I Need A Bedrock Texture Pack Maker
I need someone that knows how to make bedrock texture packs to port my full resource pack to bedrock, as I play Bedrock far much more than java. I have no Idea how to make bedrock packs and don't have the game. Can someone help me out? If anybody is willing to let me borrow their account that has windows 10 edition on it, just message me.
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a bedrock texture pack maker would be nice. the only way to make one these days are taking a texture pack and editing it

There is a resource pack creator called Nova Skin that I used. It only has 1.10 textures though.

You could try Blockbench. I use it for both Java & Bedrock, and it works well. Or you could download the default resource pack here, then replace the default textures with your custom ones, and update the manifest file to have a new uuid. I can help you with that part if you don't know how.

and this is how you use it www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

I clicked away before it loaded. Thank my computer for loading the title first.

i knew it lol

https://minecraft.novaskin.me/resourcepacks this will work [:

ummmm... I have a pack that transforms ALMOST EVERY SINGLE TEXTURE...
also the pack takes up so much space I can't put it through planet minecraft's pack downloader. i need google drive to post it.
also this is for 1.17 and up...
also the pack takes up so much space I can't put it through planet minecraft's pack downloader. i need google drive to post it.
also this is for 1.17 and up...

you can use https://www.mediafire.com/ its good and lots of people use it for big files

hmm if i find some thing i will tell you [:

i will help [:

you still up for help? i just got back to this thread. I'm trying to find a skin again and looking at notifications.