Community Texture Gallery (V2)

craftykids's Avatar craftykids10/30/15 10:00 pm
11/2/2015 2:56 pm
craftykids's Avatar craftykids
(Name might change to allow for non-PMC contributions)

A couple years ago, someone started a "Community Texture Gallery." It was a collection of block and item textures, which could be used by anyone to create personal resource packs. The project lost activity pretty quickly, but recently I've created a fancy web-based interface for a project like this, and now I'm trying to get a project like this started again.

I don't currently have the gallery hosted live, but if you want to use it you still can by downloading this ZIP, extracting it, and opening "mctg.html" in a web browser.

It lets you look at all the textures, and select the ones you want to either download as plain files or as a resource pack.

Using the textures
The textures from the gallery can be used by anyone, but you only have permission to use them in personal projects--if you didn't create them, don't publicly repost them anywhere. (You can, however, share your creations with friends, or post videos and screenshots in which you're using a resource pack made with these textures.)

Contributing to the gallery
If you want your textures to be added, just reply to this thread or PM them to me. Tell me (or make it clear in the file names) if you designed the textures for specific uses. You'll be credited in the gallery unless you request otherwise.

I don't have any exact rules for what kinds of textures I'll allow, but I might not accept very simple textures, such as, for example, ones that are just two outlined rectangles.

Screenshots of the gallery, if you don't want to visit it yourself
(Slightly outdated)

Assuming people (including me) don't lose interest in this too quickly, here are some ideas I have for features that could be added:
  • A way of sorting textures based on stuff like intended use and author
  • Better pack configuration
  • Support for non-texture resource pack components (animations, models, etc)
  • A way of creating groups of files that are meant to be used together (such as grouping log side textures with their matching top textures)
Posted by craftykids's Avatar
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter

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11/02/2015 11:37 am
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Dr_Bosch's Avatar
Some textures like the wood tops and sides, or the tallgrass top and bottom, belong together as one really. Would a system to place them together be possible in the future too?
11/02/2015 2:56 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar
Yeah, that's definitely something I'm thinking of adding.
10/31/2015 5:55 pm
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10/31/2015 6:11 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar
Yeah, that could be nice. Unfortunately, it might not work well with the way I've got the gallery set up right now, and I'm not sure I want those features enough to deal with getting this hosted somewhere where it would work. Sodex234 said they could write something like this, but I'm not sure whether they had any plans for hosting it.

I'm not certain, though--maybe there's some way that would work.
10/31/2015 6:15 pm
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10/31/2015 6:21 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar
If it gets big enough, I'll probably add a system for filtering the textures.
10/31/2015 5:52 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar
I found a bunch of textures that I hadn't posted elsewhere, and now the gallery has tripled in size. (Of course, it wasn't particularly large before I did that...)

Dr_BoschTurns out I deleted everything but a few gun textures, forty or so basic 16*16 textures of stone, dirt, etc and a companion cube texture. ;-; Maybe I can make some specifically for this though, it seems like an interesting idea.

That's too bad. If you want to make some new textures, though, that would also be cool.
10/31/2015 4:48 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Dr_Bosch's Avatar
Turns out I deleted everything but a few gun textures, forty or so basic 16*16 textures of stone, dirt, etc and a companion cube texture. ;-; Maybe I can make some specifically for this though, it seems like an interesting idea.
10/31/2015 2:50 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
Sounds a lot like the PMC Community Texture Pack that got locked (not sure why...).

10/31/2015 2:50 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Dr_Bosch's Avatar
I often end up making a handfull of textures, before losing interest in a pack. I would very gladly contribute any of these to a project such as this.
10/31/2015 2:53 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar

CaptainMuricaSounds a lot like the PMC Community Texture Pack that got locked (not sure why...).


Yeah, it's a similar idea, but with this, there can be more than one texture designed for the same thing.
10/31/2015 2:39 pm
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10/31/2015 2:46 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar
That would be cool! Hang on, I'll update the OP to make this sound more like something that's actually happening, and less like just an idea...
10/31/2015 2:36 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
YTCereal's Avatar
10/31/2015 2:13 pm
Level 40 : Master Droid
Scott's Avatar
If you want; I wouldn't mind coding a database etc for the files; a login area etc and users can like favorite textures; leave comments.

I could also do a "User" section; where users can submit textures.

I am an experienced web dev; and have been looking fora project.

- Sodex
10/31/2015 2:24 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
craftykids's Avatar
That could be cool, although probably not completely necessary. If there were enough contributors, it might be good.
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