Epic 200 Sub Q&Abrightness_4

Greief11/17/24 3:33 am history
1/26/2025 11:32 am
Welcome one, and welcome all, to the TWO HUNDRED SUB SPECIAL

It's been over two years since I last celebrated a milestone, so I decided to bring back the old one from the dead! Necromancy is one hell of a skill.

"Seems like someone isn't too thrilled about this..."

Like last time (If you were even there), I'll have the main cast of the story be able to be asked questions, though sometimes they'll either be gone or out of commission for a bit. I'll try my best to keep their statuses updated.

Though, it is the 200 Sub Special, so why not spice things up?!
[Oh god no, the Side Characters...] Side Characters and Factions

You think we've been up to nothing at Greief Co.? THINK AGAIN! Here you'll find the many alternative versions of the main cast, along with some never seen before side characters I've been cooking up! (Some could even be main characters in the future... Only time can tell!)

You'll be able to ask questions about them through the main cast, though if the characters themselves shows up, you could get the chance to ask them questions!

Guyson A. Guy:
An 11' foot tall beast of a man, who emanates an aura of business. Greief's previous employer, before the former went on to freelancing. Managed to obtain (steal) blueprints of Greief's prototype Clockworkers, and began mass producing an army of them for his corporate empire. Also, apparently a family man, having a daughter and a wife.


A Starling like Greief, Stella bumped into Nori while drifting in space, right after Nori was reborn. Stella taught him the ropes of traveling the cosmos, and she's been his companion ever since, helping Nori and Lesen on adventures and mishaps. She's a kind and considerate soul, yet one wonders how she deals with the mischief the duo she guides produce. Some Starlings who've met her say she's just as chaotic as the pair.

Faker Greief:
A failed attempt of life. 99% composed of watercolor paint and 2% composed of suffering. Born from when an incredible artist who could bring paintings to life tried to capture Greief's likeness onto canvas. Unable to hold itself up, the being collapsed and fled through an open window to god knows where.

The Council:

A group of Gods residing above the cosmos, controlling our very existence.

Without the council, the multiverse wouldn't exist.
You need Time and Space
You need Life and Death
and you need Reality and

Narrator was once cast out of the Council, but has since had his position and power restored.

The Cursed Garage:

Home. Greief is one of the highest ranking members of the Garage, along with his closest friends, being Dyna, Lesen, and Dave.

Nori and Lesen seem to be an unstoppable duo, taking on the strongest of entities. Though, Nori also takes frequent care of his adoptive son, Dave. He's a being that nobody really knows how it came to existence. Dyna's there, he basically runs the whole damn place. The Garage probably wouldn't be standing without him. Together, they run the place, where random people enjoy the simple chaos of the garage.

More might soon be listed.

Though, we can't have a Q&A without our main victims cast!
(I'm too lazy to put in images right now, remind me later.)
First off is...


[​A.K.A. Nori Carter]
Chaos Incarnate
The Protagonist of the show, you all know him.
He's recently had a reincarnation of his soul, now being unshackled by the chains of his old decaying body. He is now been reborn as a celestial being known as a Starling!
[​More Info Later]
Next off is...

Shadow Greief
[​A.K.A. Cesar Carter]
Shadow of the Prince
In the deep dark depths of Greief's mind, Shadow Greief was always there, lurking until the perfect moment.
He seems to appear as Greief's literal shadow most of the time, though he has had countless physical forms. He has recently been transformed into a Starling as well, granting him all new potential. Though, he's looking a bit small as of now...

Time for the third one!

The Tinkerer's Assistant
Greief had always had a knack for inventing, though nobody knew he could be competent enough to build this mechanical marvel!
"NORI CARTER BUILT THIS IN A SHED! WITH A BUNCH OF BOXES!" - Guyson A. Guy to a Poor, Innocent Clockworker
Purely made of Cardboard (Hence the name), Cardbot has been working behind the scenes to assist Greief in anyway possible.

And last but not least...

The Narrator
The God of Space and Stories
A being beyond our current knowledge. He weaves our stories together between the Cosmos. Combined with the other gods, he can craft incredible tales.
Cast out from the Council, the Narrator was sent into the Between, the land that parts the Realm of Gods and the rest of the Multiverse. From there, the Narrator was forced to tell the stories of countless poor souls, down on their luck like him. One caught his eye, however... The chaotic energy of Greief struck a cord in Narrator, who has been observing the boy's journey ever since.

And with that, may your questions flow.
The answers will follow quickly.

Current Statuses:
Nori: Available
Cesar: Available
Cardbot: Available
Narrator: Available
Posted by
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator Mage

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11/20/2024 1:26 pm
He/Him • Level 25 : Expert Creeper Architect
What are you wearing now?
11/20/2024 9:42 pm
He/They • Level 40 : Master Procrastinator Mage
Nori: "Green Hoodie."

Cesar: "The usual fancy attire."

Cardbot: <[​Uh, Lab Coat?]>

Narrator: *Same robes as always.*

uh gray shirt and long gray sweatpants
11/17/2024 7:12 pm
She/They • Level 53 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
Marianne: Are you coming back to Kiruna Campus? You're a year overdue on rent. Yeah, I have to charge you, but it's still a discounted rate. Just let me know if you come back, alright?
11/17/2024 7:51 pm
He/They • Level 40 : Master Procrastinator Mage
Narrator: *Oh, yep he's already on the train. And... there he goes. Yeah he's gone, gonna have to be a no.*
11/17/2024 8:44 pm
She/They • Level 53 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
Marianne: So... we can evict him and do an estate sale? Although, I'd hate to have to do that :p
11/17/2024 7:01 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Dragon Artist
Ruby: Hey shadow greief, got any evil schemes? Unless you're good that is...
11/17/2024 7:49 pm
He/They • Level 40 : Master Procrastinator Mage
Cesar: "I have several plans on world domination, though I'd have to head back to my lair to get the files."

Greief: "Ive got 12 different variations on how to collapse the Pyramid of Giza like a Jenga tower, take it or leave it."
11/17/2024 8:05 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Dragon Artist
Ruby: Can I help?

(Insight my current character is MoonlitRuby nicknames Moon and Ruby. Her role is the most deadliest and dangerous Mafia boss in the world)
11/17/2024 10:00 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blueberry
To Greief, what is you least favorite video game?

To The Narrator, what is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?
11/17/2024 1:01 pm
He/They • Level 40 : Master Procrastinator Mage
Greief: “Any rhythm game. I lack rhythm entirely.”

Narrator: *I’m not allowed to answer that question, Sorry.*
