You did NOT know this!
You can cook kelp on a campfire!
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I know

I did not know it but, what is the point of doing that?
Someone would only eat kelp if they are wandering the ocean, and as far as I know, you would never put campfires in the ocean
Someone would only eat kelp if they are wandering the ocean, and as far as I know, you would never put campfires in the ocean

dO yOu knOw yoU mAY smELt rAW iRoN oN sOUl caMpfiRe?

Did campfires ever not cook kelp? [I don't know that I ever tried it, but is there any ccoked food (other than stews) that can't be done on a campfire?]

I knew it



Yeah I would know, dried kelp blocks can cook 20 items on a furnace.

I can’t post the image for this… but I do have it!