I’ve figured it out!
After many weeks of struggling, I’ve finally found a fatal flaw in the Marketplace: world saving format. By simply putting the add-on/texture pack in the world, exporting, converting to zip, and extracting, you can completely bypass the paywall with a friend’s help. See, the world file contains all of the packs active in the world, including Marketplace ones. So, by copying the folders for the add-ones into .mcaddon files, the entire Marketplace paywall can be bypassed. Like I said, a fatal flaw in the system that Microsoft/Mojang can’t fix without a complete recode of the game! Wonder how much this’ll get exploited now that I’ve revealed the method… No one tell Jeb or whoever’s in charge of Minecraft Bedrock these days, okay? Okay.
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Also: It seems like if you’re on a Windows PC, you can access the premium_cache folder from your main folder for the app.

I can think of a few ways to defeat that (but why lend aid and comfort)…
All, however, would have the effect of making the original game [java] more attractive….
All, however, would have the effect of making the original game [java] more attractive….

And Microsoft doesn’t want to do that because they can’t make as much money from Java.

My lamentations at MS/Mj finding itself on the horns of that particular dilemma are muted…

lol, right after I posted this, I went into the main folder on my PC and found the premium_cache folder