Command help:how to exempt a certain player from a radius changing command block

Xellerate's Avatar Xellerate2/20/20 11:31 am
1 emeralds 402 1
2/23/2020 11:25 am
set_135's Avatar set_135
I'm on Android making a vanilla server, I used the command /gamemode a @p [​r=10] , how would I exempt a person from this command, I don't want another command block that forces them into a gamemode as then they won't be able to get out of it, I want to find a way so that anyone that is an operator can choose what gamemode they want
Posted by Xellerate's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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02/23/2020 11:25 am
Level 37 : Artisan Blacksmith
set_135's Avatar
If you didn't put the r=10 then it will not target a radius of 10 instead target the closest player to the command block.

If you want to keep the radius but exempt a player than after the r=10 put a , and then name=!<player name>

/gamemode a @p[​r=10, name=!Bob]

Please note the ! Means NOT. Also the name might be cap sensitive
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