Looking for Help On New Dropper Minigame Genre!! Builders needed!

Kydog1001/18/25 12:21 am
1/18/2025 3:44 am
Making a dropper inspired minigame!
I can do all the Redstone and all the machines are built and set up to showcase proof of concept. I just don't have the levels made.

I am not a good builder but I have ideas.
you're allowed to take any creative liberties and I'll try and help build but overall I'm more redstone and ideas.

The actual concept for the minigame itself would be easier to explain in game but the kind of levels we will be making are akin to the dropper. (see here)

The server is using the axiom mod for building(it's like better worldedit)

These are direct download links but you can find them yourself. just the latest version of axiom and fabric is needed.

Hit me up if you want to help :)

Discord: dayman5681
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Level 1 : New Explorer

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01/18/2025 3:21 am
He/Him • Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Hey dude!
I am quite interested in helping build a map for your dropper! However I do not have discord.
01/18/2025 3:44 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
That makes it a little hard to communicate as I'm not on planet minecraft much.

I would definitely love to make it happen tho. At a better time I'll msg you and see about getting you on the server! Right now there's hardly any limitations and I'd love to make a skyscraper level like the actual dropper has.
01/18/2025 2:05 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
I guess I will also clarify some things.

This map is gonna be released to everyone once I'm done, this is not for a private server like that.

Anyone who helps will get credit. This is my own personal thing so anyone expecting money I'll pass on. I've been working pretty seriously on this so if you can handle doing detailed work for fun I welcome you to my Passion Project<3
01/18/2025 1:51 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
idk how this got approved. accidentally posted in the wrong forum topic and now its here in mapping. couldn't edit it to fix this while being approved and I can't fix it now.

smh. so powerless on my own post.
