Boss Bars in Bedrock
Hello, I'm trying to make a texture pack that changes the icons to simple bars and makes all the bars a single color each, but I can't get the boss bars. Are they hardcoded into the game? Or are they just hidden?
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i think they use 'empty_progress_bar' and 'filled_progress_bar'
So I can't change the style of them without changing those filea?
you could change the textures used in the UI JSON
How would I do that?
explaining the specifics would be a little complicated, but the following JSON should work if you put it into "ui/hud_screen.json" (though i have not tested it).
just remember to replace TEXTURE FILEPATH with the actual path to the texture you want to use. these textures should be grayscale since they're colored over during gameplay.
"boss_health_panel/progress_bar_for_collections": {
"controls": [
"empty_progress_bar@common.empty_progress_bar": {
"layer": 1,
"filled_progress_bar_for_collections@common.filled_progress_bar_for_collections": {
"layer": 2,
filler text so PMC doesn't break things. don't paste this in.
just remember to replace TEXTURE FILEPATH with the actual path to the texture you want to use. these textures should be grayscale since they're colored over during gameplay.
"boss_health_panel/progress_bar_for_collections": {
"controls": [
"empty_progress_bar@common.empty_progress_bar": {
"layer": 1,
"filled_progress_bar_for_collections@common.filled_progress_bar_for_collections": {
"layer": 2,
filler text so PMC doesn't break things. don't paste this in.
That'll let me do both boss bars?
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