New projects of minecraft:map

VocalMC10/5/24 9:18 am
12/13/2024 8:51 am
My new projects of minecraft:

Hi, i am VocalMC, an little youtuber that makes maps for free to use in planetmc, in this forum threads i talk about the projects that i have in mind, and also the projects that are in progress. You can ask any question you have about it, and if you want to see it, say it and you can find the link fast.

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Level 23 : Expert Architect

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12/13/2024 8:51 am
Level 23 : Expert Architect
New project on proces: The One world trade center / The liberty Tower NY, USA

A new project that i started this week in world edit, i supose that this takes about a few months to finish all, i want to recreate all the Square of the Trade center of NY. Thats all thank you.
10/16/2024 3:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Today, I discuss a project I'm working on for 1.20, which is obviously free. The basketball arena in New York City, USA's Madison Square Garden served as the model for the map. It's under construction; to answer your question, all I have to do is build the interior, which includes the shops and entrance. I believe it is over 66 or 76%, but I'm not sure when it will end. If you would need a map, please ask and I'll give you my assessment.
candy clicker
10/05/2024 9:21 am
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Hi, today i talk about a project that i have in progress, for 1.20 and obviously, for free. The map is based on the basketball stadium: Madison Square Garden, NY city, USA. Its in progress and if you asking, only i have to build the interior, like entrance, shops and that things. I thing its over the 66 or 76%, but don't know when its finish, if you want to ask for the map, ask and wait for my opinion, thanks.
