untox_1/22/25 2:42 pm
1 emeralds 27
Hello, i'm new to planet minecraft so forgive me if i dont know what im doing.

first let me introduce myself. Online i go by the alias of Untox. i come from the Netherlands and have always been fascinated by architecture and infrastructure, hence why i love to play minecraft. I've built quite some things, although i usually dont finish them because of a lack of motivation. Some of the things ive built are a slightly off 1:1 scale of Amsterdam central station, Amersfoort central station, a start to a different cityproject, part of an airport, and other smaller sideprojects.
the reason im doing this project is because i want to replicate the amazement people feel when they arrive at a big en unique city in minecraft

What i am searching for:
I'm looking for some (self proclaimed) pro city builders, who want to join me in a massive citybuilding project. Anyone who knows something about the following subjects is more then welcome to join:
  • large buildings
  • skyscrapers
  • residential buildings
  • highways + intersections
  • trainstations+networks
  • airports
  • seaports
  • landscaping (worldedit+worldpainter)
i already came up with a general idea of how i want the city to look like, and the landscape of it, which is viewed in the image down below, though possible changes might happen.
If you want to see any of my builds before joining, dont be affraid to ask me for them. Please contact me if interested, it would mean a lot to me.

Here is an image of the current general vision of the city (the map is 13056 by 13056 blocks)
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Level 1 : New Miner

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