How much money do you guys have (Fake answers only)
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Not enough to pay for even the cheapest paid map on this site so I only check out the free downloads nowadays

2 dollar

Not enough to win my ex back.

Why do I love this answer so much lol

about 3 cats but idk im lucky enough to have 3 some people are in debt of lot of cats :/

Just shy of one gazzillion dollars

Enough for like 3 tacos, if I'm lucky, and then I'm broke broke, like broker than now broke. </3
(have you tried tacos btw? they're pretty good, definitely worth spending your last bits of money on!)
(have you tried tacos btw? they're pretty good, definitely worth spending your last bits of money on!)

I love tacos! Yesterday we had a Taco Tuesday!!! Thank you for always commenting! (I can relate to you though, I probably only have enough for 2.)