(=) A Cold new Reality (=) OOC

NorthernGamR's Avatar NorthernGamR8/29/13 10:47 pm
9/26/2013 7:59 pm
SilverAnonMoonmaster's Avatar SilverAnonMoonmaster
A Cold new reality.

You walk but a few feet before collapsing into the cold dense snow that lay spread out like a blanket of death all around you. Looking at your wound, You sum up that you have but a few minutes to live before you die. With this in mind, You think about the choices you made that brought you here, And what forced you into the choices.

It all started in the sweltering heat of the summer of 2023. You remember walking down the street of your home town, Occasionally taking small drinks of your cold soda. On your way to whatever you do for a living, Like almost eveyone else around. Minus the kids on summer break. You were doing your best to keep from dousing yourself in sweat, Though sadly your best wasn't very good. For a brief moment you felt an extreme chill roll down your spine, It wasn't a normal chill. It was almost as if your entire spine froze down to the center, Then unthawed in almost an instant. You quickly shake it off and decide that the heat must be getting to you. But then it happens again, And again, And again. Until you are almost on the ground from the horrible cold that has now engulfed your body. After a while, You weren't really sure how long. Seconds, Minutes, Hours. It was all just a blur of cold and pain. You finally blacked out.

You awake gasping for air and wrapping your arms around yourself in hopes of providing warmth. The very fist thing you notice is that when you breath, You create steam like when it is very cold outside. The second, Everything around was covered in at least a foot of snow, More than likely more. You stand up quickly and feel a cold numbness all over your body. You know you won't survive long in this harsh cold without better clothes.

After walking around a few blocks of what you assumed was a street, You find a person laying face first on the ground. Upon closer inspection, You find that the man is covered in the patches of ice and his skin is an extremely pale icey blue color. You're pulled away from your inspection when you hear screaming and yelling from a nearby alley. After you sprint to the entrance to the alley, You look around the corner to see a woman fighting off a man. After a few seconds of watching before you decide to help. The man grabs the woman's wrist and holds onto it . In but a few seconds you watch the women turn the same pale blue color as the corpse you found and drop dead to the ground. You are still in shock from what you just saw when the mans turns around, Bringing you back to reality when you see that he is like the woman and the corpse, Only he is alive.

So basically what has happened is your hometown ( And the world for all you know. ) has been plunged into a second Ice Age. Everything is covered in a thick layer of snow and it's cold enough to freeze a penguin's tongue off! ( Okay maybe not quite that cold, But you get the picture! Non winter clothes = DEATH ) It has been almost two weeks since all of this started. But besides that, Another deadly factor has been thrown into the deck. Some humans have been completely morphed into creatures of cold. Some say they have ice pumping in thier veins, And an ice pop instead of a brain. ( Which would actually explain they're now below average intelligence. ) All it takes for them to kill their victims is for them to get a grip on any patch of exposed skin, And hold on for a mere moment before you are frozen from the inside out. There have even been rumors that if they hold on long enough to your clothes, They can even freeze through that. But in this day an age, Its hard to discern the truth from the talkings of a madman. Good luck my friends! Stay frosty.... ( Too soon? )

Da Rules
[1] No godmodding!

[2] No story derailing/hijacking

[3] No Mary/Gary Sues!

[4] Keep any Romances PG-13. Honestly I kinda like the prospect of a romace.. But again... PG-13 folks.

[5] Acceptors ruling is final.

[6] Try not to post one liners in roleplay. At the very least please post a detailed three line post.

[7] Put, Always wear a coat. in anything else.

[8] Don't control other peoples characters.

[9] Don't powergame / metagame.

[10] Do your best when it comes to your application. I won't be very strict, All I ask is a detailed 3 paragraph App.

[11] Any other basic forum Rp rules that I may have missed!




Personality: ( Honestly, You don't need to do this. This is just here for people that want to. )





Anything Else?:

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Only me, NorthernGamR, For now.

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None, And hopefully never will be.
Posted by NorthernGamR's Avatar
Level 21 : Expert Scribe

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09/26/2013 7:59 pm
Level 21 : Expert Archer
SilverAnonMoonmaster's Avatar
Name: Kalos Verniktravos


Personality: Cold, Eerily uncaring.

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Job: Former doll maker, former butcher.

Backstory: Kalos's first memory was of pain. The factory where he and hundreds of other children made cheap plastic dolls was at its best risky to be near and at worst downright deadly. The sharp, gear-like machine that shaped the doll's staring faces had cleanly come down on his left middle and ring fingers. As his fingers fell to the ground, he clutched his hand as the pain racked him. However, he didn't cry. His dead parents, who he saw only in his dreams and could never be completely remembered always warned him not to cry. The matron who watched over his part of the factory yelled at him, and slapped him across the face. She reached down and pocketed the fingers, muttering something. As he stood there, as even the matron turned away from him, some part of his brain must have snapped a bit. As a strange strength possessed him, he ran to the matron, tripping her. As the matron fell, she fell onto a conveyor belt that carried her to the exact same sharp instrument that was still bloodied by Kalos's fingers. As she was almost delicately sawed in half, one of the children working stopped and screamed. Kalos nimbly took the dagger that was sheathed in the matron's belt. Kalos leaped across the body and neatly slit the screaming child's throat. Suddenly, the fiery enegy that seemed to possess Kalos disappeared, and he slumped to the floor, unconscious. Later he awoke to find himself in a dumpster next to two rotting bodies. As he climbed out of the dumpster, he was nearly blinded as he saw the sun for the first time in his life. The next decade or so passed uneventfully as he hitchhiked across the world in search of happiness. As he traveled, the snapped part of his brain seemed to mend, or at least on the outside. As he matured he found two friends, named Pan and Amaranth. Both rejects of society, Pan had been isolated by his family after his parents were arrested for bank fraud. Pan's family was so shamed of him that they had hired a professional assassin to get rid of him. Pan wisely decided to leave town, and ended up hitchhiking. Amaranth however, had a much stranger tale. Amaranth had been born with one of the rarest mutations of the century: a strange extension of his spine not unlike that of a tail. It was fully functional and hairless, which caused most people to avoid him like the plague. Besides the tail, Amaranth was actually quite handsome, albeit a bit unlucky. The trio became close friends and helped each other in a number of situations. As they trusted each other more and more, darker secrets came out from Kalos and Pan, such as the real reason Pan ran away; after the assassin tried to kill him, he killed the assassin and his uncle, who had hired the assassin. Kalos revealed the truth about the factory, but Amaranth explained to them he had nothing to hide. As the three adventured, others began to join, Silver, the sad one who had never done anything worse than eating fast food in his life, Konoha, a frighteningly tall, strong man with prosthetic arms, and Junara, or June, who had escaped her island home after her superstitious neighbors convinced them all she was a practitioner of the black arts. Although small at first, their traveling trio became a tough gang with over fifty members. All outcasts with bloody pasts(with the exception of Amaranth and Rowan, a young boy with an extreme case of schizophrenia), they quickly dominated the roads, and became an urban legend in itself. However, fame did not protect them, as a raid by another rival gang killed poor Rowan and two other children. This started a blood feud that not even peaceful Amaranth could stop, as the newly healed part of Kalos's brain snapped again, and this time there was no healing possible. Try as he might, Amaranth could not stop Kalos, Pan, and Konoha's rampage, and killed himself after he watched one of the enemy gang slit his girlfriend's throat. After that, all hell broke loose as the only sane part of the gang died. The following month was unbearably bloody, with moments such as Konoha going beserk, machetes in each prosthetic arm hacking at friend and foe alike. Poor Silver had been cornered, and fought desperately, killing the foes around him only to see Konoha, bathed in blood, cut open his chest and pull out his own beating heart. Pan killed Konoha with a sniper slug to the head. After nearly a year of fighting, only Kalos and a girl named Jade were left. As Jade turned and saw Kalos, her eyes dilated and swung her machete at him. And with a single pistol shot, the last of the famous road gang was dead. As Kalos laughed at the sky, cursing the gods for letting him live, for his path was clear. That day, Kalos Verniktravos swore to the world that he would kill every human on the planet for their crimes against him. For he was no longer a docile child laborer making dolls, he was a scourge, ready for blood.

Anything Else?: Always wear the coat.
09/25/2013 6:40 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
Then just send a nuke in
As a final ending
09/23/2013 2:59 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
So whats happening with the rp?Like noone posted anything for like ages?
09/24/2013 10:22 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
It would seem it has died
09/17/2013 1:15 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
datadogie's Avatar
Name: James Cutter.

Appearance: Short blackish-brown hair, average height for a thirteen year old, and blue eyes.

Personality: Quite nice and polite, shy, and easy to make upset.

Age: Thirteen.

Gender: Male.

Job: James does not have a job.

Click to reveal
James is a shy boy who always got abused and bullied at school. He was always scared to go outside because of the fear he might get beat up.

James' father was a member of a shooting club, and disliked the fact that James was always indoors. For that reason, when James was nine he took James to the shooting club. James was the only child there, and he had fun watching his father shoot the targets. He met the other club members, and came home later feeling happy.

The next week, James' father asked James if he would like a go of shooting the targets, and James said 'yes'. So, James' father made James lie down, and put down the rifle. He taught James how to aim the rifle properly, and before he knew it, James was firing shots downrange and hitting the targets. They weren't that accurate, but he was hitting them.

A few more weeks of shooting, and James' dad was impressed. He bought James a German hunting rifle, and James loved it. James took it down to the range, and fired at the targets. Suprisingly, James started getting better at his shots.

A few years later, when James was twelve, his parents got really ill, and died. James got taken to an orphanage, but he ran away. James ran back to the shooting club, which he knew nobody would be at, and got his rifle. It was disassembled as it usually was when James was away, so he took a backpack from an open locker, and dumped everything into it, including the tools required to reassemble it. James then walked out and walked to an alley. James lay down on a tossed out mattress, and fell asleep.

One year later, James was thirteen. James stole food from shops, and he ate it back at the alley. He always took his backpack with him, but the rifle is still disassembled. James had never reassembled it since he had left the shooting club. After stealing an apple from the shops, James returned back to the alley and jumped onto a mattress that someone had thrown out. James fell asleep on the mattress, but when he woke up, everything was covered in snow.

Anything Else?: Always wear a coat.
For those who say that a nine year old being able to shoot and handle a rifle is unrealistic, think again. I was nine when I started shooting, and now I am really good at it.
09/17/2013 4:36 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Pretty good. As long as you don't make him have infinite ammo, have him miss a shot every once and a while, and be realistic when it comes to being 13.

Then accepted (:
09/17/2013 7:35 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar

"Operation doomsday going live."

Name:Kai Rhantan





Backstory:Kai has a child was not too fond of his studies he was just your average kid nothing to special but he was smart but didn't feel like he needed to study.Once Kai left for middle school his grades went up to be the best in his grade because he reliased that what he dose affects whom he will become and graduated the best in class.He graduated high school and left off to collage he soon graduated with a masters degree in criminal justice and soon was made to join the military.He (luckily) survived through the training and became a soldier and slowly worked his way up and was given some experimental tech to try on his new mission but before that mission was to be executed the freeze began a few hours after it hit the survivors of the large operation was able to make it to the safe house underground bunker.His commanding officer ordered a new operation to save any survivors in the "near by" town Operation:Doomsday it was called.Once it began it took a long time to move even via helicopters but they made it Kai landed in the market area and was ready.

Current items:Prototype Hazard Survival Armour,FN2000 with 3 30rd mags,Springfield XD-S 2 10 round mags,5 small rations,2 medium rations,and knife

Anything Else?:Always wear a parka
09/17/2013 4:32 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
I would like it if you didn't do another high tech military dude Bubby. I was already iffy with your first character, and I don't want another high tech soldier running around with tons of ammo and weapons. Plus I noticed tons of typos and such in your app..

Until these things are fixed, Denied.
09/16/2013 8:54 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Sorry it took me so long to reply.

datadogie, If you do a good job with your app and roleplay realistically then you can make a 13 year old.

And bubby, No. I do not plan to allow any apps involving being an animal or mutant.
09/15/2013 1:31 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Also can you make an animial char?
09/15/2013 10:13 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
datadogie's Avatar
What would be the minumum age for a charicter? I want to make a 13 year old charicter, if that is ok.
09/13/2013 7:54 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
09/13/2013 7:40 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
Ok edited my application, should be fine now I hope.
09/13/2013 3:58 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar

Name: Martin

Appearance: A young man with a eastern European skin color but features of an american.Dark hair and green eyes.

Personality: Can be a grudge sometimes.Dislikes women as he is from a region around Afghanistan.

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Job: Used to be terrorist, Now is a survivalist if you can call it that

Backstory: Born somewhere around Afghanistan he was quickly selected for a special training program for the invasion of America.His wits and features of an american helped him be picked.He had progressed quickly through the training program.The training program lasted about 2 years.During the time he had spent training his american accent and learned about weapons,bombs,medical assistance and basic negotiation. His objective was to become a sleeper agent under the Martin and to send any information.His objective is still active under further notice from the leaders, even in this kind of catastrophic scenario .

Anything Else?: Always wears tinted shades even after the cold set in.Always wears coat and carry's with him a backpack with the following items(unless entering a government building or any building which has a functional X-ray thingy(the ones at airports) or unless there are any security measures where security has to search his bag).So with the following items:

Handmade fertaliser bomb
Combat knife
Fully Handgun ( a single Glock) and 3 fully loaded magazines
A basic first aid kit
A grenade
Bottle of water
Extra pair of shades
And about 100$

Inside his coat he has another fully loaded Glock (handgun) but with a single extra magazine and 2 wallets.Both contain 2 different fake ID's and documents.He also carry's his objective briefing and a document proofing that he is a special operative (terrorist) in case he meets up with his own group.

So that's my application.Oh and im not a terrorist in real life, just made up some stuff to allow some military kind of training without actually being in the military in the RP since I find that a terrorist is much more interesting then another solider.

Also wondering if the backstory is big enough.Like I dont really know much about terrorism and it kinda explains itself.

Maybe lose the hand grenade and bump it down to one handgun. Also, Maybe add a bit more to the back story and correct your grammar a bit.
09/13/2013 3:07 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar

Name: Martin

Appearance: A young man with a eastern European skin color but features of an american.Dark hair and green eyes.

Personality: Can be a grudge sometimes.Dislikes women as he is from a region around Afghanistan.

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Job: Used to be terrorist, Now is a survivalist if you can call it that

Backstory: Born somewhere around Afghanistan he was quickly selected for a special training program for the invasion of America.His wits and features of an american helped him be picked.He had progressed quickly through the training program.The training program lasted about 2 years.During the time he had been trained to improve his american accent and to learn about weapons,bombs,medical assistance and basic negotiation/integration. His objective was to become a sleeper agent under the name of Martin and to send any information back to his leaders.
When he was a small child his village was attacked by Americans. They didn't care for the villagers, they were supposed to help and supply the village but instead they violated the women and killed men. That's how Martin was born.His mother was violated by American soilders. When he found out he had come to detest every American part of him and had decided to get revenge.
While in America he had managed to get a job at a Wal-Mart.He always had a urge to kill that average American.He didn't follow any routines and was used to being early for meetings.He had managed to get weapons after meeting a Pakistan hacker on a late night in Wal-Mart.
As a sleeper agent he still reported yearly to his leaders.So far he only managed to report 3 times.

Anything Else?: Always wears tinted shades even after the cold set in.Also always wears a coat and carry's a backpack with the following items(unless any building which has a functional X-ray (the ones at airports) or any security measures where security has to search his bag).So he has the following items:

Handmade fertaliser bomb
Combat knife
3 fully loaded magazines for a Glock
A basic first aid kit
Bottle of water
Box of matchs
Extra pair of shades
And about 100$

Inside his coat he has a fully loaded Glock (handgun) and 2 wallets.Both contain 2 different fake ID's and documents.He also carry's his objective briefing and a document proofing that he is a special operative (terrorist) in case he meets up with his own group.

So that's my application.Oh and im not a terrorist in real life, just made up some stuff to allow some military kind of training without actually being in the military in the RP since I find that a terrorist is much more interesting then another solider.

Also wondering if the backstory is big enough.Like I dont really know much about terrorism and it kinda explains itself.
09/12/2013 9:02 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
* Drumroll * Bump.
09/05/2013 11:12 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
09/05/2013 11:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
link204113's Avatar
Name: Ryan Walker

Appearance: He has an average build and brown hair that isnt to short cut just above his ears and brown eyes.

Personality: Not feeling it today

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Job: Security Guard at an power company

Backstory: Well Ryan was born on Honolulu and spent most of his life there enduring high school. Where he was a social outcast, he didn't participate in sports and most clubs he didn't fit in with. Though he had about average intellect he was rather adapt at pushing through hard times, and digging up information that those who bullied him wouldn't want leaked to there parents or friends.
After high school he held a job at a local convenience store and after two years of saving money he bought himself an airplane ticket to the mainland. After arriving he looked around for a job and his luck payed off. A rather large power company was hiring for security guards it offered insurance and a nice salary so naturally he took it.
That was two years ago the time before the big freeze was great in his eyes after making lead night guard he thought he had it made. Then it went south when the Sub zero temp hit. It was a nightmare trying to find a nice large winter coat but now he never takes it off at least not till he finds another one now its time for him to leave his apartment and find supplies and maybe a weapon.
Anything Else?: Always wearing his Eskimo coat as he calls it.
09/05/2013 7:07 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
09/05/2013 7:00 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Editing done!
09/05/2013 12:59 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Yes, yes, YEEEES!
09/05/2013 10:43 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Gohkamikaze. Accepted.

Bubby. Denied. Please add more to the back story and fix some of the typos.

Here is the IC: cold-new-reality-t303409.html
And my app..

Name: Patrick Robinson

Appearance: Tall, Slightly unshaven, Black hair, Decent build, Green eyes, Wears a white and cyan T-shirt with a red coat over that, Cargo pants, And boots.

Personality: ( Honestly, You don't need to do this. This is just here for people that want to. ) Nope.

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Job: Worked at nearby fast food chain.

Backstory: Patrick never liked summer, He hated being hot. Nothing good about it in his book. He would rather have a blizzard than heat wave. Least that's how he used to feel. Every summer when his parents asked him to get outside and do something, He would always fight them about it until they forced him to leave and locked him out from the house for a while.

After Patrick made it through highschool with less than flying colors, He dreamed of moving out and having a bit of freedom in his life. Unfortunately, Freedom had its cost. Or rather, An apartment did. He wasn't the best of workers, It wasn't that he was lazy or didn't care enough to try. He just wasn't very good at it. To put it politely, He was a klutz.

After a while of jumping from job to job, And occasionally moving back to his parents house every once in a while because he couldn't pay the rent, Patrick finally found a job that he could stick with for a while. It wasn't a glamorous job by any means, He was just a cashier at a chain of fast food restaurants that were near where he lived. But hey, As long as it payed the bills.

The day that the world froze over, Patrick was on his way back to his apartment. It had been an annoying day at work and he just wanted to sit down and watch some TV. Though he never really got the chance thanks to the cold snap. After he woke up, He wandered awhile as he tried to figure out if he was dreaming. Or maybe he had gone crazy. Either way, After finally deciding this was more than likely somehow real. He quickly thought to call his parents to makes sure they were OK. After a few attempts with very little results. He ran to their house and after a while found himself standing at the door, And it was open. A few moments after he entered, He saw that the roof of the house had caved in from the weight of the snow, And under the rubble were his parents.

Anything Else?: Always wear a coat.
09/05/2013 12:51 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Name:Nero Hazama

Click to reveal
Yeah prob with no sniper.




Job:Pre-Freeze S.W.A.T. Post-Freeze Scavenger

Backstory:Has a child Nero was a fairly smart kid he was in gifted and almost always got the best grades also his family was first located in London but then moved to the U.S. and had to leave his friends but his father realized the town they chose was a bad choice and then moved once more to a new town which was a lot better but it had its own flaws but they couldn't find anything better.Soon after he began working with computers making programs and such .and became interested into going into law enforcement he used to live in a crime filled town once even S.W.A.T. was called in due to a hostage situation and he became interested and began studying it.During High school he was a fair person most ignored him some called him a geek but he cared not his father got Nero a handgun and took me to the gun range to practice most were surprised by his accuracey.After collage he became a gunsmith.Years later he became a police officer he was tested in a variety of skills yet he passed with above average skills in the batch of recruits he was in.He served 6 years has an officer before applying for S.W.A.T.He was accepted and went off to S.W.A.T. training he was trained in using S.W.A.T. weapons,how to properly use body armour and NV goggles.He was in S.W.A.T. until has he was just getting off of work the freeze happened and thus he woke up near the department when he reliased what happened he took what worked from the station and went off his own ways.

Anything Else?:Always wear a coat
09/04/2013 11:26 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
gohkamikaze's Avatar
Placeholder? Placeholder. I need to get back into RPing again. I probably also need to make the Torruga IC but that's another story.

EDIT: Enough placeholdering, here be an app for you

Name: Emmanuel Havian

Appearance: Young, fair skinned, hazel eyes, grubby brown dreadlocks, torn navy denim jeans, old Nike runners and a Sex Pistols T-Shirt underneath a thick grey hoodie. Always carries a small backpack. Plenty of piercings - three in his right eyebrow, two on his lower lip, eight on either ear, and a blue stud in the side of his nose.

Personality: Very independent, abrasive, vulgar, self-centred, can work with others but only when it's in his best interests.

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Job: None, he made most of his living through petty theft and drug dealing

Backstory: Raised in an orphanage for most of his life after being taken from his drug addict parents, Emmanuel from an early age began to resent everything around him. He hated the nuns who ran the orphanage and took care of him. He hated how the other kids seemed so happy with all the stifling rules and religious indoctrination. He hated the school he went to and how they expect everyone to be sheep. And most of all, he hated the counselling the orphanage paid for in order to 'correct' his antisocial behaviour.

At age 15, Emmanuel snuck out of the orphanage in the dead of night armed with matches he stole from the kitchen and gasoline he stole from the maintenance shed and burnt down the orphanage's boathouse on the Thames. As he watched the flames lick up the aging woodwork in wicked glee, he made a pledge to himself: that he would not let the stifling rules and regulations of society force him down ever again.

That was the night when Emmanuel ran away from it all and became an anarchist. He took on 'Havian' as his name and calling card and began living day-to-day on the back streets of London, living off kitchen scraps and sleeping on park benches and cardboard boxes. It was tough, but every day he woke up knowing that there was no-one holding him down.

Havian eventually got into the shady world of crime in order to make himself a living. Starting off with simple pickpocketing, he soon got tied up with the more lucrative business of drug dealing and mugging. Most of the money he got from his less-than-savoury activities went into his equally unsavoury passtimes: spraycans for graffiti and kerosene for his unhealthy case of pyromania.

When the cold snap hit, Havian viewed it as not a horrible tragedy but the fruition of his wishes: No police, no laws, no government. Total anarchy.

Anything Else?: Always wear a coat? Always wear a coat? You know what, I don't have to listen to you. You're not my real dad.
09/03/2013 2:45 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Nuuuuuuu don't die!
08/31/2013 3:45 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Whew, finished my app!
08/31/2013 4:20 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Doesn't seem that bad, But could you explain why he specifically did Arctic science?
09/01/2013 5:14 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
09/01/2013 3:05 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Not really what I meant but since I don't really want to be a pain in the butt.

08/30/2013 11:51 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
Name: Johnathan Steel.

Appearance: I had to include a parka in this. Imagine the blaster isn't there.
Click to reveal

Personality: Hm..Nah.

Age: 24.

Gender: Male.

Job: He used to be a smuggler. No really, he used to be in college working part-time at a retail store.

Backstory: Later.

Anything Else?: Always wear a PARKA!
08/30/2013 9:46 am
Level 34 : Artisan Blacksmith
Cyndus's Avatar

Put, Always wear a coat. in anything else.

Stupid Gimmicks.

Normally I would join.

Meh, off to Goliaths Turn
08/30/2013 4:08 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Name: Erik Bjornsen


Personality: Warm-hearted, kind, but can be tough and serious.

Age: 54

Gender: Male.

Job: (Before moving to America): Arctic scientist. (After moving to America): Nothing, he is retired.


Erik Bjornsen was born on the island of Svalbard, Norway, on the islands coast. His father was a fisherman, his mother stayed at home, and cooked Erik's father's catches. He was an only child, and they weren't poor. They got on just enough with Erik's father selling his fish to companies on the mainland.

Erik was a child of mystery, he didn't say his first word until 1 and a half years old. At 2 he almost died, when he wandered out of an open door and nearly froze to death. He was in hospital for nearly 2 weeks before coming out, safe and sound. A close call it was too, as his heart had almost stopped beating.

Primary school was a completely new challenge for Erik. He gained respect from his peers by telling them of the time he almost died. He did relatively well in class, was about 7th smartest in the class and was well liked by his classmates. The subject he really excelled in though, was science.

Lower secondary school was almost a godsend for Erik, as it allowed him to pursue his love of science. He enrolled in the science club, and was one of the best students in the science club in the whole school. His parents were so proud of him, getting so far in the school.

Upper secondary school was a lot like lower secondary school, but he became interested in arctic science specifically. Again, Erik enrolled in the school's science club, but this time he was the BEST in the science club. He was so good at arctic science that when he left upper secondary school, he was offered a place at Universitetssenteret på Svalbard, or University Centre Svalbard, to study Arctic science. He gleefully accepted.

It was at Universitetssenteret på Svalbard that he met his girlfriend and future wife, Emilie. She was the most beautiful person Erik had ever seen, and they instantly fell in love. Years later, they both graduated the university with flying colours and Erik proposed to Emilie at the graduation. They got married 4 months later and had two sons, Kristian and Jens. After 20 years, Erik and Emilie moved to America, and Kristian and Jens stayed in Svalbard.

Then it happened. The cold kicked in. Emilie disappeared. Erik camped in the house for days, living off tinned food. Then he run out. He decided it was time to leave. He took his warmest clothes, and headed out.
Anything Else?: Alltid bære en frakk! (Google translate it)

Also, he speaks with a thick Norwegian accent.
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