junoseppie1/17/25 5:53 am history
1 emeralds 28

Xemovandum: The Space and Time Told

The space and time where each universe resides and is shared.

"Fall in love with someone's eyes. It's the one thing that never changes."

WRITER'S NOTE: THANK YOU for everyone who messaged me about the parts they were confused about, aka plotholes. Thank you so much! This one is for y'all.
Also, if there are any more plot holes, feel free to message me!

Xemovandum is the name of the space and time where all the universes reside, it is infinite and can only be approximated by the gods who were made to rule upon it. In an unknown and mysterious event, the very first universe ‘Primumgenussuum’ was born from one of the cuts in space and time. Here is where it all began:

The population was manifested by the 8 major elements of the universe. The first half of the elements were the Shrine Runes, that manifest based on abstract ideas, and the second half were the Proxs Runes, that manifest based on what is concrete.

Shrine Runes


  It was the first element that provided feelings and emotions to all, it made the mind possible. It is a viridian color with a sharp-edged rune. This manifested the Mulieres (humans), the basis and the majority of the population, they are considered fillers and the movers of stories.

    • The Oqluan Deity is Felicity.


  It was the element that provided protection and guardianship. It had the ability to manifest strength in all beings. It is a lilac shade with mixed soft and sharp edges on its runes. This manifested the Caudatus Nopulo, or the Cat People, easily known as Caud’Nu (Nekos). They had great eyes and stealth that helped them be the perfect guards at the time.

    • The Dykanan Deity is Norda


  It was the element that provided wisdom and curiosity. It gave the ability to seek and find the truth, the origins, etc. It is a Sacramento colored rune with soft edges. This manifested the Sapientias (horned-people), the born philosophers and scientists of the universe.

    • The Beauls Deity is Beatrice


  It was the element that provided motherhood, the connection between the born and unborn. It is a tea -rose colored rune with a round shape. This manifested Materavis (dove-people). The most caring and freeing beings of the universe who purposely healed anyone and provided nurture.

    • The Ilitreficy Deity is Maia

Proxy Runes


  It was the element that provided all things liquid and living, like blood and water. It is an indigo colored rune with very wobbly and uneven edges. This manifested Syrenis (mermaid & sirens), the people of the water. Greatly intelligent and beautiful, as well as graceful.

    • The Gauntanian Deity is Josephina


  It was the element that provided all things fire and stones, reveling in most of the land and creating most of it. It is a wine red colored rune with a diamond shape. This manifested Hydras (dragon-people). One of the most powerful beings manifested and resided in the universe.

    • The Ignesin Deity is Giannah


  It was the element that provided all things air in the spheres, like oxygen, airborne things, etc. It is a grayish and very light, almost translucent rune with soft edges. This manifested Sylphs (air-spirit people). They are the most gentle beings that help with weather and all things air.

    • The Ventosus Deity is Vindor


  It was the element that provided land and soil, coming with plants and fungi. It is a peanut colored rune with rocky and extremely uneven, bumpy shapes. This manifested Werewolves, the people of all forests and provided generational greenery and new things in life.

    • The Xerranian Deity is Serrano


The Divine High Priestess

Calista, the High Priestess of the Elements, was born gifted in the understanding of all Eight Runes. Unlike others, who were aligned with only one element, her existence was seen as a miracle and a direct blessing from the Deities. She traveled the universe, spreading harmony among the people.

But harmony bred envy among the gods. As Calista grew in influence, the Deities felt their worshipers drifting away. Some believed she threatened the balance of Xemovandum. Only Maia, the nurturing goddess of motherhood, defended Calista.

The Forbidden Love

Despite her vow of celibacy, Calista fell in love with Aoife, a mortal woman of unparalleled beauty and wisdom. Their love, though hidden, was pure. Maia, understanding the depth of their bond, blessed them with a child, Teresa—born from the union of their souls. Teresa was unlike anything seen before, her golden eyes and radiant aura marking her as a unique creation of divine and mortal love.

For four years, Calista, Aoife, and Teresa lived peacefully. Teresa displayed extraordinary abilities from a young age, effortlessly manipulating elements that others took lifetimes to master. However, this power drew the attention of the other Deities.

Teresa’s Curse

The Deities convened in secret, debating Teresa’s existence. They feared her power could destabilize the universe, born of a bond that defied natural laws. Jealousy and fear clouded their judgment, and they decreed her a threat. Maia pleaded for Teresa’s life, but the majority silenced her.

One night, an emissary of the gods—disguised as a wolf—attacked Aoife and Teresa. Aoife fought to protect her daughter but was mortally wounded. In desperation, Teresa unleashed her powers, annihilating the beast. The act came at a price: the unleashed energy corrupted her, twisting her form into a monstrous being she could not control.

When Calista returned to find Aoife dead and Teresa transformed, she begged the Deities for answers. They coldly informed her that Teresa was cursed to roam as a creature of destruction. Calista’s grief turned to fury, but she was powerless to fight the gods.

Calista’s Punishment

The Deities deemed Calista’s love a transgression. They condemned her to eternal life, severed from Teresa, and erased her memories of Aoife and her child. She would be cursed to wander the universe, bringing peace to others while never finding it herself.

However, Maia, filled with guilt, altered the curse in secret. She left fragments of Calista’s memories intact—enough to make her yearn for something she could not name.

Teresa’s Survival

Unbeknownst to the gods, Maia also protected Teresa. She led the cursed child to the edges of Xemovandum, where she could live in isolation, free from those who would harm her. Teresa’s monstrous form was temporary, manifesting only during moments of great distress. In her true form, she retained the golden eyes of her mothers and the potential to undo her curse.

The Islaun Realm

Calista, overwhelmed by her eternal grief, sought solace by creating a new realm, Islaun. It was a sanctuary of unmatched beauty, designed to mirror the harmony of Primumgenussuum but devoid of life. Here, she entered a self-imposed slumber, hoping to escape her torment.

But Islaun was not empty. Teresa, guided by faint memories of her mothers, found her way to the realm. Her presence awakened Calista, who felt an inexplicable connection to the mysterious figure with golden eyes.

The Prophecy of Reconciliation

The people of Primumgenussuum tell of a prophecy:

"When the golden-eyed child unites the Eight Runes, the balance of Xemovandum shall be restored, and the void shall give way to harmony."

Teresa, carrying the legacy of both divine and mortal love, is destined to heal the rift between the gods and their creations. But the road is fraught with danger, as the Deities still seek to control or destroy her.

Meanwhile, Calista, driven by an unshakable bond to the child she cannot remember, must decide whether to confront the gods who cursed her or remain in her sanctuary. Together, mother and daughter hold the power to reshape Xemovandum—but at what cost?


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