Does the sky ever look strange for you?
Recently, I've been noticing this weird bug with the sky color, where it looks dark and kind of 'backlit' even during the day and in clear weather. Sometimes, exiting and reloading the world will fix it, but sometimes it persists until the application is closed and re-launched.
It looks like this:
It looks like this:
Poll ended 01/08/2025 11:32 pm.
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That looks like when the wither is there but the wither is not in your world so that's weird. Maybe Herobrine! Beware!

That’s the sky when a wither is nearby but uhhhh no idea

LOL you're right XD but there aren't any withers in that world, so it's definitely a bug. I haven't seen anything about it on the official bug tracker site though

I've not seen that (possibly because i tend to keep clouds turned off?)