Evil twin sister ??? [Serious👀 🙄 answers only]
Given that the default name for an evil twin brother is "Skippy" (never – ever – Skipper, regardless of what may be on the birth certificate — don't ask, it's the rules…)
What is the default name for an evil twin sister?
What is the default name for an evil twin sister?
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Badeline, if you know you know.

Gets the job done…


Interesting pick, other than Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Cordelia Chase, the only one that comes to mind is the legendary British queen


Wow, that triggered a memory flash… Tabitha – 1976-78
Althouth the eponymous chatcter there was a sweetie…
Wow, that triggered a memory flash… Tabitha – 1976-78
Althouth the eponymous chatcter there was a sweetie…