What is up with skindex editor? (minecraftskins.com)

Tywyll12/4/24 9:28 pm
2 emeralds 106 2
12/5/2024 7:17 pm
I haven't been on Skindex or PMC in quite a long time so apologies if this is an outdated bug...

But here's the main bit:

Things I can't do:
  • Access color wheel (it doesn't show up, just a white box)
  • Change the angle of the base model (no dragging cursor)
  • Color AT ALL (doesn't work whatsoever)
  • Upload a skin I have (the button doesn't do anything)

Things I can do:

  • Change the layer of the skin (which is useless if I'm not drawing)
  • Whether or not a body part is visible (see above)

If anyone has this bug or knows a fix, a comment or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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Level 7 : Apprentice Goblin

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12/04/2024 9:36 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
The skindex editor is still working fine for me. I'm using Firefox on Ubuntu Linux, also with adblockers installed.

I can't pinpoint what exactly is causing your problem, but here are some things that you might want to answer for yourself:

Are you able to open other web-apps in your browser? (Try BlockBench on the internet to test this)

Is your country/internet service blocking stuff in the internet? Some browser scripts can fail to load because of content blocks.

Are there any browser plugins / extensions that could change the content inside webpages?

I hope that this helps.
12/05/2024 7:17 pm
He/Him • Level 7 : Apprentice Goblin
It could be that I'm using a hotspot at the moment. Once I get my internet fixed, I'll see how that works out. :P

I don't have any extensions installed on my browser and Blockbench works perfectly fine.

This helps a ton, thank you for everything!
