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I'm sorry for deleting my comments ;(( @xq3v1544

yk the link i sent you?


like the pfp

I do very much:))

want it as ur pfp?
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01/12/2025 6:41 pm
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the blue link?
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fav color, fav food, and fav sport

mint green, ramen noodles, tennis

ooo all very nice
01/12/2025 5:26 pm
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Ohh why I love your profile picture:)) so beautiful 😮😮

01/12/2025 2:12 pm
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01/12/2025 2:15 pm
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01/12/2025 2:18 pm
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correcting your grammar youre means you are and your means a thing that belongs to you
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01/12/2025 2:07 pm
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mint green