The Fantasy world Roleplay
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Welcome to the Fantasy world roleplay,
This is everything within the fantasy world.
I changed this from the mystical forest kingdom to Fantasy world Roleplay cause this felt like it would be better. I did have to remove people like the protectors of the queen cause this is now the whole fantasy world.
And please, this is supposed to be a roleplay as if we are making a story when we Rp, so no talk about mine coins and non fantasy creatures Thank you
This is everything within the fantasy world.
I changed this from the mystical forest kingdom to Fantasy world Roleplay cause this felt like it would be better. I did have to remove people like the protectors of the queen cause this is now the whole fantasy world.
And please, this is supposed to be a roleplay as if we are making a story when we Rp, so no talk about mine coins and non fantasy creatures Thank you
Sailven - Yoru Karasu- human
Ashyy_stxrr - Liam (female)-devil
EccentricEremite - The boggleman
Red rainbow friends minecraft-bacteria- unknown entity
Ashyy_stxrr - Liam (female)-devil
EccentricEremite - The boggleman
Red rainbow friends minecraft-bacteria- unknown entity
Elemental- ExtremeGames -Aaron Faris- dragon/vampire
anonpmc4796884 - Pur Uvhart- elf
rain_cloud- Honey Behan- half bee person
WelcomeToPMC- Betty
shadow sorcerer: Rebekah- shadow elf
Ender Sparkle-
Night Cheetah-Sprite
Larry the Hamster - Captain Larry
anonpmc4796884 - Pur Uvhart- elf
rain_cloud- Honey Behan- half bee person
WelcomeToPMC- Betty
shadow sorcerer: Rebekah- shadow elf
Ender Sparkle-
Night Cheetah-Sprite
Larry the Hamster - Captain Larry
Royals and their kingdoms:
Queen of the mystical forest kingdom: Scarlamagne_Lunar - Ruby the blood Ultima goddess
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11/19/2024 11:01 am
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((Something’s up, I can tell. Do you want to talk about it?))

(Testing out new OC EccentricEremite got time for a quick roleplay?)
*A young girl (around the age of 17) wearing a kitsune mask walks through the Boggleman's village the wanders into the forest soon finding herself lost on the hill not knowing the creatures that lurk in the woods*
*A young girl (around the age of 17) wearing a kitsune mask walks through the Boggleman's village the wanders into the forest soon finding herself lost on the hill not knowing the creatures that lurk in the woods*

*From the woods, the sound of something dragging across the dirt and gras can be heard approaching, along with an occasional “hoot” or grunt.*

*Startled by the sounds she looks around trying to spot the cause of the sounds*

*The source of the sound reacts to this, a loud thud and panicked squeak being heard.*
”Now now-“ hoots a voice from the woods. “I mean no harm stranger! I’m coming in from your left. Don’t be frightened by my appearance!”
*Indeed, from the girl’s left, a bizarre creature drags itself out of the dark shadow of the trees. It has the head of an owl, but a body resembling that of a human, and four long, spindly arms, two of which it is using to drag itself. Its belly is round and plump, its small legs being unused as it approaches.*
”Another one-“ the creature mumbles. “You’d think they’d start warning one another of this place. . .”
”Now now-“ hoots a voice from the woods. “I mean no harm stranger! I’m coming in from your left. Don’t be frightened by my appearance!”
*Indeed, from the girl’s left, a bizarre creature drags itself out of the dark shadow of the trees. It has the head of an owl, but a body resembling that of a human, and four long, spindly arms, two of which it is using to drag itself. Its belly is round and plump, its small legs being unused as it approaches.*
”Another one-“ the creature mumbles. “You’d think they’d start warning one another of this place. . .”

"What are you?"
*She turns to it*
*She turns to it*

“I am one of the many spirits that have taken shelter in this region,” he answers. Even as he says this, there’s a hint of sadness in his voice. “You may call me ‘Goose,’ if you so choose, but please, do not tell me your name.”
*He’s seems desperate in this last request.*
*He’s seems desperate in this last request.*
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( Sophisticated_Trashcan roleplay?)
*A girl around the age of 17 walks through the town wearing a kitsune mask (her appearance I'm figuring out) she looks different then everyone else here perhaps she's not from here. You notice her and find that she secretly is pit pocketing some people she passes*
*A girl around the age of 17 walks through the town wearing a kitsune mask (her appearance I'm figuring out) she looks different then everyone else here perhaps she's not from here. You notice her and find that she secretly is pit pocketing some people she passes*

*Karson is minding his own business, buying something from a street shop, or that's what it appears like from an outside perspective. In reality, Karson is observing the stranger closely, noticing the pickpocketing*

*She continues her successful pickpocketing, stealing jewelry and money*

*Karson watches his pockets carefully Incase she tries something. He continues examining the product he is pretending to be interested in*

*She passes him and attempts to pick pocket him*

*Karson grabs her wrist, facing her*
"Oi, I do believe those are my pockets, not yours."
"Oi, I do believe those are my pockets, not yours."
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the bacteria is prowling through the maze seeing if a human is around the maze has old wall paper beige color

then he sees a human stuck in the maze
bacteria: SCREEECH
bacteria: SCREEECH

who could the human be?

image don't work, use imgur

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*The forests are quiet save the nighttime ambiance as Karson walks through them, thinking of things most people avoid thinking about. Such as what happens after death, how your internal dialogue works, stuff of that sort*
"It's quite fascinating! I'm talking... Yet- I'm not... It's as if someone where whispering in my ear, or both ears. Yet I hear nothing. And it goes on and on... Speaking every word I think. It's... As I said, fascinating."
*He thinks to himself as he walks down the dirt path*
"It's quite fascinating! I'm talking... Yet- I'm not... It's as if someone where whispering in my ear, or both ears. Yet I hear nothing. And it goes on and on... Speaking every word I think. It's... As I said, fascinating."
*He thinks to himself as he walks down the dirt path*

*Ruby follows Karson through the forests in her huge wolf form*

*After a few minutes, Karson thinks he hears something and looks around*
"... Hello?..."
"... Hello?..."

"Awrooo!" *She stands directly behind him*

*Karson takes a step back in surprise*
"Woah, okay."
"Woah, okay."

07/25/2024 3:20 pm
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no cause this is a PMC roleplay only forum

(have a cool idea and Ruby or any of my current characters aren't in it at all. You don't have to respond if you don't want to just respond when you're ready EccentricEremite)
*It was night time and the stars shine in the night sky, but one star seems to be a shooting star and this star falls directly on top of the Bogglemans hill creating a loud boom as it hits the hill. The star turns into a girl about 17 years of age, she had midnight purpleish hair and her outfit (haven't figured out much of her appearance yet). She stood up on the hill looking around at the forests that surround it*
*It was night time and the stars shine in the night sky, but one star seems to be a shooting star and this star falls directly on top of the Bogglemans hill creating a loud boom as it hits the hill. The star turns into a girl about 17 years of age, she had midnight purpleish hair and her outfit (haven't figured out much of her appearance yet). She stood up on the hill looking around at the forests that surround it*

*The animals and slinking things of the night all shy away from where the star lands, watching with curiosity what the stranger does.*

"great, just great I landed in the middle of nowhere... Or is this actually somewhere for once..."
*She has a strange magical aura*
*She has a strange magical aura*

“You’re quite right about the ‘nowhere’, miss!” squeaked a small voice. “There’s nothing of value in this place! Just us poor fair folk and the big people, waiting to get eaten.”
*Out of the forest waddles an odd little creature, resembling a very small humanoid, though its form is completely obscured by luxurious cloth, with the exception of a hooked nose and large, webbed feet.*
*Out of the forest waddles an odd little creature, resembling a very small humanoid, though its form is completely obscured by luxurious cloth, with the exception of a hooked nose and large, webbed feet.*

*She looks at the creature*
"What do you mean by 'big people, waiting to get eaten'?"
"What do you mean by 'big people, waiting to get eaten'?"

*The creature moves one of its arms in a pointing motion, though any hand is covered by an oversized sleeve that hangs limply past his hand. He is pointing in the direction of a small village with a large chapel.*
"The big people- the humans, the elves, strange folk from far lands," the creature squeaks. "They live there. It was once just humans, but now it looks like more of them want to get eaten. It's a great web full of flies, and the great big spider are the pseudo-guardians of this forest and hill. You're standing on one of the beasts' favorite hills right now!"
"The big people- the humans, the elves, strange folk from far lands," the creature squeaks. "They live there. It was once just humans, but now it looks like more of them want to get eaten. It's a great web full of flies, and the great big spider are the pseudo-guardians of this forest and hill. You're standing on one of the beasts' favorite hills right now!"
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Alexandrite: sooo are you really going to stop going to the hill?
Ruby: yeah but something's telling me that, our adventure there isn't over yet...
Eclipse: so you're going to go back?
Ruby: yes, for the final time... We need to finish our adventure there
Jade: well you're not going alone
Burn: yeah we're coming to!
*Eclipse, Slimy, Ruby, Alexandrite, Jade, and Burn travel back to the Bogglemans hill on the night of a full moon*
( EccentricEremite )
Ruby: yeah but something's telling me that, our adventure there isn't over yet...
Eclipse: so you're going to go back?
Ruby: yes, for the final time... We need to finish our adventure there
Jade: well you're not going alone
Burn: yeah we're coming to!
*Eclipse, Slimy, Ruby, Alexandrite, Jade, and Burn travel back to the Bogglemans hill on the night of a full moon*
( EccentricEremite )

*The Boggleman doesn't appear. The forest seems extra tense at this time; it no longer feels afraid, but rather in total paralysis. Something is horribly wrong with the forest. Something is wrong with the wind. Everything about the place feels wrong.*

Ruby: Stay on alert something is not right
Eclipse: It's to quiet....
Eclipse: It's to quiet....

*A new sound can be heard; the sound of shuffled footsteps and a hobbled gait. Something is staggering through the woods. There's something else in the air- could it be humming?*

*They turn their gaze towards the direction of the sounds on high alert*

*The sound comes to a sudden halt, near where the intruders stand watch. Looking into the dark woods, they can see four, yellow eyes gleaming out from the dark. No hint of the form or shape of this hobbling stranger can be made- only the lifeless yellow lights that stare back at the group.*
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*Alexandrite in white cat form, about as big as a leopard, goes to the village near the bogglemans hill*
*Alexandrite in white cat form, about as big as a leopard, goes to the village near the bogglemans hill*

*People are bustling between the houses of Pavorford. Merchants and salesmen try selling alleged relics of the village's history to the foreigners and tourists ("Boggleman idols and dolls! Buy 'em here for good luck in nighttime travels! Spirit charms and necklaces! Get 'em here to keep the Fair Neighbors far!"); an old woman kneads dough on a table set up outside her house, sweating and glaring at anyone who passes by; small children play games in the spaces between buildings, pausing to stare wide-eyed at anyone who gets too close. The Silent Chapel looms over the village, despite its isolation from the bustle and noise. The Boggleman's Hill blots the horizon, covered in its old forest.*

*He looks at the silent chapel before going to the Bogglemans hill*

*The pines tower over Alexandrite as he passes through the wood. He can faintly hear the sound rustled grass and dirt, along with the subtle sound of purring, though it sounds distant.*

*He continues to head towards the hill his ears perking up at the sounds*

*As he gets closer to the top, the sound of scraping dirt and the purring gets louder and closer. Whatever is purring seems to almost be chuckling, though where it is remains unclear.*
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((What time of day is it in the village?))


Am i still good to be an enderman dude or should i change?

I could promote you to Ender prince if you want and you can stay as an enderman if you like :)

I like being normal enderman merchant still

Okay fine by me :D
06/29/2024 7:15 pm
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im bored :/


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