Ask me anything! Thread no.2

Ender Sparkle12/4/24 4:14 pm
12/14/2024 3:12 pm
Ender Sparkle
Allright, since I have finished first season of E.S. lore series, and a lot of time has passed since last AMA, I do it again! I know this sounds kind of cringe, but here is everything one can do here:
- ask stuff that people normally ask on QnAs/AMAs
- Ask questions about E.S. lore
- send requests
- just chat

Also here you can vote on what should I do next:
Posted by
Ender Sparkle
Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster

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12/14/2024 1:59 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Sniffer Cookie
Why are your skins so good?
Ender Sparkle
12/14/2024 3:12 pm
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
They weren't always like this, I have improved over time.
12/07/2024 7:43 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
Do you like trains?
Ender Sparkle
12/07/2024 8:44 am
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
They're okay ig
12/04/2024 4:21 pm
He/Him • Level 26 : Expert Procrastinator
what is an E.S
Ender Sparkle
12/04/2024 4:27 pm
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
E.S. is short for Ender Sparkle, the persona whose lore I write. She can be either used as a persona or shown as a separate character with me being shown as a pink ghost that in the lore is called The Creator.
12/04/2024 4:19 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blueberry Scribe
What's an interest you have that you wish more people would ask about?
12/04/2024 4:32 pm
He/Him • Level 47 : Master Blueberry Blob
Found topper standing on your comment lol
Ender Sparkle
12/04/2024 4:25 pm
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
I say it for a millionth time but the interest is the topic of Hosts from Minecraft Legends. When talking about the game, we imagine piglins and golems, but these gods are almost never mentioned. It may be due to the fact that Legends was a legendary story that could be twisted over time, and there could be some nonexistent elements like the Hosts. But if that is not the case, Hosts are truly underrated characters - ancient deities who have created the Overworld, and sure have a lot to do with prismarine, as it can be seen in the game's tutorial, allowing us to see ocean monuments in a different perspective. Kind of an unlucky fate to have so much potential going to waste all because they are in a game that has stopped getting updates less than a year after released...
12/07/2024 7:51 am
He/Him • Level 11 : Journeyman Warrior Mage
Who is your favorite host?
Ender Sparkle
12/14/2024 1:51 pm
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Sorry for not noticing your reply earlier!
It's Action, the big green one that often holds a flower. Come on, look at this smile, who would say no to an offer to hug her (?)
