Is anyone playing Peaceful here?
I'm interested because i play peaceful difficulty and i LOVE it
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I do and its fun because crepers dont ruin my world now

sometimes i do but noit often

I've tried it once a while back. It's a strangely liminal and eerie experience. You expect mobs and things to appear at night and in the deepest caves, but there just isn't. After a while, every sound you hear makes you think there's a Herobrian around the corner. It could also be pretty "peaceful" at times too:)

That's NOT what it's like! Idk why, but i don't like to play with monsters. They're just too scary. It's okay if i'm in creative mode, or i prepare against a few in a Superflat world in creative mode, and then i switch to survival/adventure, but a few times i tried easy, and i was too scared to go in a cave.

Too true. Seeing people play and enjoy horror experiences can make them seem like masochists, but there's also the frill and chance of cardiac arrest in having a creeper ambush me in a mine that makes me want to go back in every time.

I don't like sudden things. Maybe i've seen too much Minecraft Creepypasta….