Slorpcraft Nations SMP | Starting August 2nd

ViViD_Joe7/31/24 2:18 am
1 emeralds 214 2
8/7/2024 9:21 pm
This is a Minecraft Bedrock Server where console gamers can also play. It's mainly focused on world-building and roleplay. It's not PVP focused. This server is whitelist only. It will have one-player sleep, we have a map so nations can decide what land they want, and a very active discord server. We are very inclusive of different people with all sorts of backgrounds. It has a world border at 1000 blocks in each direction. It's full on vanilla except for one-player sleep. There are already 3 establish nations with 6+ players in each. Join in with your friends and make your own nation!

If you are iNTERESTED IN JOINING, here is the link to the discord server: discord.gg/H9AC58UTdq
Posted by
Level 1 : New Miner

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07/31/2024 7:53 am
He/Him • Level 21 : Expert Dragon
How many people have joined so far? If I manage to convince my friends, we will probably play :D
08/07/2024 9:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
daily 11-16 ppl on, theres like 30 active members so far
