Trident killer
I built that XP farm with armadillos and an automatic killer with tridents, but an error occurs. When leaving the world or getting too far away (I don't know which of these is the cause), the killer stop working. I have to pick up the tridents and position them again for it to work again.
Does anyone have any idea what it could be and what to do to solve it?
I built that XP farm with armadillos and an automatic killer with tridents, but an error occurs. When leaving the world or getting too far away (I don't know which of these is the cause), the killer stop working. I have to pick up the tridents and position them again for it to work again.
Does anyone have any idea what it could be and what to do to solve it?
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As mentioned, chunks going inactive or unloading seems likely… (also possibly redstone or drowned going inactive if in the periphery of loaded chunks)
Would you provide a link to the relevant build/tutorial?
Would you provide a link to the relevant build/tutorial?

Looked at it, but it's for br (which I don't play) and in Portugeuse (which I don't speak) [and the autotranslated subtitles leave something to be desired]
Assuming there isn't anything specific to br working, if you get far enough away (128 'eucldian' in java) the generated silverfish would instantaneously despawn.
In any case, the fact that the farm runs only 3 min per potion makes it seem like you ought to just wait it out.
I'm not clear on br's rules for trident entities despawning (particularly as I expect the trapdoor action continues to reset the timer), but the suspension/resumpsion of motion that seems likely to occur as the player moves in and out of range seem likely to eventually cause enough 'drift' to realign them. [That, at least, is what I would expect in java.]
Hopefully you'll get a more authoritative answer from one of the br technical players…
[Just saw you reply to Tywyll: if the change has occured over a change in versions you're playing (even 1.21.n to 1.21.n+1) this could be either an intended MS/Mj change or a bug introduced by the new version. You m,ight check the bug tracker.]
Assuming there isn't anything specific to br working, if you get far enough away (128 'eucldian' in java) the generated silverfish would instantaneously despawn.
In any case, the fact that the farm runs only 3 min per potion makes it seem like you ought to just wait it out.
I'm not clear on br's rules for trident entities despawning (particularly as I expect the trapdoor action continues to reset the timer), but the suspension/resumpsion of motion that seems likely to occur as the player moves in and out of range seem likely to eventually cause enough 'drift' to realign them. [That, at least, is what I would expect in java.]
Hopefully you'll get a more authoritative answer from one of the br technical players…
[Just saw you reply to Tywyll: if the change has occured over a change in versions you're playing (even 1.21.n to 1.21.n+1) this could be either an intended MS/Mj change or a bug introduced by the new version. You m,ight check the bug tracker.]

i think if you unload the chunks the farm is in the redstone stops working, probably a bug with the version you're playing on or the farm itself.
i would suggest just afking in a box to collect the exp overnight, then go exploring or whatever when you log on next so you have the exp
i would suggest just afking in a box to collect the exp overnight, then go exploring or whatever when you log on next so you have the exp

So there's no way to solve it? Every time I go far from the farm and come back I will have to collect the tridents and throw them in the slaughterer again?
I don't remember it always being like this.
I don't remember it always being like this.