youtube Banner
Ez1o1500 - Banner
Jomaster II - Youtube Banner
Phoenix_13 - Server Banner
Shockmetal - Forum Signature
jordankennedy11 - Youtube Banner
zxSM1FFYzx - Server Banner
Heyyoomatilda - 3D Skin
LTDragonz11 - 3D Skin
alejandroxis3 - Youtube Banner
MadScientist133 - 3D Skin
SDJlegion - Youtube Thumbnail
Spiralaxius - Youtube Banner
Sh4d0w1128 - Youtube Banner
Lord_Bloodoath - Server Banner
TheFrenchfryninja - 3D Skin
Maddie - 3D Skin
TheCraftMine5 - Youtube Banner + Profile Picture
Heyyoomatilda - Youtube Banner
MrCreeper987 - Youtube Banner
SUPER7OAS7 - Youtube Banner
rapplez - Server Banner
Kaotic Estox - 3D Skin
EnderTheYoutuber - Youtube Banner
Cannon666 - Server Banner
ZeTrollzx - 3D Skin
xAstraah - 3D Skin
Marshmallow662 - 3D Skin
LegoSpidermanFan - 3D Skin
LegoSpidermanFan - 3D Skin
LegoSpidermanFan - 3D Skin
TheLittleBiskit - 3D Skin
TheLittleBiskit - 3D Skin
Next this Sam guy has done various renders and artwork for fellow PMC User's submissions. A few of these people are:
Click to reveal
Pixel Block
Click to reveal
Click to reveal
and many more but I couldnt find all of them (will update soon if need be).
Sam has also done various artwork for peoples twitch streams, including Jesuitical's own stream and Jesuitical's new PMC Podcast show.
Why should he/she receive the title?:
This Sam dude should receive this title as he has an extensive portfolio of artwork that has been dedicated to members of the community. His art appears to be aimed at assisting and aiding the members of community by helping them further showcase their projects and ideas. He is also super chill/handsome and is always willing to handout advice to other people if they seek it.

PMC Username of the Hero: ShaGTF
What did the Hero do for the community?:
Well hes a really awesome guy, very active in chats, highly creative builder, skinner and GFX creator, hes done quite a lot for me personally, like my profile picture as shown, which is my skin also created by him, Shaggy does a lot for communities and other members on PMC by hosting contests entering skin contests, and doing Free Skins by request, renders of skins and many more things for the community.
Why should he/she receive the title?:
Well as said above he is ready to help the community in anyway he can, hes an incredibly open guy and is developing at a rapid pace, his skins are stepping up and his renders are of a good quality and he deserves more recognition than he has acquired.
What did the Hero do for the community?:
Well hes a really awesome guy, very active in chats, highly creative builder, skinner and GFX creator, hes done quite a lot for me personally, like my profile picture as shown, which is my skin also created by him, Shaggy does a lot for communities and other members on PMC by hosting contests entering skin contests, and doing Free Skins by request, renders of skins and many more things for the community.
Why should he/she receive the title?:
Well as said above he is ready to help the community in anyway he can, hes an incredibly open guy and is developing at a rapid pace, his skins are stepping up and his renders are of a good quality and he deserves more recognition than he has acquired.

PMC Username of the Hero: _CreeperGirl
What did the Hero do for the community: Creating and giving free GFX (banners, logos, etc) for the community, teaching all of the ones who asked, and doing its best for us.
Why should he/she recieve the title: While she lost her time teaching people how to render, making graphics for everyone, she could be doing something more "profitable" for herself, as her work is free.
What did the Hero do for the community: Creating and giving free GFX (banners, logos, etc) for the community, teaching all of the ones who asked, and doing its best for us.
Why should he/she recieve the title: While she lost her time teaching people how to render, making graphics for everyone, she could be doing something more "profitable" for herself, as her work is free.

PMC Username of the Hero: Aequotis.
What did the Hero do for the community?:
He is very active on PMC, and one of the most helpful people you will fine on PMC!
Why should he/she receive the title?:
He is great at designer, one of the nicest people you will find on PMC, and he is always helping other people out. I think he is one of the most deserving people for Hero Artist!
What did the Hero do for the community?:
He is very active on PMC, and one of the most helpful people you will fine on PMC!
Why should he/she receive the title?:
He is great at designer, one of the nicest people you will find on PMC, and he is always helping other people out. I think he is one of the most deserving people for Hero Artist!

PMC Username of the Hero: Aequotis.
What did the Hero do for the community?:
Helped people with their screenshots and makes amazing thumbnails and Project art.
Also was one of the first to bring Car builds in minecraft back to life.
Why should he/she receive the title?:
He's an amazing artist, nice, great designer and always offering help when you need it.
Also offers to edit your pictures for Free and really puts effort into work for others.
What did the Hero do for the community?:
Helped people with their screenshots and makes amazing thumbnails and Project art.
Also was one of the first to bring Car builds in minecraft back to life.
Why should he/she receive the title?:
He's an amazing artist, nice, great designer and always offering help when you need it.
Also offers to edit your pictures for Free and really puts effort into work for others.

Thanks for your amazing support!
The user Aequotis recently received a Hero title, therefore you have been awarded a Knight title.

It would be great to see possible support and contribution to this project in the (near) future of yours.
Also, I'd like to thank you for already using the supportive signature even before receiving any kind of title or recognition.
Also, you have been informed via PM in order to make sure, you don't miss this information.
Have a nice day!
The user Aequotis recently received a Hero title, therefore you have been awarded a Knight title.

It would be great to see possible support and contribution to this project in the (near) future of yours.
Also, I'd like to thank you for already using the supportive signature even before receiving any kind of title or recognition.
Also, you have been informed via PM in order to make sure, you don't miss this information.
Have a nice day!

I'm to lazy to help people

PMC Username of the Hero: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/fallen_shiny/
What did the Hero do for the community?:
Completes avatar requests, which are hand drawn.
Why should he/she receive the title?:
She does very good avatars, she puts a lot of work into them, she is friendly, and all her avatars are of the highest quality.
What did the Hero do for the community?:
Completes avatar requests, which are hand drawn.
Why should he/she receive the title?:
She does very good avatars, she puts a lot of work into them, she is friendly, and all her avatars are of the highest quality.

The user _CreeperGirl recommended you as a hero successfully!

It would be great to see support and contribution of yours to this project in the (near) future.
One thing, you should keep in mind is that I need solid proof of the support of a Hero in order to award them with a title.
If you still think that Fallen_Shiny deserves the title, I need a link to a place in the forums or somewhere else, where the Hero supported others.
Well, thanks for all your help and contribution!
In order to make sure, you don't miss this message, you have also been informed via PM.

It would be great to see support and contribution of yours to this project in the (near) future.
One thing, you should keep in mind is that I need solid proof of the support of a Hero in order to award them with a title.
If you still think that Fallen_Shiny deserves the title, I need a link to a place in the forums or somewhere else, where the Hero supported others.
Well, thanks for all your help and contribution!
In order to make sure, you don't miss this message, you have also been informed via PM.

PMC Username of the Hero: ShaGTF (THuND3Rs helper)
What did the Hero do for the community: Extensive amount of renders and edits for peoples submissions - meaning cover images (same)
Why should he/she recieve the title: For all the time and effort he has given up to help others provide a high quality among their submissions (same)
What did the Hero do for the community: Extensive amount of renders and edits for peoples submissions - meaning cover images (same)
Why should he/she recieve the title: For all the time and effort he has given up to help others provide a high quality among their submissions (same)

I know that a lot of different heroes are actually already cooperating.
However, I don't think it would be very senseful to give Hero titles away to various helpers and sub-helpers.
If there is a strong and even cooperation between two or maybe three artists on the same post, I will award all of them, but only in exceptional situations.
Thanks for your time and effort, I really do hope that you might support this system in the near future ;D
However, I don't think it would be very senseful to give Hero titles away to various helpers and sub-helpers.
If there is a strong and even cooperation between two or maybe three artists on the same post, I will award all of them, but only in exceptional situations.
Thanks for your time and effort, I really do hope that you might support this system in the near future ;D

PMC Username of the Hero: supersmartky
What did the Hero do for the community?: He has made outstanding cave story themed avatars for people's mc skin, including the one I'm using right now.
Why should he/she receive the title?: Turning minecraft skins into those cool little cave story themed avatar is probably quite hard!
What did the Hero do for the community?: He has made outstanding cave story themed avatars for people's mc skin, including the one I'm using right now.
Why should he/she receive the title?: Turning minecraft skins into those cool little cave story themed avatar is probably quite hard!

I am afraid that I need further proof for his work.
What'd be helpful is a link to a forums post on which he did that for people or something like that.
What'd be helpful is a link to a forums post on which he did that for people or something like that.

want-cave-story-themed-avatar-t394360.html there you go, the link.

PMC Username of the Hero: Paril
What did the Hero do for the community: Created McSkin3D which helps many skinners, and he helped develop Planet Minecraft
Why should he/she receive the title: For all the time and effort he has given up to create a website where mine craft lovers can create content, and creating McSkin3D which helps skinners.
What did the Hero do for the community: Created McSkin3D which helps many skinners, and he helped develop Planet Minecraft
Why should he/she receive the title: For all the time and effort he has given up to create a website where mine craft lovers can create content, and creating McSkin3D which helps skinners.

He definetely did a lot for us publishing that tool, but he is still not an artist.
I might make a blog for good people in general on PMC in the future, but for now titles are only given to artists. (Like...graphics artists)
I might make a blog for good people in general on PMC in the future, but for now titles are only given to artists. (Like...graphics artists)

PMC Username of the Hero: THuND3R
What did the Hero do for the community: Extensive amount of renders and edits for peoples submissions - meaning cover images
Why should he/she recieve the title: For all the time and effort he has given up to help others provide a high quality among their submissions
What did the Hero do for the community: Extensive amount of renders and edits for peoples submissions - meaning cover images
Why should he/she recieve the title: For all the time and effort he has given up to help others provide a high quality among their submissions

You are absolutely right, I shouldn't have skipped on him when checking the Art Blog in which he helped.
For your support you receive the following signature, seal and title:

To get sure, you get informed, you will also receive a personal Message which redirects you to this post.
For your support you receive the following signature, seal and title:

To get sure, you get informed, you will also receive a personal Message which redirects you to this post.

So is this for people who are nice and create content or do you have to make art too?

It is for people who create big amounts of content for others and not just improve the average content quality on this site a bit, doing this, but also make other's days and support their creativity...etc.
Well, basically for people who support others with free graphics.
Well, basically for people who support others with free graphics.

Thanks for the signature! <3