Book, World and a Gigantic lore?

Alphad115's Avatar Alphad11510/10/13 5:11 pm
10/18/2013 10:10 am
Alphad115's Avatar Alphad115
Hey peeps of Planet MC, hope you all having a good day!
I'm currently in the process of writing a book, it was inspired by boredom and later on inspiration came from LOTR, WOW, some other small games/books and oddly enough a bit from minecraft. I've been writing it for quite a while now and have started to create a complex lore behind the whole story. The book isn't finished yet and I have no idea when it will be done, but the thing I can say is the world inspiration came from my previous MC projects and I was thinking that (in your opinion) would it be cool to recreate the map of my book into minecraft? I have already started doing a rough outline of it on worldpainter and I realize how massive of an ambition I have for this. What do you guys think? http://i.imgur.com/fLeV9pX.jpg This is a picture of the map, hand drawn.

Hey everybody!
Since I got a reasonable good amount of feedback I decided to quickly write a small (spoiler free, OFC) description of the book and throw in a few chapter of my short story which is a major historical event that took place before "the book". Hopefully you enjoy! remember the poll gives me good feedback also! So don't hesitate to vote!

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A young man awakens in the middle of nowhere with no memory, he meets a young beautiful woman who agrees to journey with him to Dragon's Mouth where he is to recover his lost memory. Little Does he know that he has a bigger role in this ancient
world of Ithendar.
Background info:
I'm thinking of splitting my story into three separate books. The book takes place in the mystical land of Ithendar which is filled with magic and sorcery. The first book will most likely be about his journey south and possible a bit more. Second book will have key events which will most likely lead into the third and final book of the Ithendar trilogy... I hope =D

First three chapters of the short story The Diaries Of The No Man's Lands: (side note: I have not proof checked this for many grammar issues, this was written three years before I started writing Ithendar [PS. MY ENGLISH WAS VERY BAD THEN], this short story was solely inspired by minecraft and MC short stories. I later then managed to connect it and make it history for Ithendar.)
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Chapter 1

Here I am sitting in my igloo, in the middle of tundra with nothing else but a roof over my head and fire… Oh I should probably introduce myself. My name is Jonathan or Jon for short.

I hope that the person or people reading this diary could understand that peace could be and should be achieved with different races. I don’t have long left but I have lived a life full of adventures, war, tragedy and love. I want this diary to serve as a guide for the future generations and to be a teaching that not creatures of certain races are hostile but can and should be befriended. I would like to call this diary: The diaries of the no man’s lands.

I had finished enforcing the inside of my armour with wool to keep me warm when I traveled to hunt for animals, like always it was snowing and fog was deep, I could barely see twenty meters front, and yet, I managed to survive this almost lifeless land. I couldn’t remember when I came here or how. Well in fragments this was supposed to be another expedition to the northern mountains but this time we never returned, as I said it all happened in fragments, they keep coming back in pieces, in dreams, like nightmares… but for now I am glad I am here and alive and I better head of to hunt. So I set off for my normal work day to hunt myself a good piece of meat to eat for dinner and hope once again to survive a night in this cold icy land called The no mans lands.

Today I felt especially lucky today and well that luck turned out to be true I found two deer and one pig stuck in a small hole and I thought to myself, “This seems like a man made trap, but there can’t be anyone here.” So I ditched all the thoughts of it being made by a human or a humanoid. I took out my knife and stabbed the first deer. The other deer grew angry and started making noises, “Seems they were a pair” I thought to myself. I walked very slowly backwards. I tripped and fell over, lucky enough the deer had its leg stuck in roots otherwise it could’ve done some serious damage to me. As I was released the arrow from the bow I heard a weird crackle. This crackle wasn’t the sound of the second deer falling it was something else something unusual. I thought, maybe it was just a bird or another animal nothing more. I aimed at the pigs head now and was just about lets go of the arrow for the second time as I felt a sudden hit. My bow broke in half and I looked at the tree which I was standing next to, it had an arrow stuck in the trunk at first I took cover in panic thinking what could it be? But then I saw a gloomy shadow I didn’t understand what it was, a shape appeared in front it looked a lot like… A human! I threw my broken bow, arrows, sword and knife to the ground if front of the tree and yelled. “Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! I’m a human! Don’t shoot!” as I waited for a reply a cold shiver went down my spine and I thought that maybe it wasn’t a human? Maybe it was one of them who I saw in the expedition? “A… what was it called” as I was about to say the word another arrow flew next to me, this one had a note attached. At first it seemed like this creature tried to lure me out from cover but I took the risk and grabbed the note as fast as I could and went back to cover. On the note, with bad scribbled hand writing and bad english, was writing, “I dont spek onli rite”. I knew what it was, but weird, it wasn’t out to kill me it was friendly… I came out and said “hello skeleton, what brings you to these cold and white lands?” still with my guard up but now having many questions on my mind like why didn’t it kill me or how did it find me? I stayed silent and calm not to do or say anything wrong. The skeleton toke out another blank piece of paper and wrote on it “I hav ben banised from mi own kindom fo warm hartedness don’t worri I will not hirt u”, I was amazed for I have never met a hostile creature who could speak the common language and not wanting to kill us, I mean humans. So I took the risk of a life time and said “Come we shall gather these animals and go back to my settlement”. We took the three animals and dragged them to my igloo and got ready for the night.

Chapter 2
One friendly soul

We had now settled and expanded my home so we both would fit. I felt like nothing could be better than having found a friendly living soul in this vast icy dead land. The night was coming, and it was getting really cold so I moved closer to the fire. Suddenly I am presented with a note, “how long hav u livd her?” I was quite shocked that he actually asked me something before I did, but I guess he was different and really, he was friendly. So I replied “I don’t know one day we had an expedition from our town the next I found myself alone here, back where I’m from they called this area the no man’s land well, this was one of them… there are three. The sandy desert dunes where people have either disappeared into thin air or died of thirst, the second one was the Migratory forest, throughout the vast and thick rainforest which was and is full of dangerous life forms which not only can but will kill anything that moves, and swampy land where people drown, and the third one being this the icy tundra where people die of starvation or freeze to death…” after a small pause I add “I’m lucky to be alive”

We began to cook the meat and continued warming our selves next to the fire. I thought to myself “how could a skeleton be cold?” With a mouth full I asked “You are a skeleton, only bone, why do you get cold?” he took out a blank piece of paper and wrote down, this time I didn’t concentrate on what he was writing rather then on the fact that he was running out of paper and how would we communicate in the future? Just as I finished thinking he handed me the note… “We skeletons of Merubia r magical we poses powers tat no oter skeleton poses but we hav a prise to pai for posesing powers we have nervs and the nervs fel like urs human” “So you have nerves and you feel warmth and cold?” The skeleton adds to the piece of paper “yes”, “but in warfare you use these explosions, is that magic?” The skeleton turns the paper over and writes “No that iz teknologi we cal it TNT” I think to myself “interesting but how do they make this so called TNT?” then I realized that I was thinking out loud. He wrote down on the last piece of paper “we use sand and gunpouder”
“Hmm interesting” I replied adding “It’s hard to find materials for paper in these lands and you ran out of paper… how about I try teaching you how to speak the common language?” The skeleton nodded and wrote on the final space of paper “and il tri tiching u magic” and with that read we decided to go to bed.

The next week or so went on the same besides that now, I wouldn’t hunt alone and every evening I would teach the skeleton, who now had a name of Bones, which was quite ironic, the common language and then he would teach me magic. We also finally created some tools, and with the help of those tools we started creating a house for us. Another week past and we got the house complete and Bones actually learned to talk quite well and I knew some magic but it is very hard to learn and he told me that it would take a long time. The house was quite big and made out of wood it looked beautiful (well compared to the small igloo we lived in yes) it was two stories high and it had a fire place, 3 rooms, 1 bath room and a dining hall. While we were searching for stone to make the fire place out of we hit a coal deposit and thanks to that now we have torches and even a stove! Well now we live quite well and are happy. The next day we woke at the same usual time but this time instead of going to hunt, Bones took out a scroll and said that I know enough magic to try to perform this spell but he warned me that I have small chances to succeed since he never was able to cast it himself. And so I tried, once, twice, trice, quadruple times but didn’t succeed. Bones said enough, but I tried one last time… Whoosh came a sound I was blinded for a moment and was rubbing my eyes since for some reason sand went into my eyes, I didn’t understand how or why but once I successfully opened my eyes I saw blocks of fine sand. Bones wowed and couldn’t believe his own eyes that I actually successfully summoned sand, well I was also quite shocked because it was my first summoning spell and I actually managed to summon something an elder couldn’t.
Elders where skeletons who could use magic or otherwise skeletons of Merubia but I guess I know why they wanted to be called the elders. Who would want to say watch out the skeletons of Merubia are coming, it was way easier to say the elders are coming. But after all the amazement I asked “why exactly do we need sand? If I may ask”, then Bones took an axe and took out a square from the wall and said “maybe a few windows would lighten the mood?” I was about to answer but saw a shadow, it creeped me out and I said to Bone while pointing out of the hole he just made “look something is out there and its moving”, we both took our steel swords and bones took his magical bow and some arrows. We headed out and saw a body collapse. It looked like a knight. We moved in slowly and made sure he wasn’t faking; when we made sure he wasn’t faking we used our combined powers to lift him up and levitated him back home where we put him into the third room and shut the door. After we went down stairs to discuss who he is and how he actually got here. “Maybe he was as lucky as me or you and found this place but had suffered severe cold and not quite made it”, “oh well, we’ll see when he wakes up but for now let’s set up the windows and cook us a nice piece of pork meat” Replied Bones.
The next morning we both woke up approximately at the same time and went to check up on the unexpected guest. We entered the room and as I stepped in he woke up, he didn’t understand where he was but when Bones entered the room the knights eyes opened and he yelled “GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU FOUL BEAST!” I said
“Calm down he isn’t going to hurt you” “He?!?! YOU CALL IT A HE?!?!” I stood up and told bones to go down stairs and wait until the fellow would calm down, and so he did. “See don’t worry he isn’t here anymore, could you tell me what happened and how you ended up here?” The knight took a seat on the bed and started talking calmly “it was a chilling evening and I was one of the knights who had to escort the king from Aribus to Castle von Zinzendorf. And our route was through the rocky Rifty Mountains. We were half way through the mountain road as we got ambushed by the Malakai orcs, we were outnumbered by hundreds. We defended bravely but we couldn’t hold the line I fell of my horse and watched the orcs enter the royal carriage and kill the king cold handedly right before my eyes he fell out of the carriage without his head blood spreading everywhere, they stole every last bit of gold, silver, everything I crawled slowly down the mountain but at one point, one of the orcs saw me at which point I started running for my life, he shot me right into the right leg. I fell down the mountain, lucky to be alive from the fall I continued through the no man’s land hoping I would find a cave and some fire wood. And this is how I ended up here.” “Wow” I said “you went quite through a hell hole didn’t you hah… But I have 2 questions first of all where did the arrow go?” “I took it out” the knight replied “and second why did you say foul beast? He wasn’t an orc he was a skeleton?” “The orcs worked with the skeletons, it’s a good combination the brute force of the orcs and the technology of the Skeletons” “wait aren’t skeletons and orcs arch enemies?” I said. “We thought also that they were arch enemies but now apparently not…” replied the knight in a lowered voice. “Wait here I’ll go and get Bones” I said. “Bones?” The knight asked in a questioning voice. I went down stairs to ask for bones to come back up since the knight had calmed down.
So bones and I stepped into the room. The knight asked “Why aren’t you armed or at least plated?” “Why should I be?” Bones replied with a straight voice.
“You speak our language? English? And you aren’t out to kill humans? You’re not afraid of me or him? I’m confused.” Said the knight in a confusing voice, “No I am different and I have been taught your language by this kind human” said bones. “Wow you truly are different” The knight replied “yes, yes I am”. “Now that we have finally settled this matter I would like to ask you Bones a question, were the skeletons preparing to ally with the Malakai orcs?” “3 of the 5 provinces where thinking of trying to ally with the orcs, so it would be easier to attack the humans and also we would have billions of more troops and weapons to sacrifice. But I never thought that Skeletons would ever see peace with the orcs.” Said bones, “Apparently they did find peace” rudely interrupted the knight, “Please tell me the elders weren’t one of the provinces who agreed for an attempt to gain peace?” I said in a worrying voice. “No but a less skilled province, they also know magic and they have technology. They are called the Neburian Empire.” replied bones, “let’s go down stairs and have a meal and continue talking there, since I think, our new comer is hungry.” I said, and so we did.

Chapter 3
The new alliance

“They are almost unbeatable, now that the orcs have joined.” The crowd went unsettled when the councillors said those words. “Silence! Order!” everything went silent, at that moment the huge doors of the Duomo of life opened every one awed, as in the room stepped a knight; he was bleeding and didn’t look like he could last a moment longer. He fell on his knees and before passing away he said “I’m not the only survivor search th…” at that moment the prince said “send a expedition of 20 highly armed men to see what they can find.” After the words came out of the prince’s mouth, and the room started to empty and 20 of the best men took all their best weapons and armour. They took their horse and left the walls of the Citadelia. They traveled long through the toughest terrain. “Careful lads these mountains are full of green slimy pigs” said the captain. “Sir 15 meters, the convoy!” yelled one of the soldiers, “stay close, formation oxford, they can still be here!”
They came closer and closer, it was awful “orcs really do leave a mess of people, it’s like a butcher, and the smell oh my god.” they stopped and left their horses and started searching for clues. “Sir here’s a living one!” yelled one of the soldiers. With a very vague and dying voice said a dying soldier “two are still alive they went… to the… tundr…a…” “Men we burry these brave knights and we set by foot first thing in the morning to the no man’s land!” They set up camp 20 meters lower of the main road just in case of a patrol. There was always one person guarding, (“He sat next to a tree, his name was Jeffery… poor fellow he never saw it coming”.) “Huh what’s that” he said out loud. As he was about to yell he felt cold steel touch his throat…
Drums started playing loudly and the 19 left men woke up in panic yelling for Jeffery. One of the soldiers saw Jeffery on the ground with his throat slit open. “AMBUSH!!!” he yelled! The captain yelled straight afterwards, “Run down the hills into the tundra forests!” And they ran as fast as they could, man after a man fell from arrows. They knew that the orcs weren’t alone; skeletons were involved, because no other creature could shoot as accurately as them. Finally they hit the bottom of the mountain exhausted, few fell to the ground out of bleeding or legs being broken another horrible sight. From the expedition of 20 men was only left 9 they tried to go as far as they could deeper and deeper into the woods, their last hope.
Posted by Alphad115's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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10/11/2013 5:16 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Narwhal
Matt9945's Avatar
Sounds/looks really cool! Can't wait!
10/18/2013 10:10 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Alphad115's Avatar
Now you can read some of the stuff! But be warned the language ain't the best as I stated in the paragraph before =3
10/11/2013 5:32 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Alphad115's Avatar
Thanks man! Stay tuned, I'll most likely elaborate on the book more!
10/11/2013 4:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
T-noyz's Avatar
Cool map! best of luck for the book =)
10/11/2013 5:09 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Alphad115's Avatar
Thanks man!
10/10/2013 5:33 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
Unnumbered Tears
Unnumbered Tears's Avatar
Looks pretty good! I think that would be a great idea. I have a few stories of my own that I am thinking of making maps of .. eventually
I think it's really cool that you are writing a book. Together with my sister, I am writing a fantasy adventure trilogy Good luck with yours!
10/10/2013 5:36 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Alphad115's Avatar
Good luck with yours too! =)
10/10/2013 5:30 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
iltkamil's Avatar
Hey if you need any help with the lore let me know. I'm great with writeing things. If you can find my forum post about free lore then just read that. Tells you what I can do
10/10/2013 5:35 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Alphad115's Avatar
Thanks for your offer! But I cannot accept since it is my own creative writing I want to work myself through and secondly it would face copyright issues if I were to publish this book on readiness!
10/10/2013 5:32 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
That's really funny that you typed writeing things instead of writing
10/10/2013 5:25 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
There should be a minecraft server that you live in those and war other colonies and such!
10/10/2013 5:27 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Alphad115's Avatar
I've been thinking of making something like that... Problem is A. I have little time B. I don't know anything about MC programming besides like worldedit and shiz C. No time. D. No money =(. But I might make it a local thing and at some point maybe just host a server myself for fun so people can join to mess around or something =D But I would love to go big with this type of thing! And yes I said No time twice =D
10/10/2013 5:21 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Scribe
CScheer's Avatar
WOW, that map is real cool. I would suggest adding some more landscape/geographic features to it, such as the mountains you added. I really like maps.

I think a worldpainter map/world would be quite fascinating, good luck on the book!
10/10/2013 5:24 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Alphad115's Avatar
Thanks lad! I might draw a second map instead just to keep safe, this map took me 9 hours to draw (I was making up the languages as I was making the names). You know don't want this map to go to waste =D! thanks for the idea!
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