Have you ever mistakenly thought that Kirby was a girl?
For me, yes. Probably because he was pink lol.
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kirby is not a girl or a boy kirby is a kirby

I still thought Kirby was a girl

tbh kirbys a alien so non gender

Wait! I just looked up on Google if Kirby canonically has a gender and apparently it's "unknown". HAS MY LIFE BEEN A LIE THIS WHOLE TIME?! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE ANY OF THAT!!



Not familiar with the show, but had assumed male based on the name…

Kirby is a video game series. But yeah it has an anime too.

Nope, I always knew my friend Kirby was a guy, we go out for tea together sometimes! <3
People just assume he's a girl cause y'know.. He's pink, and there's always all this negative stigmas pushed towards guys wearing or even liking pink.
Like come on, guys can wear pink too if they want to, it's just a colour like any other one! Some people just can't stand letting people wear what they want to sometimes.
(I know this has mostly been off-topic, but it just bugs me some people are like this)
People just assume he's a girl cause y'know.. He's pink, and there's always all this negative stigmas pushed towards guys wearing or even liking pink.
Like come on, guys can wear pink too if they want to, it's just a colour like any other one! Some people just can't stand letting people wear what they want to sometimes.
(I know this has mostly been off-topic, but it just bugs me some people are like this)

Just as a point of reference:
Pink was the boy baby color (diluted blood/courage) and pastel/baby blue was the girl baby color (innocence/heavenly associations) with the swap seeming to happen sometime in the late 19th-early 20th century.
[Not from personal experience, just one of teh random bits that sticks in one's head as one wanders through life…]
Pink was the boy baby color (diluted blood/courage) and pastel/baby blue was the girl baby color (innocence/heavenly associations) with the swap seeming to happen sometime in the late 19th-early 20th century.
[Not from personal experience, just one of teh random bits that sticks in one's head as one wanders through life…]