Ask me any questions you want, I will try to answer them all.check_box

Inconnito12/7/24 8:25 am history
12/22/2024 1:27 pm
Vous pouvez me poser des questions sur n'importe quel sujet, essayez simplement de rester poli et amical avec les autres.(no politics)
Posted by
Level 5 : Apprentice Modder

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12/22/2024 11:44 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
prove atheism

and how do I gather a lot of texutres from different creator while editing them enough so nbody knows it is there textures
12/22/2024 1:27 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
To apply a texture to one or more selected objects:

1. Create or import a texture as described in Creating a New Texture.

2. Select the object or objects to which you want to apply the textures. If more than one object is selected, the texture is applied to all selected objects. Additional mapping settings are available for multiple selection; this allows you to avoid welds.

Although you can apply textures to architectural objects in all versions of Vectorworks, you must have a plug-in to create these objects in the drawing.

Curtain wall textures are defined by the profile and panel settings. You cannot set them on the Texture tab.

3. In the Attributes palette, select a Fill Type other than None (otherwise the texture will not be rendered).

4. Click the Texture tab of the Object Info palette and specify the rendering settings.

Click to show/hide fields.

You can also apply a texture from the Resource Manager. Select the object, then right-click the resource and select Apply from the context menu. You can also double-click the resource on the object to apply it. To edit the mapping, use the Object Info palette or the Edit Attributes tool.

5. The texture is applied to the selected objects.
12/22/2024 7:02 am
He/Him • Level 15 : Journeyman Network
Are you using chatgpt?
12/22/2024 11:09 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
12/21/2024 12:46 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Sniffer Cookie
Do you like bread?
12/22/2024 4:54 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
12/22/2024 4:56 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Sniffer Cookie
12/19/2024 6:05 pm
He/Him • Level 29 : Expert Procrastinator Procrastinator
what is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
12/21/2024 12:46 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
The answer to life, the universe, and everything is 42.

This famous answer comes from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. In the story, a supercomputer named Deep Thought is tasked with finding the ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. After much contemplation, the answer it provides is simply 42. However, the characters in the story soon realize that they don't actually know what the "ultimate question" is, so the answer remains somewhat nonsensical.

The number 42 has since become a pop culture symbol for the idea that sometimes, complex questions may not have straightforward or meaningful answers.
12/19/2024 4:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
small issue, minecraft bedrock has no nbt tags, /attribute or any way to change an entities data, such as attack speed...
12/21/2024 12:43 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
You're correct that Minecraft Bedrock Edition doesn't have the same NBT editing capabilities or commands like /attribute as seen in Java Edition. This limitation can make it a bit tricky to directly modify certain entity attributes such as attack speed. However, there are still a few workarounds and methods you can use to influence entities in Bedrock Edition.

Here are some ways to approach modifying entity behaviors in Minecraft Bedrock Edition:

1. Using Add-ons (Behavior Packs)

One of the most effective ways to modify entity data (including attack speed and other attributes) is through Add-ons (also known as Behavior Packs). These allow you to create custom behaviors for entities, such as modifying how fast they attack or their movement speed.

To change an entity's attack speed or behavior:
  • You can modify the entity's attack behavior through the attack component in the behavior file.

Here's an example of how to modify an entity's attack behavior in a behavior pack using JSON:
jsonCopier le code{
"format_version": "1.10",
"minecraft:entity": {
"description": {
"identifier": "minecraft:custom_mob",
"is_spawnable": true,
"is_summonable": true
"components": {
"minecraft:attack": {
"damage": 10, // Damage dealt
"cooldown_time": 1.0 // Attack speed (lower value = faster)
"minecraft:movement": {
"value": 0.5 // Movement speed of the entity

In this example:
  • "cooldown_time" controls how quickly the entity can attack (a lower value means faster attacks).
  • "damage" adjusts the damage dealt by the entity.

2. Effects to Influence Attack Speed

While you cannot directly modify attack speed via commands in Bedrock Edition, you can influence it using status effects. For example, applying the Haste effect to players or entities can speed up the attack rate.

You can use the /effect command to give a Haste effect to an entity:
bashCopier le code/effect @e[type=player] minecraft:haste 1000000 4

This command gives all players the Haste effect, which boosts the attack speed. This is a temporary solution, but it can simulate faster attacks.

3. Command Blocks for Continuous Modifications

If you want to make continuous changes to an entity's behavior (like adjusting the attack speed or applying effects), you can use Command Blocks in conjunction with the /effect command.

For instance, you can set up a repeating command block that applies a specific effect to an entity, thereby influencing their behavior over time.

4. Entity Tweaks via Custom Mobs (Pack)

In addition to modifying behaviors using Add-ons, you can create custom mobs with specific attributes. For example, you could make an entity spawn with a certain speed or attack damage defined in the pack. While this won't directly modify "attack speed" like you can with /attribute in Java Edition, it allows for customization of the mob's overall behavior.


Minecraft Bedrock Edition lacks direct /attribute and NBT tag manipulation for entities, but you can still adjust behaviors such as attack speed by:
  • Creating and applying Add-ons (Behavior Packs).
  • Using effects like Haste to influence attack speed.
  • Using Command Blocks for automated, repeatable actions.

These solutions are the best workarounds currently available in Bedrock Edition.
12/13/2024 3:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
How do I go about removing the lag in my Minecraft bedrock parkour AI I built in a day? it uses 100+ Armor stands and half's my fps every few seconds its running

Next, how do I go about making a zombie have better ai using command blocks? (places blocks, breaks blocks, pathfinds, better at pvp)

and lastly, how do i make Minecraft inside Minecraft using command blocks?
12/14/2024 5:27 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
Creating Minecraft inside Minecraft using command blocks is an ambitious and creative challenge! Essentially, you're looking to replicate Minecraft’s core mechanics, or at least a subset of them, inside a world or an area of the Minecraft world using command blocks.

To do this, you would likely need to simulate things like:
  • Block placing and breaking
  • Inventory systems
  • Player movement and actions
  • Crafting, etc.

Below is a step-by-step guide to getting started with this project and replicating Minecraft inside Minecraft using command blocks.

1. Simulating Block Placing and Breaking

To start with, one of the fundamental mechanics in Minecraft is placing and breaking blocks. Using /setblock and /fill commands, you can simulate block manipulation.

Placing Blocks

To simulate block placement within a specific area, you could use /setblock to place a block at the player's location (or at a location they are aiming for).

Example of placing a block:
bashCopier le code/execute as @p at @s run setblock ^ ^ ^ minecraft:stone

This will place a stone block relative to the player's position when the command is executed.

Breaking Blocks

To break a block in the world (simulating the breaking mechanic), you can use /setblock to replace a block with air.

Example of breaking a block:
bashCopier le code/execute as @p at @s run setblock ^ ^ ^ minecraft:air

This command will break the block in front of the player (assuming the player is looking at it) by setting the block to air.

2. Simulating Inventory and Item Use

In Minecraft, players can interact with items, such as picking up and using them. You can simulate this by using /give and /clear commands for managing the player’s inventory.

Giving Items to a Player

Use the /give command to simulate the process of giving a player items:
bashCopier le code/give @p minecraft:stone 64

This will give the player 64 stone blocks.

Clearing Items from the Inventory

You can simulate the process of dropping or using items by clearing them from the player’s inventory.
bashCopier le code/clear @p minecraft:stone 64

This will remove 64 stone blocks from the player's inventory.

Using Items (Simulating Crafting or Interaction)

To simulate crafting or using items, you would have to create custom logic with command blocks. For example, you can detect when a player is holding a specific item and then execute a command when that item is used.

Example of detecting an item in a player's hand:
bashCopier le code/execute as @p[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:stone"}}] run say I am holding stone!

This will detect if the player is holding a stone block and output a message in the chat.

3. Simulating Player Movement

You can simulate aspects of player movement, such as teleporting the player or making them interact with the environment. Although it's difficult to fully replicate Minecraft’s complex physics, you can simulate specific actions.

Moving the Player

You can teleport the player around to simulate movement:
bashCopier le code/execute as @p at @s run tp @s ~5 ~ ~

This would teleport the player 5 blocks forward.

Detecting Collisions (Basic Environment Interaction)

You can use /execute commands to detect when a player interacts with a specific environment, such as colliding with a block.

bashCopier le code/execute as @p if block ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:stone run say Player is standing on stone!

This detects if the player is standing on a stone block and outputs a message.

4. Simulating Crafting

Crafting is an important part of Minecraft’s gameplay. You can simulate crafting by checking the player’s inventory for certain items and then "creating" new items via /give commands when a specific combination is found.

Detecting Items for Crafting

You could use /execute commands to check if a player has specific items in their inventory (e.g., three wood planks and two sticks to make a pickaxe) and then execute the crafting process.

Example of crafting a pickaxe from three wood planks and two sticks:
bashCopier le code/execute as @p[nbt={Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:oak_planks",Count:3},{id:"minecraft:stick",Count:2}]}] run give @p minecraft:wooden_pickaxe

This would give the player a wooden pickaxe if they have 3 oak planks and 2 sticks in their inventory.

Crafting Grid Simulation

To simulate the crafting grid, you could create a 3x3 area with /setblock or /fill commands, where the player places items. You can then check the combination of blocks placed and give them the result accordingly.

Example of checking a crafting grid:
bashCopier le code/execute as @p if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:oak_planks run give @p minecraft:wooden_pickaxe

This checks if there are specific blocks in certain positions, and you could extend this method to simulate a larger grid.

5. Simulating a World Within a World (Minecraft Inside Minecraft)

To simulate an entire world within your Minecraft world, you’ll likely need to create a mini-world or dimension-like structure. This could be a small enclosed space where players interact with custom block placements, item usage, and other features that replicate the larger game.

Create a Custom "Mini-World"

To simulate a "mini-world," you can use /fill commands to populate an area with blocks and structures. For example, you could set up a small village or a mine with custom blocks for the player to interact with.

Custom "Mini-Dimension" Teleportation

You can set up teleportation to a small "dimension" within the world where all of your custom Minecraft rules and mechanics take place. This is done with a combination of /execute and /teleport commands.

Example of a teleport command:
bashCopier le code/execute as @p if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:bedrock run tp @p[x=100,y=70,z=100]

This example teleports a player to a new area (a "mini-world") when they interact with a bedrock block.

6. Command Block System for Minecraft Inside Minecraft

Here’s how a basic system could be structured:
  1. Command Block 1: Check if the player places a block.
    • Use /execute and /setblock commands to simulate the block placement.
  2. Command Block 2: Detect if the player breaks a block.
    • Use /execute and /setblock to simulate block breaking.
  3. Command Block 3: Simulate inventory and crafting.
    • Use /execute to check for the right items in the player's inventory and give crafted items.

Example Setup: Minecraft "Mini-Game" Inside a World

  1. A command block detects when the player is holding an item.
  2. Another command block triggers the crafting action based on the player’s inventory.
  3. A third command block could teleport the player to a "mini-world" to simulate the feel of Minecraft inside Minecraft.

Final Thoughts

Building a Minecraft inside Minecraft is incredibly complex, especially using command blocks, as Minecraft itself is already a very expansive game. You can’t directly replicate everything the game does using command blocks, but you can simulate a lot of mechanics like block placement, inventory management, and crafting.

The most powerful feature here will be using command blocks to create custom interactions and behaviors. It requires a lot of creativity and an understanding of Minecraft's mechanics and how commands interact with the game world.

Feel free to refine this idea further and experiment with more advanced mechanics! Let me know if you want more specific examples for any part of the process.
12/14/2024 5:25 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
  1. To solve the lag problem in your Minecraft Bedrock parkour AI, there are several approaches you can try. Using more than 100 armor stands can cause a big impact on performance, as each entity in the game (such as armor stands) consumes resources, and at a high number, it can cause FPS to drop. Here are some suggestions to improve the situation:

    1. Reduce the number of armor stands
    If you are using more than 100 armor stands, it can cause a huge load on the game's CPU. Try to reduce the number of armor stands to a minimum necessary for the AI ​​to function properly.
    Instead of using armor stands for each AI step, consider alternative methods such as using positioning commands or other entities that are less resource-intensive.
    2. Optimize the entities used
    Use commands to move entities rather than having physical entities like armor stands that can impact performance. For example, you could use invisible elements like fake blocks or invisible entities to simulate actions without adding new visible entities.
    Invisible entities or temporarily placed blocks (using commands like /summon or /setblock) can be less resource intensive.
    3. Avoid complex loops and concurrent actions
    If you have loops or concurrent actions in your AI that cause frequent calculations (like continuous movement tests), try to reduce them or space them out in time to avoid too many calculations per second.
    Use timers or delays to space out actions and not overload the execution of commands.
    4. Limit redstone usage and complex commands
    If your AI uses a lot of redstone or complex commands (like command blocks that frequently activate entities), this can cause a performance hit. Try optimizing redstone by prioritizing the number of circuits and replacing frequent commands with simpler solutions.
    5. Optimizing server/game performance
    If you are playing on a server, performance may be limited by server resources. You can try testing the AI ​​in single player to see if the issue persists. In this case, optimizing server resources may be necessary.
    Check your game settings to see if there are any adjustments that can be made to improve performance, like disabling particles or lowering graphics settings.
    6. Using command blocks for movement
    Rather than moving each entity individually, use command blocks to simulate your AI's movements or actions. For example, command blocks that move the player or entities more smoothly, especially the frequency of updates.
    7. Analyze plugins/mods
    If you use plugins or mods, make sure they are compatible and do not consume excessive resources. Some plugins may introduce performance optimizations specific to entities or commands.
    In summary, to reduce lag, it is crucial to reduce the number of entities in play (especially armor stands), optimize the use of commands, and space out actions to avoid computational overload. A more systematic approach with fewer physical entities could improve the fluidity of your parkour AI.

  2. Improving a zombie’s AI in Minecraft using command blocks can involve several aspects: pathfinding, interaction with blocks (placing, breaking), and improving its combat behavior (PvP). Minecraft’s command block system, while not as versatile as some mods or external tools, still allows for a variety of powerful customizations. Here’s how you can approach these features step by step.

    1. Improving Pathfinding (Movement AI)

    Zombies, by default, have basic pathfinding, but you can enhance it with a few tricks. You can make them more responsive and follow paths more intelligently.

    • Give the zombie the ability to follow players more effectively:
      Use /execute commands to make the zombie track a player’s position and move toward them with more precision. You can create a repeating command block that constantly checks the player's location and adjusts the zombie's movement.

      Example: This command can force the zombie to "teleport" towards the player at a closer distance every tick, simulating better pathfinding.
      bashCopier le code/execute at @a run tp @e[type=zombie, distance=..10] @s

      This command would teleport zombies within 10 blocks of the nearest player to that player. You can adjust the range and refine it further by adding more conditions.

    • Pathfinding using the /minecraft:pathfinder command:
      You can also try utilizing custom pathfinding with the new Minecraft Bedrock Edition features. By setting the zombie’s target position with pathfinder options, it will move to a specific point and avoid obstacles better.
      bashCopier le code/execute as @e[type=zombie] run minecraft:pathfinder set_goal target @a[distance=..10]

    • Using /teleport and /execute for more sophisticated movements:
      You can get creative by combining teleportation with checks for obstacles to simulate smarter pathfinding. For example:
      bashCopier le code/execute at @e[type=zombie] run tp @s[x=_,y=_,z=_] facing @s

      This command will make the zombie turn and follow a set path with limited teleportation for a smoother follow.

    2. Allowing the Zombie to Place and Break Blocks

    Zombies in vanilla Minecraft can't place or break blocks by default, but you can simulate this behavior using /execute commands and block placements.

    • Make the zombie place blocks:
      Using command blocks, you can have a zombie place blocks in front of it. For example:
      bashCopier le code/execute as @e[type=zombie] at @s run setblock ~1 ~ ~ minecraft:stone

      This command will have the zombie place a stone block in front of it. You can replace minecraft:stone with any block you want, and this can be tied to certain actions or triggers.

      If you want it to place blocks under specific conditions (e.g., when the zombie is near an obstacle or needs to build something), you can create more complex logic with /execute to check if there’s a gap or certain condition, and then place blocks accordingly.

    • Make the zombie break blocks:
      Zombies can break blocks with the /break command. For example:
      bashCopier le code/execute as @e[type=zombie] at @s run destroy ~1 ~ ~

      This will break the block in front of the zombie. You can chain this with certain checks, so the zombie will only break blocks when it's in a specific state, like when it’s standing near a door or obstacle.

      For example, if you want the zombie to break a door:
      bashCopier le code/execute as @e[type=zombie] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:oak_door run destroy ~ ~ ~

    3. Improving PvP (Combat AI)

    To make the zombie better at PvP (combat), you can manipulate its attack behavior and responsiveness.

    • Speed up the zombie’s attack rate:
      You can use the /attribute command to modify the zombie’s attack speed:
      bashCopier le code/attribute @e[type=zombie] minecraft:generic.attack_speed base set 4.0

      This command increases the attack speed of zombies, making them attack faster.

    • Modify the zombie’s damage:
      You can also modify the zombie’s damage output using the /attribute command:
      bashCopier le code/attribute @e[type=zombie] minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 10

      This makes the zombie much stronger in combat. You can tweak this value to balance it as needed.

    • Give the zombie better combat abilities:
      Use /execute to make the zombie more aggressive when attacking players. You can force the zombie to focus its attacks on a player more often, for example:
      bashCopier le code/execute as @e[type=zombie] at @s run execute if entity @p[distance=..5] run attack @p

    • Increased health and armor:
      You can give the zombie more health and armor, which makes it harder to defeat in combat:
      bashCopier le code/attribute @e[type=zombie] minecraft:generic.max_health base set 60
      /attribute @e[type=zombie] minecraft:generic.armor base set 10

      These commands give the zombie 60 health points and 10 armor points.

    4. Use of a Combination of Command Blocks

    Combining multiple command blocks can allow you to set up smarter zombies that do a variety of tasks.

    • Example Setup for Smarter Zombie AI:
      1. A repeating command block that checks if a player is within range, and if so, teleports the zombie closer to the player.
      2. A chain command block that gives the zombie better combat skills (higher attack damage and speed).
      3. Another repeating chain command block that makes the zombie break/place blocks when necessary (such as when it needs to pathfind through an obstacle).

      You could also create a system where the zombie uses commands like @e[type=zombie] to detect surroundings and automatically use its commands for a more "autonomous" feeling.

    5. Final Thoughts:

    Command blocks are incredibly flexible, but also somewhat limited in what they can do, especially for advanced AI behaviors. While you can improve pathfinding, PvP, and block interactions with the methods above, more advanced AI (such as avoiding hazards or planning out complex paths) is beyond the scope of standard Minecraft commands.

    If you want the zombie AI to act even more like a sophisticated NPC, you might want to explore using mods (like MCreator or similar Minecraft modding tools) or implementing external scripting for even more custom behavior.

    Let me know if you need further details or examples!
12/12/2024 9:43 am
He/Him • Level 23 : Expert Creeper Architect
How old are you?
12/12/2024 12:20 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
I have 17 years old
12/10/2024 3:10 pm
He/Him • Level 39 : Artisan Artist Caveman
How do you think the cross withstood the weight when Santa was crucified?
12/11/2024 1:40 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
  1. The sign of the cross thus sums up the heart of the Christian faith: the fact that we believe in a unique and triune God and with whom we weave a relationship of love. By marking our body with the love of God, having sent Jesus his son for our salvation, we thus become witnesses of this love.
  2. To those who are being destroyed, the wonderful works of God are foolishness (1 Corinthians 1:18), but to those who are being saved by the cross, they are the wisdom of God. In fact, to return to the previous idea, the wonderful wisdom of God in the cross is the means by which the proud wisdom of the world is destroyed.
  3. The patibulum is a transverse part carried by the condemned man to the place of execution fixed perpendicular to the cruz. The whole thing weighs more than 100 kg, which explains why the condemned man can only carry the patibulum.
Amazing Zane
12/10/2024 2:14 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
Do you think a meme cinematic universe would be a good idea?
12/11/2024 1:30 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a film franchise produced by Marvel Studios and which features, in a shared universe, characters from the comics published by Marvel Comics. The adapted comics are mainly the work of writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby. The franchise was imagined and launched by producer Kevin Feige in 2008. Marvel Studios has been owned by The Walt Disney Company since 2010.
It would be a good idea but be careful with copyright, many people have created cinematic universes
12/10/2024 8:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
12/10/2024 12:26 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
The goal is to ask questions, voting is secondary and not obligatory.
And for your information, you are not the first to vote.
12/10/2024 7:30 am
Level 5 : Apprentice System
What is 2 / 8?
12/10/2024 12:42 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
  1. 2/8 as a percentage is expressed as 25%
  2. Fraction____________________________Equivalent_________________________________Fractions Decimal
Papa Enny
12/09/2024 1:30 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
funni lenguan man, what is the purpose of your presence here
12/09/2024 2:28 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
My goal is to entertain people and create fun.
12/09/2024 11:32 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
12/09/2024 12:34 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
Cheese is a food obtained from coagulated milk, dairy products or milk components such as whey or cream. Cheese is made from cow's milk mainly, but also from sheep, goat, buffalo and occasionally camel, reindeer, elk, mare
12/09/2024 11:31 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
12/09/2024 12:35 pm
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
You can ask me any question unless it is related to politics.
12/22/2024 11:46 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
why not politicis
12/09/2024 10:05 am
He/Him • Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer Artist
What is the meaning of life?
12/09/2024 11:15 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
  1. - Meaning of life as a goal: Having a meaningful life means feeling that the goals we set for ourselves in life and the aims we want to achieve are the right ones and that we can achieve them or have achieved them.
  2. Life only has the meaning that you give it. Discover what you really like, live your passions. Learn to love yourself and others. Live each day as if it were your last but at the same time plan for the long term.
12/11/2024 2:23 am
They/Them • Level 31 : Artisan System
Well said
12/09/2024 3:19 pm
He/Him • Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer Artist
Life has no meaning. Life is a law, a phenomenon. It is no different than the same laws that make our universe. Life was born without a will, nor an intention. Life is an eternal truth, one that embodies the inevitability of reality's manifestations.
12/07/2024 8:27 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
You can ask me questions about anything and everything, just try to stay polite and friendly to others.(no politics)
12/08/2024 8:51 am
He/Him • Level 37 : Artisan Dragonborn Nerd
Fav Color?
12/08/2024 8:54 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
My favorite color is dark blue and black, and you?
12/08/2024 9:01 am
He/Him • Level 37 : Artisan Dragonborn Nerd
Blue And Purple
