Looking for Bedrock players
Hey, I'm enkah0, I'm looking for some bedrock players to help teach me a thing or two about Bedrock edition. I mainly play Java edition 1.12.2-1.21.4 so, bedrock is a challenge for me.
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I play

Bedrock user here, what about Bedrock is challenging? There aren’t too many differences when it comes to just playing the game

The things I can do In Java do not exist in Bedrock, so Im getting lost thats all.

i play bedrock

i play bedrock. what is it you need help with?

I'm not used to the functionalitys of Bedrock edition. So, I'm looking for some players who mainly play bedrock to teach this java Player something new.

ah. that's... kinda vague. minecraft is a bit of a large game....
uh.... you can use bone meal on sugar cane on bedrock edition. that's something i've personally been getting some use out of lately.
uh.... you can use bone meal on sugar cane on bedrock edition. that's something i've personally been getting some use out of lately.