Do you think aliens are real?
Do you think they are and if so why? I think they are but Im also curious to like make mods for minecraft with like specific types of alines that are not just the classic green evil ones but maybe something more interesting. Also is ai alien?
Poll ended 01/24/2025 3:22 pm.
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not necessarily "aliens" as you so put it, rather semi-intelligent life forms seems more realistic don't you think. the chances of there being other intelligent beings in our universe is so undeniably probable in my eyes that I find it near-impossible to agree with anyone when they dispute this fact.

Statistically speaking, with the vast size of the universe, its very possible for another planet to be able to support life.

I think aliens are definitely real, they just steer very clear from our planet, and for very good reason too, like have you seen us? Like people? We're so so bad to eachother already, just imagine how it'll be throwing aliens into the mix....
We go to war with eachother over the smallest little itsy bitsy baby disagreements, why ever would aliens want to visit this place? It's all just violence all the way down.
As for the Ai, it's really just like advanced pattern recognition, like your phone's autocorrect but if people who actually cared about the feature were developing it. It cannot even think for itself, it's not sentient, and it's mostly just another flashy marketing term big companies tack on to feel special while hurting their userbase in return. ( *cough* techbros don't at me *cough* )
Also also Ai is made by us, it's not even foreign to this world, which is like the whole basis of aliens, life from beyond this planet. Which Ai is not, even if it develops a functional brain that can reason and think for itself, and is sentient it still wouldn't be alien life, it'd just be a form of life that we invented, a new "mechanical life".
We go to war with eachother over the smallest little itsy bitsy baby disagreements, why ever would aliens want to visit this place? It's all just violence all the way down.
As for the Ai, it's really just like advanced pattern recognition, like your phone's autocorrect but if people who actually cared about the feature were developing it. It cannot even think for itself, it's not sentient, and it's mostly just another flashy marketing term big companies tack on to feel special while hurting their userbase in return. ( *cough* techbros don't at me *cough* )
Also also Ai is made by us, it's not even foreign to this world, which is like the whole basis of aliens, life from beyond this planet. Which Ai is not, even if it develops a functional brain that can reason and think for itself, and is sentient it still wouldn't be alien life, it'd just be a form of life that we invented, a new "mechanical life".

if you are talking about civilization from other star systems, it is highly probable that they exist, but most of them are slightly less advanced than us humans, and only a very few are atleast 2 centuries more advanced than us
if you are talking about alien hiding among us, it's just 5 aliens being designated to observe humanity for either science or to prevent a potential conflict of interest from other civilizations as the Solar System has a major economic advantage, in a way to secure this celestial territory while waiting for humanity to grow so we can establish an interstellar economic alliance pact with the civilization of the observers, nothing much else going on
Source: idk, just a hunch
if you are talking about alien hiding among us, it's just 5 aliens being designated to observe humanity for either science or to prevent a potential conflict of interest from other civilizations as the Solar System has a major economic advantage, in a way to secure this celestial territory while waiting for humanity to grow so we can establish an interstellar economic alliance pact with the civilization of the observers, nothing much else going on
Source: idk, just a hunch

I believed it until the last 2 sentences xD
(its late don't judge haha)
(its late don't judge haha)

What do you mean by aliens? You mean another civilisation from other planets/solar systems/galaxies or just extraterrestrial life similar to bacteries or algaes? The second one is much more likely to exist and I think this is possible

Like inyelligent on par with human or above

Then it is very hard to give a clear answer


Because even if there were conditions that may support life it is very unlikely that there is a civilisation close enough to discover them existing in the same time as ours, and if we consider the distance it may not even be the same time, because something we see from 1 light year happened 1 year ago and it may even be thousands of light years away. So even if we observed something through our telescopes it may be gone for a long time already.
Another thing is that life on Earth evolved from the first living organisms to humans in around 4 billion years, and universe is around 13,7 billion years old. On the pther hand humans which we know today are on Earth for only around 300 thousand years.
That is why it is very hard to give a clear answer. When you think about the distance, time and evolution it is very unlikely that there is a civilistation that could exist in the same time as another and know about them.
You have to think how many planets are there that could support life in any form, if these civilisations are close enough to eachother, if they are advanced enough to discover another one (humans are discovering space for less than 70 years), and there is this time window from their creation until their enxtinction.
Another thing is that life on Earth evolved from the first living organisms to humans in around 4 billion years, and universe is around 13,7 billion years old. On the pther hand humans which we know today are on Earth for only around 300 thousand years.
That is why it is very hard to give a clear answer. When you think about the distance, time and evolution it is very unlikely that there is a civilistation that could exist in the same time as another and know about them.
You have to think how many planets are there that could support life in any form, if these civilisations are close enough to eachother, if they are advanced enough to discover another one (humans are discovering space for less than 70 years), and there is this time window from their creation until their enxtinction.

As a blue-blooded lizard creature from the crab nebula... Nah bro aliens ain't real. We are not among you, not among your government, nor the CEOs of tech companies (cough cough Facebook) so there is no need to panic:)

Thx for not invadibg earty

Invasion? Too unsophisticated. We tend to occupy ourselves only by making crop circles and putting rocks on each other in mildly interesting formations.

Confining the answer to aliens in the sense of extraterrestrials:
It seems likely given the size and age of the universe.
As to why there hasn't been/isn't [acknowledged (for the Sn/Al-hat brigard)], there have been several speculative essays: Carl Sagan produced a quite depressing version, while Larry Niven's take was a good deal more upbeat.
It seems likely given the size and age of the universe.
As to why there hasn't been/isn't [acknowledged (for the Sn/Al-hat brigard)], there have been several speculative essays: Carl Sagan produced a quite depressing version, while Larry Niven's take was a good deal more upbeat.

Whats the dumbed down version?

Yes, that is likely

Ehhhh i don't know 😂
I just run a Minecraft server...
I just run a Minecraft server...

Aliens might join your server