Goodbye Minecraft

Computer_Boss1/19/25 8:27 pm
1/20/2025 2:50 am
After working for so long on so many projects for people to enjoy, and seeing every other server have no players, I can confirm this game is dead and I won't be coming back. I have been playing it since I was a small child and watched its full life span. It doesn't matter anymore because it seems the players hate the developers anyway not that it really matters now. I have no passion left for it and am tired of pouring so much time into server projects for it to be dead. This game and its community were fun while they lasted and i'm glad my final moments with it were fun. Old Minecraft isn't coming back, in general nothing good is coming back and it is time to let go of the old days.
Posted by
Level 45 : Master Architect

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01/20/2025 2:50 am
She/Her • Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Minecraft is cancelled?! I have to get back to Hatsune Miku, this cannot be true! No way no way I just won't believe it! D:
01/20/2025 2:39 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Miner
c.f. OSRIC or the Old School Renaissance movement in general in/for AD&D where a company similarly moved too far from the game much of the fan-base wanted....

Between the continued availability of older MC versions and the potential to mod in the actually desirable features of other versions, tyhe issue (at least for java players) is more one of finding a sufficient number of sufficiently like-minded people to create a workable server community.
01/19/2025 8:48 pm
He/Him • Level 28 : Expert Procrastinator
See you next week!
01/20/2025 2:34 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Miner
