League of Legends PMC Community

Eeirail's Avatar Eeirail5/12/15 6:22 pm
1 emeralds 1.2k 19
5/30/2015 3:05 pm
Elijah_Blu's Avatar Elijah_Blu

Champions, now is the time to come together to discuss all things
related to League of Legends from your favorite role to
what is the perfect build. This is also the place to find
partners for solo/duo queues or even friendly ARAM games.

-Obey all regulations set on the PMC site. If you are not yet familiar with these rules check them Here
-No prodding the league community about other MOBA's. (This is a League thread.)
- Do not beg/offer Riot Points
- If you wish to host an event please let Thread Moderators know so we can update the post accordingly.
- PLEASE use the template given as a form to fill out so we people can find players more accurately.


-The Template-
Click to reveal
Summoner Name:
General time of availibilty:

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane):
Top Lane:
ADC(Bot Lane):
Mid Lane

Put whatever tidbits of your playstyle or stories here.

Click to reveal
Nothing at this time.
Please Stand By.

-Player Listing-

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*- Scrub account
-Others will be added if people are in them-
Posted by Eeirail's Avatar
Retired Moderator
Level 36 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer

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05/30/2015 3:05 pm
Level 47 : Master Batman
Elijah_Blu's Avatar
Summoner Name: LapisLion
Server(s): North America
General time of availibilty:

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Sona
Top Lane: Mordekaiser, Yorrick,
ADC(Bot Lane): Teemo
Mid Lane: Brand
Jungler: N/A

I don't play this game to be good I play to have a good time.
05/28/2015 8:00 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
Nananah's Avatar
Summoner Name: xChorse (EUW), Nananah (EUNE)
Server(s):EUW and EUNE
Level/Rank: S4 Diamond, S5 Plat 1-2 (just playing to not decay lel)
General time of availibilty: When I'm awake?

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Thresh, Janna, Bard
Top Lane: Irelia, Lissandra
ADC(Bot Lane): Kalista, Graves, Jinx, Ezreal
Mid Lane: Ahri, Anivia, Zed
Jungler: jungle is evil

i suck
05/28/2015 7:45 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Bland's Avatar
Summoner Name: Mini Baws
Server(s): EUW
Level/Rank: 30/ Diamond V
General time of availibilty: 6PM GMT till around 12

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Thresh, Lulu, Braum, Nami, Bard, Alistar. Support main!
Top Lane: Irelia, Renekton... I suck top
ADC(Bot Lane): Ashe, Lucian,
Mid Lane: ANIVIA hype
Jungler: Kitty cat (Rengar) Nautilus,
Taking a break currently, playing a little less to refresh the game a bit. But I'm still available for a few fun games every now and then, cya on the Rift.
05/19/2015 9:53 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Fisherman
Dewbious's Avatar
Summoner Name: Dewbious
Server(s): NA
Level/Rank: 30/Rust IV
General time of availibilty: 5:00pm - 12:00pm EST

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Thresh, Soraka, Blitzcrank
Top Lane: Singed, Elise, Yorick
ADC(Bot Lane): Caitlyn, Varus, Vayne
Mid Lane: Cassiopeia, Lux, Fizz
Jungler: Trundle, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn

I haven't played too much in a while but I'd like to get back into it. I enjoy the game quite a bit, though I try not to take things too seriously. This game has a bad reputation of having a toxic community. You won't see me raging at players, regardless of how we're doing as a team. I'm almost always willing to just fill in the unchosen roles when in champion select. Looking foreword to possibly playing with you guys.
05/15/2015 2:47 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Lad
RevChuckles's Avatar
Summoner Name: OCE: RevChuckles NA:RektChuckles
Server(s): OCE, NA
Level/Rank: 21 >.>
General time of availability: Mostly after 8pm NZ time

-Roles/Champion usage-
My main champ is Jinx but I also play others like Malzahar and Wukong >.>

I mostly play OCE, NA is only if its a group
I'm not that good, occasionally I have tremendously good games where I fluke a lot but most of the time I like trolling the other team and having fun
Essentially I don't play hardcore and make a lot of mistakes but still have a good time.
05/14/2015 12:53 pm
Level 49 : Master Unicorn
CrazyPigglet's Avatar
Summoner Name: CrazyPigglet
Server(s): EUNE
Level/Rank: LvL 30, Bronze IV..... Riot is not fair
General time of availibilty: Mostly any time of the day

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Oh many: Sona, Zyra, Blitzcrank, Leona, Braum, Karma, Zilean, Morgana, Tresh...
Top Lane: Pantheon, Dr. Mundo (haven't played him in a while...), Tryndamere
ADC(Bot Lane): Graves. Planning to buy Jinx
Mid Lane: Brand, Cassio, Annie, Veigar, Swain.
Jungler: Hecarim, Vi, Jarvan IV, sometimes Rammus

I mostly go support, and if not that, mid or jungle
05/13/2015 1:06 pm
Level 42 : Master Steve
Bureine's Avatar
Summoner Name: NA:ItzBrainJuice EUNE:420BlazeItJuice
Server(s): NA, EUNE
Level/Rank: NA:5 EUNE:30 Bronze I (Afk/feeding ppl suck)
General time of availibilty: Evenings.

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Nidalee
Top Lane: Poppy, Riven, Garen
ADC(Bot Lane): Kalista, Sivir, Lucian
Mid Lane: Riven, Kata
Jungler: Poppy, Yi, Riven

05/13/2015 6:55 am
Level 84 : Elite Programmer
Arcaniax's Avatar
Summoner Name: Arcaniax
Server(s): EUW (lvl 30) NA (lvl 5)
Level/Rank: 30 / Silver II (haven't played a lot recently)
General time of availibilty: Weekends/evenings

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Nope
Top Lane: Heimer
ADC(Bot Lane): Nope
Mid Lane: Heimer / karthus
Jungler: Nope

I just like heimedinger
05/13/2015 2:24 am
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Charlizard's Avatar
eeirail forced me to do this

Summoner Name: Mugi is my bae
Server(s): NA
Level/Rank: Silver IV
General time of availibilty: Anytime that I'm awake and don't have exams

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Braum, Morgana, Lulu, Nautilus, Zyra, Blitzcrank
Top Lane: Hecarim, Maokai, Renekton, Vladimir, Darius (Although it's my weakest role by far)
ADC(Bot Lane): Corki, Lucian
Mid Lane: Cassiopeia, Malzahar, Diana, Talon
Jungler: Nautilus, Sejuani, Amumu, Gragas, Jarvan IV, Vi, Rek'sai, Wukong, Jax, Maokai(it works I promise)

05/12/2015 10:57 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Fish
boy toy name troy
boy toy name troy's Avatar
Summoner Name: Whoopi Golberg
Server(s): NA
Level/Rank: 30/Bronze III and climbing ish
General time of availability: In about two weeks I'll be done with school and I'll be available whenever I'm not working. Probably evenings/nights Central time

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Thresh/Leona/Morgana, a strong lane for me
Top Lane: Sion/Gnar/most tanks, a decent lane
ADC(Bot Lane): Kalista/Lucian, I rarely play this position
Mid Lane: Zed but never should I ever be put mid
Jungle: Wukong/Lee Sin/Nautilis or any meta tank jungler, this is my strongest position

Jg/Supp main, I've played with you before ya dip <3
05/12/2015 10:46 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Network
NathanLithia's Avatar
Summoner Name: Lithia
Server(s): NA
Level/Rank: (Had to make a new account)
General time of availibilty: 3:15PM to 12:00AM On Mon-Fri, 11:00PM to 1:00 AM SAT-SUN *South Australia Timezone*

-Roles/Champion usage-
I Last played in 2012 so ill have to make myself new tactics

I like to sit back then deal killing blows to my enemies as a support
05/12/2015 8:19 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
Summoner Name: Expan
Server(s): NA
Level/Rank: Silver V
General time of availability: any time

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Sona
Top Lane: Darius / Nasus
ADC(Bot Lane): Jinx, Sivir, Graves
Mid Lane: Kat, Talon, Syndra, Twisted Fate
Jungler: Sejuani, Nocturne

I'm a strategist, but if someone else takes that role I'm just pure aggressive. Tell me what to do and I'll do it. I don't really have a main, but I prefer Sup or JG so I can have a bit of control on what's going on. Got a 900 stack on Nasus once, that was a fun game.
05/12/2015 7:12 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster uwu
Mursuppa's Avatar
Summoner Name: Mursuppa
Server(s): Main on EUNE, scrub on NA and EUW
Level/Rank: Plat II, climbing on a good pace
General time of availibilty: ~10pm-6am CST + weekends

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support <3: Braum, Thresh, Janna and Morgana
Top Lane: Renekton, Cho, Malphite and Rumble
ADC: Graves (and Urgot)
Mid Lane: Vlad, Ori and Syndra
Jungler: Cho and Malph

Braum main. I'f I don't get supp I don't care what I play tbh. Nowadays I play only rankeds (duoq) and sometimes stressrelief ARAMs and tournament games.
I added the champs I like to play the most/I find most success so there's champs like Mao, Blitz and Lissandra I have played quite a bit but I don't like them tbh. I tend to boast with my Braum stats and I'll do it here aswell; 143 rankeds this season with 6.32 kda and 62%winrate. Don't hate pls

Edit: Diamond has been aquired!
05/12/2015 7:11 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Refined_Malachite's Avatar
Summoner Name: BabyfishmouthXD
Server(s): NA
Level/Rank: 30 S5 (god I hate provisionals)
General time of availibilty:
3pm on

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Braum, thresh
Top Lane: Darius, lee sin, yasuo, and a bunch of others.
ADC(Bot Lane): Kog, Graves, Draven, and again a bunch of others.
Mid Lane: yasuo, Zed, lee sin, kog maw
Jungler: Rek, Vi, others.

Aggro, but smart, so yknow wont go into a 2v3 unless we're ahead and I'll leave you to die if you're half they're full and I'm late to a fight. gg no re
05/12/2015 7:01 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Summoner Name: Rakqoi
Server(s): NA
Level/Rank: 15
General time of availability: Any time I'm online, usually 11am-3am EST.

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Soraka
Top Lane: Warwick, Jax, Garen
ADC(Bot Lane): Twisted Fate, Tristana, Ashe
Mid Lane Twisted Fate, Annie, maybe Ryze
Jungler: None yet.

Absolute noob feeder gg no re right now, ask anyone. I'm half decent as Soraka, and I'm starting to learn TF to hopefully use him in most every other role. Don't judge me.
05/12/2015 6:56 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Vampire
Drzzter's Avatar
Summoner Name: Drzzter
Server(s): NA
Level/Rank: 9 (Yeah I know I've only played around 10 games and I'm really bad.)
General time of availibilty: More or less whenever, so long as I'm not doing school.

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Sona, Soraka
Top Lane: Um, I don't usually go top, but I like Shen.
ADC(Bot Lane): Jinx, Veigar
Mid Lane: Annie, Amumu
Jungler: I don't really do jungle, for reasons stated by Palaeos.

I got League a while back, but kind of forgot about it and hadn't touched it for a few months, I've only played around a dozen or so matches and won around half of them.

I don't tend to rage out or anything, and I've been honored several times by my teammates. Though I do have occasional issues with having to go for sudden reasons, like lunch or having to mow grass. That shouldn't be too huge a deal.
05/12/2015 6:34 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle
Palaeos's Avatar
Summoner Name: ArcanitePWN (don't you judge me)
Server(s): NA
Level/Rank: 30/Plastic XVI (not ranked)
General time of availibilty: When I am not working, but chances are I wont play because Runescape is mroe fun atm.

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Sona, Soraka, tried a few others to no success
Top Lane: J4(Jarvan), Brolaf
ADC(Bot Lane): Graves
Mid Lane: Annie, Xerath, Lux, Veigar, Morgana
Jungler: I'm too afraid of Tarzan for that place.

I'm pretty bad at the game and have played under 10 games in the last 6 months.
05/12/2015 6:26 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
Eeirail's Avatar
Summoner Name: Eeirail
Server(s): NA
Level/Rank: 30/ Bronze II
General time of availibilty: 8pm-4am EST

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): N/A I do not play support
Top Lane: Rek' Sai, Shaco (Trolling), Cho' Gath, and the occasional Sion.
ADC(Bot Lane): Varus <3, Quinn, and Sivir.
Mid Lane: Diana and Brand.
Jungler: Rek' Sai and Diana

---Will be added later---
05/12/2015 6:24 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Summoner Name:Jetrim
Level/Rank: 30 / Bronze IV
General time of availibilty: 10a-10p

-Roles/Champion usage-
Support(Bot Lane): Lux, Leona, Nami
Top Lane: Shyvana, Sion
ADC(Bot Lane): Ashe, Sivir, Ezreal
Mid Lane: Ahri, Orianna, Lux
Jungler: Evelynn, Sion, Kayle

I tend to play passively when down bot lane, but opportunistic while in mid. I avoid top lane like the plague.
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