If you could be any minecraft animal or mob, what would it be and whyemoji_people
Just asking a fun question because im bored! If you could be any minecraft animal or mob, what would it be and why. Also, we just updated our Tnt Spleef map so come check it out!
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Bunny, because they're soft and fluffy and silly and cute and adorable and funny and stomp when they're angry and are very expressive and are a bit dramatic at times, and they're very very good friends and they eat leaves, and they're chill, and they don't mind playing dress up (usually), and they LOVE horror films and cartoons.
(so like basically? I'm already a bunny anyhow, just missing the cotton tail and ears for it)
(so like basically? I'm already a bunny anyhow, just missing the cotton tail and ears for it)

ImNotCrazy- The ender dragon, because im the strongest and hardest mob to beat in the game!

I'd agree but like, everyone who joins your realm wants to unalive you for no reason other than your unborn egg and other portals.

PotatoFace - I would say the wither, cause I blow things up without hurting myself